Checking Object State (Legacy)

Applies to TestComplete 15.47, last modified on January 20, 2023
The information below concerns legacy mobile tests that work with mobile devices connected to the local computer. For new mobile tests, we recommend using the newer cloud-compatible approach.

The topics of this section provide information on how to check the state of tested objects in Android Open Applications.

In This Section

Checking an Object's State and Data in Android Open Applications (Legacy)

Explains how to check the state of an object in a tested mobile application.

Waiting for Activities in Android Open Applications (Legacy)

Explains how to pause the test execution until the specified activity becomes active.

Waiting for Objects in Android Open Applications (Legacy)

Explains how to wait until a process or object of the tested mobile application becomes available before continuing the test.

Waiting for Toast Notifications in Android Open Applications (Legacy)

Explains how to pause the test execution until a toast notification with the specified text is displayed.

Waiting for Object State in Android Open Applications (Legacy)

Explains how to wait until an object of the tested mobile application has a specific state before continuing the test.

Related Topics of Interest

Checking Object State and Data in Image-Based Tests

Explains how to check the state of an object or the data it displays in image-based tests.

Waiting for Objects in Image-Based Tests

Explains how to wait until an expected object appears on a device screen before continuing the test.

See Also

Testing Android Applications (Legacy)

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