List of Files Added to Source Code Control

Applies to TestComplete 15.45, last modified on December 01, 2022

TestComplete integrates into source code control systems, so you can check in and check out project files, view their properties, get the latest versions and perform other actions directly in the TestComplete environment.

TestComplete projects and project suites consist of a number of files that holds settings related to the project suite, projects, project items and their elements (see Project and Project Suite Files), so it is possible to perform the mentioned actions over project suite and project files as well as project item files and their child elements.

Below is a full list of project suite, project and project item files added to the source code control:

  • Project suite and project files:

    • .pjs - The project suite file.
    • .mds - The project file.
    • .tcNET - Contains references to configuration files of the project or project suite used in shared mode.

  • Events project item files:

    • Events.tcAX - Contains data of the Events project item.

  • Image Repository files:

    • ImageRepository.tcIR - Contains data of the Image Repository project item.
    • .tcIRIS - Contains data on a single image set of the repository.

  • Keyword Testing project item files:

    • KDT.tcKDT - Contains data of the Keyword Testing project item.
    • .tcKDTest - Contains data of a single keyword test.

  • Low-Level Procedures Collection project item files:

    • .tcLLC - Contains data of a Low-Level Procedures Collection project item.
    • .tcLLP - Contains data of a single low-level procedure.

  • Manual Tests project item files:

    • .tcMT - Contains data of a single manual test.
    • HTML, XML and XSL files holding the description of the manual tests’ steps.

    The manual testing functionality is deprecated. Do not use it to create new tests. It will be removed from the product in one of the future releases.

  • Name Mapping project item files:

    • NameMapping.tcNM - Contains data of the Name Mapping project item.

    • Images.NMimg - If your Name Mapping repository is configured to store images of mapped objects, the file contains references the images.

  • Network Suite project item files:

    • NetworkSuite.tcNetSuite - Contains data of the Network Suite project item.
    • Hosts.tcNetSuiteHosts - Contains information about the network suite hosts.
    • Jobs.tcNetSuiteJobs - Contains data of the network suite jobs and tasks.
    • SynchPoints.tcNetSuiteSynchPoints - Contains information about network suite synchronization points.

  • Object-Driven Testing project item files:

    • ODT.tcODT - Contains data of the ODT project item.
    • ODT.xml - Contains information about custom classes and objects.

    The object-driven testing functionality is deprecated and is supported for backward compatibility only. Do not use it to create new tests. It will be removed in a future TestComplete release. As an alternative to the ODT functionality, you can create custom classes in your scripts. For more information, see Alternatives to the ODT functionality.

  • ReadyAPI or SoapUI project item files:

    • .tcReadyAPI - Contains information on the ReadyAPI or SoapUI project item.
    • .tcSoapUINGTest - Contains settings of a functional API test.
    • .tcSecureTest - Contains settings of a security API test.

  • Scenarios project item files:

    • Scenarios.tcTestCases - Contains settings of the Scenarios project item and a list of BDD feature files in your project.

    • .feature - Feature files included in your project.

  • Script project item files:

    • Script.tcScript - Contains data of the Script project item.

    • .js - A JavaScript unit file.

    • .sj - A JScript unit file.

    • .py - A Python unit file.

    • .svb - A VBScript unit file.

    • .sd - A DelphiScript unit file.

    • .scs - A C#Script unit file.

    • .scpp - A C++Script unit file.

  • Selenium or Unit Testing project item files:

    • .tcUT - Contains settings of a Unit Testing project item.
    • .tcDUnit - Contains settings of a single DUnit test.
    • .tcJUnit - Contains settings of a single JUnit test.
    • .tcTestNG - Contains settings of a single TestNG test.
    • .tcMSTest - Contains settings of a single MSTest unit test.
    • .tcNUnit - Contains settings of a single NUnit test.
    • .tcTest - Contains settings of a single TestComplete unit test.
    • .tcRbUnit - Contains settings of a single Ruby unit test.
    • .tcPyUnit - Contains settings of a single PyUnit test.
    • .tcPHPUnit - Contains settings of a single PHPUnit test.

  • Stores project item files:

    • Stores.tcStores - Contains data of the Stores project item.
    • DBTables.tcDB - Contains settings of Stores > DBTables collection.
    • .tcBTable - Contains settings of a single DBTable checkpoint.
    • .dbt - Contains data of a single DBTable checkpoint.
    • Files.tcFiles - Contains settings of Stores > Files collection.
    • Objects.tcObjects - Contains settings of Stores > Objects collection.
    • .tcObject - Contains data of a single stored object.
    • Regions.tcRegions - Contains settings of Stores > Regions collection.
    • Tables.tcTbls - Contains settings of Stores > Tables collection.
    • .tcTbl - Contains data of a single table checkpoint.
    • WebTesting.tcWtc - Contains settings of Stores > WebTesting collection.
    • .tcWat - Contains data of a single Web Accessibility checkpoint.
    • .tcWcm - Contains data of a single Web Comparison checkpoint.
    • XML.tcXmls - Contains settings of Stores > XML collection.
    • .tcXml - Contains settings of a single stored XML file.
    • .tcXmlCheckpoint - Contains settings of a single XML checkpoint.
    • .xml - A stored XML file.
    • Files and images included in the Stores > Files and Stores > Regions collections, respectively.

  • Test Visualizer files:

    • .tcVis - Index files that store links to image files shown in the Test Visualizer panel.
    • .png - Images that are shown in the Test Visualizer panel.
    • .xml - Files that store information about the objects displayed in the images shown in the Test Visualizer panel.
    If the Bind Visualizer frames to SCC option is enabled, TestComplete automatically adds Visualizer files to the source control.

    Note, that keeping Test Visualizer files in the source control is not recommended due to their large overall file size. Doing so can degrade performance of the check out and check in operations on your test project. For more information, see Visualizer Data and Source Control Systems.

  • User Forms project item files:

    • UserForms.tcUsrFms - Contains data of the User Forms project item.
    • .tcUsrFrm - Contains data of a single form.

  • Web Services project item files:

    • WebServices.tcWSs - Contains data of the Web Services project item.
    • .tcWS - Contains data on a single tested web service.
    • .wsdata - Contains the WSDL document along with its linked schemes corresponding to the tested web service.

  • Tested Applications project item files:

    • TestedApps.tcTAs - Contains data of the Tested Applications project item.

Note, that the following files are not added to the source code control:

  • .tcCFGExtender - This file holds tester-specific settings for the project suite (such as the workspace layout).

  • .tcLS - This file contains tester-specific settings for the project suite or project (such as local paths to tested applications, local values of project and project suite variables).

  • .bak - Backup copies of script units.

  • .tlb - This is a type library that contains declarations of events used in the project.

  • .tcLogs - This file contains information on the project suite or project logs.

  • Log files.

  • Project item files that are physically located outside of the project suite folder.

See Also

Integration With Source Control Systems
Integration With Source Control Systems via SCC API Providers (Legacy)
Binding Test Projects to Source Control (Legacy)
Project and Project Suite Files

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