Adding New Element to Stores Collection (Legacy)

Applies to TestComplete 14.93, last modified on October 12, 2021
This topic describes functionality of the SCC API Providers plugin, which is obsolete and is left for backward compatibility only. To learn about supported source control integrations, see Integration With Source Control Systems.

Before adding a new element to the Stores collection, you should check out the file that corresponds to its parent node (for instance, if you add an element to the Tables collection, you need to check out the Tables.tcTbls file) and project file (*.mds). To do that from TestComplete, right-click the project node in the Project Explorer panel and select Source Control | Check Out from the invoked context menu. In the ensuing Select Project Items dialog, specify the files to be checked out and click OK.

After that, add a new element to the desired collection. Then check in the newly added element, its parent project item - the Tables.tcTbls file, for example, and the project file to the source control. If you forget to check in any of the mentioned files, your colleagues will not see the added element in the project hierarchy.

When you add a new element to a project or project suite that is currently bound to a source control system, TestComplete takes into account the state of the Bind new items to SCC automatically option. If this option is enabled, the new element is bound to the source control system automatically. If the option is disabled, you will have to bind the added element manually. For this purpose, right-click the new element in the Project Explorer panel and select Source Control | Add to Source Control from the context menu.

It is not allowed to bind several new elements through the context menu of the corresponding project or project suite. You need to add each element one by one using the element’s context menu as it is described above.

See Also

Adding New Elements to a Bound Project Suite (Legacy)
Integration With Source Control Systems
Unbinding Projects and Project Suites From Source Code Control (Legacy)
List of Files Added to Source Code Control

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