Visible Property

Applies to TestComplete 14.93, last modified on October 12, 2021


Specifies whether the object appears on screen.



Read-Only Property Boolean
TestObj A variable, parameter or expression that specifies a reference to one of the objects listed in the Applies To section

Applies To

All onscreen objects.

View Mode

This property is available in the Object Browser panel and in other panels and dialogs in both Basic and Advanced view modes.

Property Value

True if the object is visible to users, otherwise False.


  • Visible property returns True for Enabled controls that are invisible (have Opacity set to 0).

  • When testing Qt applications, use NativeQtObject.visible to determine if the object appears on screen. For detailed information see Using Namespaces.


The following example demonstrates how to use Visible property in scripts:

JavaScript, JScript

function SearchCharacter()
 var proc, dlgCharacterMap, checkAdvancedView, editSearchFor;
 // Launch charmap.exe
 proc = Sys.Process("charmap");
 dlgCharacterMap = proc.Window("#32770", "Character Map");
 checkAdvancedView = dlgCharacterMap.Window("Button", "Ad&vanced view");
 editSearchFor = dlgCharacterMap.Window("Edit", "", 2);
 // Activate the advanced view if the search box is invisible
 if (editSearchFor.Visible == false)
  Log.Message("The search box is invisible.");
 // Search for the character
 dlgCharacterMap.Window("Button", "Sea&rch").ClickButton();


def SearchCharacter():
  # Launch charmap.exe
  proc = Sys.Process("charmap")
  dlgCharacterMap = proc.Window("#32770", "Character Map")
  checkAdvancedView = dlgCharacterMap.Window("Button", "Ad&vanced view")
  editSearchFor = dlgCharacterMap.Window("Edit", "", 2)
  # Activate the advanced view if the search box is invisible
  if editSearchFor.Visible == False :
    Log.Message("The search box is invisible.")
  # Search for the character
  dlgCharacterMap.Window("Button", "Sea&rch").ClickButton()


Sub SearchCharacter
Dim proc, dlgCharacterMap, checkAdvancedView, editSearchFor
  ' Launch charmap.exe
  Call WshShell.Run("charmap.exe")
  Set proc = Sys.Process("charmap")
  Set dlgCharacterMap = proc.Window("#32770", "Character Map")
  Set checkAdvancedView = dlgCharacterMap.Window("Button", "Ad&vanced view")
  Set editSearchFor = dlgCharacterMap.Window("Edit", "", 2)
  ' Activate the advanced view if the search box is invisible
  If (editSearchFor.Visible = false) Then
      Log.Message("The search box is invisible.")
  End If
  ' Search for the character
  dlgCharacterMap.Window("Button", "Sea&rch").ClickButton()
End Sub


function SearchCharacter;
 var proc, dlgCharacterMap, checkAdvancedView, editSearchFor;
 // Launch charmap.exe
 proc := Sys.Process('charmap');
 dlgCharacterMap := proc.Window('#32770', 'Character Map');
 checkAdvancedView := dlgCharacterMap.Window('Button', 'Ad&vanced view');
 editSearchFor := dlgCharacterMap.Window('Edit', '', 2);
 // Activate the advanced view if the search box is invisible
 if editSearchFor.Visible = false then
  Log.Message('The search box is invisible.');
 // Search for the character
 dlgCharacterMap.Window('Button', 'Sea&rch').ClickButton();

C++Script, C#Script

function SearchCharacter()
 var proc, dlgCharacterMap, checkAdvancedView, editSearchFor;
 // Launch charmap.exe
 proc = Sys["Process"]("charmap");
 dlgCharacterMap = proc["Window"]("#32770", "Character Map");
 checkAdvancedView = dlgCharacterMap["Window"]("Button", "Ad&vanced view");
 editSearchFor = dlgCharacterMap["Window"]("Edit", "", 2);
 // Activate the advanced view if the search box is invisible
 if (editSearchFor["Visible"] == false)
  Log["Message"]("The search box is invisible.");
 // Search for the character
 dlgCharacterMap["Window"]("Button", "Sea&rch")["ClickButton"]();

See Also

Enabled Property
VisibleOnScreen Property
Focused Property (Window and BrowserWindow Objects)

Highlight search results