The information below concerns legacy mobile tests that work with mobile devices connected to the local computer. For new mobile tests, we recommend using the newer cloud-compatible approach. |
This topic lists constants that specify mobile device keys and buttons that can be “pressed” using the Device.PressButton
Alphanumeric Keys
mbk0 |
0 |
mbk1 |
1 |
mbk2 |
2 |
mbk3 |
3 |
mbk4 |
4 |
mbk5 |
5 |
mbk6 |
6 |
mbk7 |
7 |
mbk8 |
8 |
mbk9 |
9 |
mbkA |
A |
mbkB |
B |
mbkC |
C |
mbkD |
D |
mbkE |
E |
mbkF |
F |
mbkG |
G |
mbkH |
H |
mbkI |
I |
mbkJ |
J |
mbkK |
K |
mbkL |
L |
mbkM |
M |
mbkN |
N |
mbkO |
O |
mbkP |
P |
mbkQ |
Q |
mbkR |
R |
mbkS |
S |
mbkT |
T |
mbkU |
U |
mbkV |
V |
mbkW |
W |
mbkX |
X |
mbkY |
Y |
mbkZ |
Z |
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Device-Specific Keys
mbkAppSwitch |
App switch key |
mbkAssist |
Assist key |
mbkCall |
Call key |
mbkCamera |
Camera key |
mbkClear |
Clear key |
mbkEndCall |
End Call key |
mbkFocus |
Camera Focus key |
mbkForward |
Forward key |
mbkForwardDel |
Forward Delete key |
mbkHeadsetHook |
Headset Hook key |
mbkLanguageSwitch |
Language Switch key |
mbkMannerMode |
Manner Mode key |
mbkMoveEnd |
End Movement key |
mbkMoveHome |
Home Movement key |
mbkMute |
Mute key |
mbkNotification |
Notification key |
mbkPower |
Power key |
mbkSearch |
Search key |
mbkSettings |
Settings key |
mbkSoftLeft |
Soft Left key |
mbkSoftRight |
Soft Right key |
mbkUnknown |
Unknown key code |
mbkVolumeDown |
Volume Down key |
mbkVolumeMute |
Volume Mute key |
mbkVolumeUp |
Volume Up key |
mbkZoomIn |
Zoom in key |
mbkZoomOut |
Zoom out key |
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Functional Keys
mbkBack |
Back key |
mbkBrembk |
Brembk / Pause key |
mbkCapsLock |
Caps Lock key |
mbkDel |
Backspace key |
mbkEnter |
Enter key |
mbkEscape |
Escape key |
mbkF1 |
F1 key |
mbkF10 |
F10 key |
mbkF11 |
F11 key |
mbkF12 |
F12 key |
mbkF2 |
F2 key |
mbkF3 |
F3 key |
mbkF4 |
F4 key |
mbkF5 |
F5 key |
mbkF6 |
F6 key |
mbkF7 |
F7 key |
mbkF8 |
F8 key |
mbkF9 |
F9 key |
mbkHome |
Home key |
mbkInsert |
Insert key |
mbkMenu |
Menu key |
mbkPageDown |
Page Down key |
mbkPageUp |
Page Up key |
mbkScrollLock |
Scroll Lock key |
mbkSpace |
Space key |
mbkSystemRequest |
System Request / Print Screen key |
mbkTab |
Tab key |
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Game Controller Keys
mbkDpadCenter |
Directional Pad Center key |
mbkDpadDown |
Directional Pad Down key |
mbkDpadLeft |
Directional Pad Left key |
mbkDpadRight |
Directional Pad Right key |
mbkDpadUp |
Directional Pad Up key |
mbkButton1 |
Generic Game Pad Button #1 |
mbkButton10 |
Generic Game Pad Button #10 |
mbkButton11 |
Generic Game Pad Button #11 |
mbkButton12 |
Generic Game Pad Button #12 |
mbkButton13 |
Generic Game Pad Button #13 |
mbkButton14 |
Generic Game Pad Button #14 |
mbkButton15 |
Generic Game Pad Button #15 |
mbkButton16 |
Generic Game Pad Button #16 |
mbkButton2 |
Generic Game Pad Button #2 |
mbkButton3 |
Generic Game Pad Button #3 |
mbkButton4 |
Generic Game Pad Button #4 |
mbkButton5 |
Generic Game Pad Button #5 |
mbkButton6 |
Generic Game Pad Button #6 |
mbkButton7 |
Generic Game Pad Button #7 |
mbkButton8 |
Generic Game Pad Button #8 |
mbkButton9 |
Generic Game Pad Button #9 |
mbkButtonA |
A Button key |
mbkButtonB |
B Button key |
mbkButtonC |
C Button key |
mbkButtonL1 |
L1 Button key |
mbkButtonL2 |
L2 Button key |
mbkButtonMode |
Mode Button key |
mbkButtonR1 |
R1 Button key |
mbkButtonR2 |
R2 Button key |
mbkButtonSelect |
Select Button key |
mbkButtonStart |
Start Button key |
mbkButtonThumbL |
Left Thumb Button key |
mbkButtonThumbR |
Right Thumb Button key |
mbkButtonX |
X Button key |
mbkButtonY |
Y Button key |
mbkButtonZ |
Z Button key |
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mbkMediaClose |
Close media key |
mbkMediaEject |
Eject media key |
mbkMediaFastForward |
Fast Forward media key |
mbkMediaNext |
Play Next media key |
mbkMediaPause |
Pause media key |
mbkMediaPlay |
Play media key |
mbkMediaPlayPause |
Play/Pause media key |
mbkMediaPrevious |
Play Previous media key |
mbkMediaRecord |
Record media key |
mbkMediaRewind |
Rewind media key |
mbkMediaStop |
Stop media key |
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Modifier Keys
mbkAltLeft |
Left Alt modifier key |
mbkAltRight |
Right Alt modifier key |
mbkCtrlLeft |
Left Control modifier key |
mbkCtrlRight |
Right Control modifier key |
mbkFunction |
Function modifier key |
mbkMetaLeft |
Left Meta modifier key |
mbkMetaRight |
Right Meta modifier key |
mbkNum |
Number modifier key |
mbkPictureSymbols |
Picture Symbols modifier key |
mbkShiftLeft |
Left Shift modifier key |
mbkShiftRight |
Right Shift modifier key |
mbkSwitchCharset |
Switch Charset modifier key |
mbkSymbol |
Symbol modifier key |
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Numeric Keypad Keys
mbkNumPad0 |
Numeric keypad 0 key |
mbkNumPad1 |
Numeric keypad 1 key |
mbkNumPad2 |
Numeric keypad 2 key |
mbkNumPad3 |
Numeric keypad 3 key |
mbkNumPad4 |
Numeric keypad 4 key |
mbkNumPad5 |
Numeric keypad 5 key |
mbkNumPad6 |
Numeric keypad 6 key |
mbkNumPad7 |
Numeric keypad 7 key |
mbkNumPad8 |
Numeric keypad 8 key |
mbkNumPad9 |
Numeric keypad 9 key |
mbkNumPadAdd |
Numeric keypad + key (for addition) |
mbkNumPadComma |
Numeric keypad , key (for decimals or digit grouping) |
mbkNumPadDivide |
Numeric keypad / key (for division) |
mbkNumPadDot |
Numeric keypad . key (for decimals or digit grouping) |
mbkNumPadEnter |
Numeric keypad Enter key |
mbkNumPadEquals |
Numeric keypad = key |
mbkNumPadLeftParen |
Numeric keypad ( key |
mbkNumPadMultiply |
Numeric keypad * key (for multiplication) |
mbkNumPadRightParen |
Numeric keypad ) key |
mbkNumPadSubtract |
Numeric keypad - key (for subtraction) |
mbkNumLock |
Num Lock key |
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Special Characters Keys
mbkApostrophe |
' |
mbkAt |
@ |
mbkBackSlash |
\ |
mbkComma |
, |
mbkEquals |
= |
mbkGrave |
` |
mbkMinus |
- |
mbkLeftBracket |
[ |
mbkPeriod |
. |
mbkPlus |
+ |
mbkPound |
# |
mbkRightBracket |
] |
mbkSemicolon |
; |
mbkSlash |
/ |
mbkStar |
* |
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Special Function Keys
mbkCalculator |
Calculator special function key |
mbkCalendar |
Calendar special function key |
mbkContacts |
Contacts special function key |
mbkEnvelope |
Envelope special function key |
mbkExplorer |
Explorer special function key |
mbkMusic |
Music special function key |
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Specific Japanese Keys
mbkEISU |
Japanese alphanumeric key |
mbkHenkan |
Japanese conversion key |
mbkKana |
Japanese kana key |
mbkKatakanaHiragana |
Japanese katakana / hiragana key |
mbkMuhenkan |
Japanese non-conversion key |
mbkRo |
Japanese Ro key |
mbkYen |
Japanese Yen key |
mbkZenkakuHankaku |
Japanese full-width / half-width key |
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TV Remote Keys
mbkAvrInput |
A/V Receiver input key |
mbkAvrPower |
A/V Receiver power key |
mbkBookmark |
Bookmark key |
mbkCaptions |
Toggle captions key |
mbkChannelDown |
Channel down key |
mbkChannelUp |
Channel up key |
mbkDVR |
DVR key |
mbkGuide |
Guide key |
mbkInfo |
Info key |
mbkStbInput |
Set-top-box input key |
mbkStbPower |
Set-top-box power key |
mbkProgBlue |
Blue “programmable” key |
mbkProgGreen |
Green “programmable” key |
mbkProgRed |
Red “programmable” key |
mbkProgYellow |
Yellow “programmable” key |
mbkTV |
TV key |
mbkTVInput |
TV input key |
mbkTVPower |
TV power key |
mbkWindow |
Window key |
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See Also
Testing Android Applications (Legacy)
Simulating Physical Button Events (Legacy)
PressButton Method