Run Remote Browser Operation

Applies to TestComplete 14.93, last modified on October 12, 2021


You use the Run Remote Browser operation in cross-platform web tests. It allows connecting to your account (if you are not connected yet), selecting a platform, a web browser, and a web page to run. All operations that interact with the current browser and that follow the Run Remote Browser operation will run in the specified web browser on the specified device at


  • TestComplete 14.4.

  • An active license for the TestComplete Web Module.

  • The Web Testing plugin and the Cross-Platform Web Testing plugin must be enabled in TestComplete (they are installed and enabled by default).

  • An active CrossBrowserTesting account.

    Note: If you do not have an account, you can sign up for a free trial directly from TestComplete — TestComplete will suggest that you do this automatically if it does not find the appropriate account data when you open the dialog.

  • TestComplete must have access to If there are any firewalls or proxies in your network, make sure that they allow traffic from the TestComplete workstation to that website. If needed, configure the firewall to allow outbound connections on ports 80 and 443 to

Operation Result

The operation does not return any value.

Scripting Analogue

The operation is similar to specifying the desired capabilities of the target platform and running the remote web browser by using the Browsers.RemoteItem.Run method from script tests.

Child Operations

The operation cannot have child operations.

Operation Parameters

When you add the operation to your keyword test, TestComplete displays a wizard that contains the following pages.

Sign In to Your Account

The wizard shows this page if your project does not have a account specified.

On this page, you can connect to your existing account or create a new trial account:

Using an existing account - Show instructions

Creating a free trial account - Show instructions

Run Remote Browser

On this page, you can specify the following:

  • Tested site URL - The URL of the tested web page that the specified remote browser will open upon launching. Typically, it should be the page from which your testing actions will start.

    We recommend that you specify the complete URL of your target web page, including the protocol name. For example, Otherwise, TestComplete will use the HTTPS protocol to navigate to the target web page and post a warning to the test log.

  • If your tested web application is behind a firewall in your local network or on your local computer, or if you want to route traffic to your tested application through a proxy server, you can configure a secure tunnel.

    If the tunnel has not been configured yet, click Select another location and then, in the resulting Choose Your Web Application Location dialog, specify the application location.

    View instructions

  • Platform - You can select one of the following platform types:

    • Desktop

    • Mobile

    • Headless

  • Device - Select one of the devices provided by

  • Browser - Select a web browser in which you want to run your web test. For Firefox and Chrome, you can select a specific browser version, or you can select the Latest version available option.

  • Resolution - Select the screen resolution that will be set on the target platform for the test run.

Custom Parameters

On this tabbed page of the operation, you can specify additional capabilities that will be used for your test run in the device cloud.

You specify additional capabilities in the JSON format. For example:


  "name": "My test",
  "record_video": "true"

The JSON code will be validated as you are typing it.

See the list of available capabilities on the website:

Automation Capabilities

Operation Parameters

On this page, you can specify the following parameters:

Server URL

Specifies the URL of the Selenium Grid provided by It can be one of the following:



Tested URL

Specifies the URL of the tested web page that the specified web browser on the remote platform will open upon launching.


Specifies the string that defines the desired capabilities of the remote environment where you want to run your test. To learn which capabilities are available, please see the documentation on available capabilities at the website:

Automation Capabilities

See Also

Web Category
About Cross-Platform Web Tests
Run Browser Operation

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