Checking Files In and Out (Legacy)

Applies to TestComplete 14.80, last modified on May 04, 2021
This topic describes functionality of the SCC API Providers plugin, which is obsolete and is left for backward compatibility only. To learn about supported source control integrations, see Integration With Source Control Systems.

TestComplete includes special services that let you work with source control systems. For instance, you can check project item files in or check them out from a source control system directly from TestComplete. To do this, use the File | Source Control submenu of the TestComplete main menu.

Note: In order for you to be able to check project items in or out, these items must be added to the source control system. For more information on how to do this, see Binding Test Projects to Source Control (Legacy).

Files of project items and their child elements must be added to the source control system that holds the project, to which these items (or elements) belong. Project items and their child elements can be checked in or checked out from this source control system only. You cannot have a project in one system and project items in another. This rule is not applied to projects and project suites: you can store a project and the project suite, to which this project belongs, in different source control systems.

To check in a project suite, project or project item
  • Right-click the desired node (project item, project, project suite or a child element of a project item) in the Project Explorer and then choose Source Control | Check In from the panel’s context menu.

-- or --

  • Choose the desired node in the Project Explorer and select File | Source Control | Check In from the TestComplete main menu or Check in to source control from the Source Control toolbar.

TestComplete displays the Select Project Items dialog, where you can select the items to be checked in.

To complete the check-in operation, choose the desired items in the dialog and press OK.

Note: Some project items and their child elements may not support source control services. Typically, this happens with elements that do not have a separate file and that are not stored in the file of the parent node. Such nodes cannot be added to a source control system as an individual instance. They are added when you add the parent node file. The context menu called over elements that cannot be added to a source control system, does not include the Source Control submenu and the appropriate items of the File | Source Control menu and the Source Control toolbar are disabled.
To check out a project suite, project or project item
  • Right-click the desired item in the Project Explorer and then choose Source Control | Check Out from the context menu.

-- or --

  • Choose the desired item in the Project Explorer and select File | Source Control | Check Out from the TestComplete main menu or Check out from source control from the Source Control toolbar.

TestComplete displays the Select Project Items dialog where you can select the items to be checked out.

To complete the check-out operation, choose the desired items in the dialog and press OK.

To undo a check out
  • Right-click the desired item in the Project Explorer and choose Source Control | Undo Check Out from the context menu.

-- or --

  • Choose the desired item in the Project Explorer and select File | Source Control | Undo Check Out from the TestComplete main menu or Undo check out from source control from the Source Control toolbar.

TestComplete displays the Select Project Items dialog where you can select the items for which the checked-out operation should be undone.

To complete the undo operation, choose the desired items in the dialog and press OK.

To get latest version of a file

With TestComplete you can get the latest version of a project item from a source control system, without marking the project item’s file as checked out by you. To do this:

  • Right-click the desired item in the Project Explorer and then choose Source Control | Get Latest Version from the context menu.

-- or --

  • Choose the desired item in the Project Explorer and select File | Source Control | Get Latest Version from the TestComplete main menu or Get latest version from source control from the Source Control toolbar.

TestComplete displays the Select Project Items dialog, where you can select the project items, whose latest version you would like to obtain.

To complete the operation, choose the desired items in the dialog and press OK.

To get the latest version of the entire project or project suite, open this project or project suite stored in the source control system directly from TestComplete. See Opening Projects From Source Control (Legacy).

  • Using the source control options of TestComplete, you can command TestComplete to check files in or out automatically when you close or open your project (see Enabling Automatic Check-Ins and Check-Outs (Legacy)).

  • TestComplete traces the check-in/check-out status of a file. For instance, when you check in a file, TestComplete enables the Check Out and Get Latest Version items of the File | Source Control menu to let you check out the file or get its latest version. You can also check files in to or out from a source control system using the source control client application rather than TestComplete. So, it is quite possible that actual check-in/check-out status of a file will not coincide with TestComplete status. To synchronize this information, select Source Control | Refresh Status from the context menu called for the desired item.

  • If the Bind Visualizer frames to SCC option is enabled, TestComplete automatically checks in or checks out Test Visualizer data associated with tests when you check in or check out these tests. This does not happen if the option is disabled or if you check in or out the file outside of TestComplete (that is, using another source control client).

  • When you get the latest version of a project item from source control, you can use the Get files and subfolders from the location of the selected node recursively option to configure TestComplete to get not only the project item but also all the files and subfolders stored in the project item’s location in source control. TestComplete will get the files and subfolders even if they are not included in the project.

  • If you experience slow performance when checking in and checking out project items, this can be due to a large number of Test Visualizer images being stored in the source control system. If so, you can resolve the performance issue by removing unnecessary Visualizer images from your tests. For details on the procedure, see the Visualizer Data and Source Control Systems section of the Sharing Visualizer Frames topic.

  • The Project Explorer displays a small image in the left-bottom corner of the item’s icon to indicate the item’s source control status. These additional images are used only if the project suite or one of its projects is bound to a source code control. For more information on the images and their meaning, see the Source Control File Status Icons.

See Also

Legacy Integration With Source Control Systems - Common Tasks
Enabling Automatic Check-Ins and Check-Outs (Legacy)
Binding Test Projects to Source Control (Legacy)
Integration With Source Control Systems via SCC API Providers (Legacy)

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