Edit Counter Wizard - Select Tested Host Page

Applies to TestComplete 14.70, last modified on April 22, 2021

On the first page of the Edit Counter wizard, you can specify the name of the monitored computer and the counter type. The options are:

  • Tested Host

    Defines the name or IP address of the computer to be monitored. You can click the ellipses button and browse for computers available in your local network via the Select Host dialog.

  • Use standard counter

    Select this option to monitor one of the four predefined CPU, memory or disk usage counters.

  • Use custom counter

    Select this option to monitor the performance of the desired application or add any custom counter that is available for the given computer.

Specify the tested computer, choose the needed counter option and click Next to proceed.

See Also

Edit Counter Wizard
Generic Test Log - Performance Counters Panel
Edit Counter Wizard - Select Standard Counter Page
Edit Counter Wizard - Select Custom Counter Page

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