Edit Counter Wizard

Applies to TestComplete 14.70, last modified on April 22, 2021

The Edit Counter wizard allows you to modify an existing performance counter that is shown on the Performance Counters page of the Test Log window. The wizard is called after you click the Edit button in the Performance Counters section of project settings.

The wizard contains the following pages:

Edit Counter Wizard - Select Tested Host Page

On this page, you can specify the name of the tested computer and the counter type.

Edit Counter Wizard - Select Standard Counter Page

On this page, you can select one of the four standard server counters.

Edit Counter Wizard - Select Custom Counter Page

On this page, you can choose a counter from the list of available custom performance counters.

Edit Counter Wizard - Set Display Parameters Page

On this page, you can specify the parameters that will be used to display counter values in a graph.

See Also

Generic Test Log - Performance Counters Panel
Adding Performance Counters
Counter Reference

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