Exploring Applications - Overview

Applies to TestComplete 14.60, last modified on April 22, 2021

TestComplete includes tools that let you explore an application’s object hierarchy, and object properties and methods that can be used in automated tests.

  • Object Browser - shows running applications, the object hierarchy in applications, and the object properties and methods. In the Object Browser, you can:

    • view all the objects that exist in applications, whether visible or invisible,

    • copy object names to the clipboard for later pasting into tests,

    • view the syntax and parameters of object methods and properties,

    • change property values and observe the effect in real time,

    • capture object screenshots,

    • view properties and methods of COM objects,

    • and more.

  • Object Spy - lets you select an object on the screen to view its properties and methods. It is a pop-up version of the Object Browser without the object tree.

    The Object Spy is useful if you see an object on screen, but you do not know its name in the application and its location in the Object Browser. In this case, you can use the Highlight Object in Object Tree command in the Object Spy to jump to the current object in the Object Browser.

  • GUI Explorer - shows a layered outline view of a window. It explicitly shows the object borders even if they are not visible in the application. See also Exploring an Application's Graphical User Interface.

See Also

Exploring Applications
About Object Browser
About Object Spy
About GUI Explorer

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