Object Spy Context Menu

Applies to TestComplete 14.50, last modified on April 22, 2021

The Object Spy window’s context menu provides commands to manage a selected onscreen object and its properties and methods.

The available commands are:

Item Description
Refresh Refreshes the list of properties, methods, fields or events currently displayed in the Object Spy.
Map Object Calls the Object Name Mapping dialog to specify name mapping for the selected object. For more information about this, see Name Mapping.
Show Object in Name Mapping Editor Calls the Name Mapping editor for the selected onscreen object.
Store Object Calls the Store Object Properties dialog to specify the collection of the object’s properties to be stored in the Stores > Objects collection.
Highlight in Object Tree Locates the selected onscreen object in the Object Tree.
Note: Not supported in cross-platform web tests. TestComplete will show the current object in the Object Browser, but it will not locate the object in the Object Tree.
Highlight on Screen Displays a flashing rectangle around the selected window or control.
Copy Copies the name of the selected object, property, method, action, field or event, or the selected property or field value to the clipboard.
Panel Options Calls the Object Browser Options Dialog that allows customizing settings that affect the Object Browser and Object Spy panels.

See Also

About Object Spy
Object Browser Options Dialog
Name Mapping

Highlight search results