Address Property

Applies to TestComplete 14.50, last modified on April 22, 2021


The Address property specifies the network name or IP address of the remote computer (see the Address property of the host).



Read-Write Property String
HostObj An expression, variable or parameter that specifies a reference to a Host object

Applies To

The property is applied to the following object:

Property Value

A string that represents the host’s address.


The code below creates a new host, specifies properties for it (name, address, user name, and so on) and then checks whether the created host can be used by a network suite.

JavaScript, JScript

function HostObj()
  // Creates a new host
  var Host = NetworkSuite.Hosts.AddNew();
  // Specifies the host's parameters
  Host.Name = "Host1";
  Host.Address = "TEST-W764";
  Host.Domain = "EDGS";
  Host.UserName = "tester";
  Host.Password = "123";
  // Verifies whether the created host can be used by a network suite
  if (Host.Verify)
    Log.Message("The host properties are valid.")
    Log.Warning("The host properties aren't valid.");


def HostObj():
  # Creates a new host 
  Host = NetworkSuite.Hosts.AddNew()
  # Specifies the host's parameters 
  Host.Name = "Host1"
  Host.Address = "TEST-W764"
  Host.Domain = "EDGS"
  Host.UserName = "tester"
  Host.Password = "123"
  # Verifies whether the created host can be used by a network suite 
  if Host.Verify:
    Log.Message("The host properties are valid.")
     Log.Warning("The host properties aren't valid.")


Sub HostObj

  ' Creates a new host
  Set Host = NetworkSuite.Hosts.AddNew
  ' Specifies the host's parameters
  Host.Name = "Host1"
  Host.Address = "TEST-W764"
  Host.Domain = "EDGS"
  Host.UserName = "tester"
  Host.Password = "123"
  ' Verifies whether the created host can be used by a network suite
  If Host.Verify Then
    Log.Message("The host properties are valid.")
    Log.Warning("The host properties aren't valid.")
  End If
End Sub


function HostObj;
var Host;

  // Creates a new host
  Host := NetworkSuite.Hosts.AddNew;
  // Specifies the host's parameters
  Host.Name := 'Host1';
  Host.Address := 'TEST-W764';
  Host.Domain := 'EDGS';
  Host.UserName := 'tester';
  Host.Password := '123';
  // Verifies whether the created host can be used by a network suite
  if (Host.Verify) then
    Log.Message('The host properties are valid.')
    Log.Warning('The host properties aren''t valid.');


C++Script, C#Script

function HostObj()
  // Creates a new host
  var Host = NetworkSuite["Hosts"]["AddNew"]();
  // Specifies the host's parameters
  Host["Name"] = "Host1";
  Host["Address"] = "TEST-W764";
  Host["Domain"] = "EDGS";
  Host["UserName"] = "tester";
  Host["Password"] = "123";
  // Verifies whether the created host can be used by a network suite
  if ( Host["Verify"] )
    Log["Message"]( "The host properties are valid." )
    Log["Warning"]( "The host properties aren't valid." );

See Also

Distributed Testing
BasePath Property
State Property

Highlight search results