Editing Host Properties

Applies to TestComplete 14.50, last modified on April 22, 2021

To modify properties of network suite hosts, use the Hosts editor. The columns that are available in the Hosts editor display values of the following properties for each host listed in the editor:

Property (Column) Description
Name Required. The name that is used to address the host from tests. This name must be a valid identifier in the project’s scripting language. The easiest way to meet this requirement is to use only letters (A..Z, a..z), digits (0..9) and underscores ( _ ) in the host name and start it with a letter.
Address Required. Either the network name or IP address of the computer that the new host is mapped to.

To specify the needed value, you can either type the name or IP or click the ellipsis button and choose the needed value from the subsequent dialog. You cannot specify a local computer, as the master computer cannot be a slave host at the same time.

Login mode Specifies how the user session on the remote computer should be opened. Available options in the drop-down list are:
  • [Manual] - TestComplete does not open a user session on the remote computer. Before you run your automated test, you need to log on to the remote computer and open the desired user session manually. If the user session on the remote computer is not opened when the distributed testing starts, an error occurs.
  • [Automatic (RDP Session)] - TestComplete opens a user session on the remote computer and connects it via Remote Desktop Connection. The remote computer remains locked.
  • [Automatic (Console Session)] - TestComplete opens a user session on the remote computer, connects it via Remote Desktop Connection and then retargets it to the remote computer’s console. The remote computer is unlocked and available for other users.

For more information, see Opening User Sessions on Remote Computers.


The domain to which the user account specified in the User name column belongs.

If the domain name is not specified, TestComplete uses the default value specified by the Domain property of the network suite. If neither value is provided, the domain name is specified automatically as the network name of the host computer.

If the user account does not belong to a domain, specify the network name of the host computer in this field (recommended). You can also leave the field empty, but make sure that the Domain property value of the network suite is not specified.

User name The user account used to log in on the remote host (see Opening User Sessions on Remote Computers). If the user name is not specified, TestComplete uses the default value specified by the User name property of the network suite. If neither value is provided, a verification error occurs.
Currently, the network suite cannot open user sessions and log in to remote hosts by using Microsoft accounts (the email addresses you use to connect to various Microsoft services, like OneDrive or Outlook).

As a workaround, you can do one of the following:

  • Create a local account on the remote host and configure the network suite to use it to run tests.

  • Use a local user name associated with your Microsoft account on the remote host.

To learn how to do this, see Opening User Sessions on Remote Computers or find the needed information in the MSDN Library.

Password Required. The password of the user account specified in the User name column. If the password is not specified, TestComplete uses the default value specified by the Password property of the network suite. If neither value is provided, a verification error occurs.
Note: The password of the user account used to log in on the remote host cannot be blank. Specify a new non-blank password for the account, otherwise, a verification error will occur.
Base path Optional. A common path to a folder that contains one or more slave projects to be run on the remote host. When it is specified, this value is used to prefix the Project file name property values of the tasks that are configured to run on the host.

Base path is also used as the destination folder on the remote host where TestComplete will copy the slave project from the master computer’s Source path folder. For more information, see Copying Slave Projects to Remote Computers.

Examples of Base path values:

  • The folder on the remote computer that contains slave projects. For example, D:\SlaveProjects\.

  • The shared network folder that contains slave projects. For example, \\ComputerName\SlaveProjects\.

Source path Optional. The folder on the master computer that contains the slave project to be copied to the remote host. The folder path must be specified in terms of the master computer, for example, C:\Tests\DistributedTest. The default [Path to the current project suite] value corresponds to the folder on the master that stores the current project suite.

The contents of the Source path folder are copied to the Base path folder on the remote host when distributed testing is started and the network suite’s deploy mode is set to Automatic or when you use the Copy Project to Slave command. See Copying Slave Projects to Remote Computers.

See Also

Hosts Editor
Host Object
Opening User Sessions on Remote Computers
Copying Slave Projects to Remote Computers
Network Suite Editor - Properties Page

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