Testing Xamarin.Forms Applications - Tutorial

Applies to TestComplete 14.50, last modified on April 22, 2021

This tutorial explains how to create a simple cross-platform test for Xamarin.Forms applications. You will record your test on one platform (for example, iOS) and run it on another platform (for example, Android). It is possible because objects in Xamarin.Forms applications are recognized as cross-browser Xamarin.Forms objects regardless of the mobile platform you use.

If you are a novice user, we recommend that you first go through the Getting Started tutorial for mobile testing to get familiar with the tool:

In this tutorial, we are going to prepare a Xamarin.Forms application for testing, record user actions for the application on an iOS device, and then modify the test to run it on an Android device. The test will emulate user actions over the mobile application and verify some data.

See Also

About Xamarin.Forms Application Testing
Testing Xamarin.Forms Applications
Creating Your First Test

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