This topic contains information about handling strings in VBScript and provides examples of operations that deal with strings. It contains the following sections:
Accessing individual character of a string
Searching for characters and substrings
Removing extra spaces from a string
A String is a sequence of symbols or digits. Strings are among the most frequently used data types. Like any other data type, strings in TestComplete are represented as OLE-compatible variants. In VBScript, a sequence of literal characters, enclosed in double quotes ("), is recognized as a string. Single quotation marks (') are allowed within a string. To insert a double quotation mark into a string, it should be duplicated. The following is an example of string:
str2 = "'Ahoy! Is there anyone?' - the captain cried."
str3 = """Nobody."" - was the answer."
To deal with strings, TestComplete has a special aqString
scripting object. The object is available for all supported scripting languages, so that you can use it to operate with string values regardless of the chosen language.
Method, Property | Description |
aqString.AddListItem |
Adds a new item to a string list. |
aqString.ChangeListItem |
Changes the value of the string list item with the given index. |
aqString.Compare |
Compares two specified strings. |
aqString.Concat |
Concatenates two specified strings. |
aqString.DeleteListItem |
Removes an item with the given index from a string list. |
aqString.Find |
Searches for a substring within the given string. Use this method instead of the obsolete aqString.Contains . |
aqString.Format |
Generates a formatted string. |
aqString.GetChar |
Retrieves a single character from the input string. |
aqString.GetLength |
Returns the number of characters in a string. |
aqString.GetListItem |
Returns an individual item from the list passed through the input string. |
aqString.GetListLength |
Returns the number of items in the string list. |
aqString.Insert |
Inserts one string to another at the specified position. |
aqString.ListSeparator |
Specifies a character used to separate individual values in a list. |
aqString.Quote |
Encloses the specified string in quotes. |
aqString.QuoteSymbol |
Specifies a symbol used as a quotation mark. |
aqString.Remove |
Removes a number of characters from the input string. |
aqString.Replace |
Replaces all the occurrences of one substring with another substring. |
aqString.SubString |
Retrieves a substring from the input string. |
aqString.ToLower |
Converts the specified string to lower case. |
aqString.ToUpper |
Converts the specified string to upper case. |
aqString.Trim |
Removes spaces and control characters from the specified string. |
aqString.Unquote |
Converts a quoted string to an unquoted string. |
Another scripting object that is useful for string manipulation is aqConvert
. This object has several methods that convert values of different types to a string representation and vice versa.
Method | Description |
aqConvert.CurrencyToFormatStr |
Converts a currency value to a string using the specified format settings. |
aqConvert.CurrencyToStr |
Converts a currency value to a string. |
aqConvert.DateTimeToFormatStr |
Converts the given date value to a string using the specified format. |
aqConvert.DateTimeToStr |
Converts the given date value to a string. |
aqConvert.FloatToStr |
Converts a floating-point value to a string. |
aqConvert.IntToStr |
Converts the given number into a string. |
aqConvert.StrToCurrency |
Converts the specified string to a currency value. |
aqConvert.StrToDate |
Converts the specified string to a date value. |
aqConvert.StrToDateTime |
Converts the specified string to a date/time value. |
aqConvert.StrToFloat |
Converts the specified string to a floating-point value. |
aqConvert.StrToInt |
Converts the specified string to an integer value. |
aqConvert.StrToInt64 |
Converts the specified string to a long integer value. |
aqConvert.StrToTime |
Converts the specified string to a time value. |
aqConvert.VarToStr |
Converts the specified variant value to a string. |
Furthermore, you can use native VBScript functions that operate with strings. A detailed description of VBScript functions can be found in the Functions (VBScript) article of the MSDN library. The table below only lists major functions:
Function | Description |
Asc(string) | Returns the ASCII character code corresponding to the first letter in a string. |
Chr(charcode) | Returns the character associated with the specified ANSI character code. |
CStr(expression) | Returns an expression that has been converted to a variant of sub-type string. |
Escape(charString) | Encodes a string so it only contains ASCII characters. Non-ASCII characters are replaced with %xx encoding, where xx is equivalent to the hexadecimal number representing the character. |
InStr([startpos, ]string1, string2[, compare]) | Returns the position of the first occurrence for one string within another.The search can start at a given position and use binary (compare=0) or text (compare=1) comparisons. |
InStrRev(string1, string2[, start[, compare]]) | Returns the position of an occurrence for one string within another, from the end of string. The search can start at a given position and use binary (compare=0) or text (compare=1) comparisons. |
Join(list[, delimiter]) | Returns a string created by joining a number of substrings contained in an array. |
LCase(string) | Returns a string that has been converted to lowercase. |
Left(string, length) | Returns a specified number of characters from the left side of a string. |
Len(string | varname) | Returns the number of characters in a string or the number of bytes required to store a variable. |
LTrim(string) | Returns a copy of a string without leading spaces. |
Mid(string, start[, length]) | Returns a specified number of characters from a string. |
Replace(string, findstr, replacewith[, start[, count[, compare]]]) | Returns a string in which a specified substring has been replaced with another substring a specified number of times. |
Right(string, length) | Returns a specified number of characters from the right side of a string. |
RTrim(string) | Returns a copy of a string without trailing spaces. |
Space(number) | Returns a string consisting of the specified number of spaces. |
Split(expression[, delimiter[, count[, compare]]]) | Returns a zero-based, one-dimensional array containing a specified number of substrings. |
StrComp(string1, string2[, compare]) | Returns a value indicating the result of a string comparison. |
String(number, character) | Returns a repeating character string of the length specified. |
StrReverse(string) | Returns a string in which the character order of a specified string is reversed. |
Trim(string) | Returns a copy of a string without leading and trailing spaces. |
UCase(string) | Returns a string that has been converted to uppercase. |
Unescape(charString) | Decodes a string encoded with the Escape function. |
Special characters
In VBScript you can emulate any character by using the Chr
function with the appropriate ASCII code. This also applies to special characters that are used to format string values. Alternatively, you can emulate control characters using native string constants. The table below lists the most frequently used special characters and their constants.
Description | Character sequence |
Carriage return. | Chr (13) -- or -- vbCr |
Line feed. On Unix platforms it is interpreted as new line. |
Chr (10) -- or -- vbLf |
A combination of carriage return and line feed. On Windows platforms it is interpreted as new line. |
Chr (13)+Chr (10) -- or -- VbCrLf |
New line. Either a line feed character or a combination of carriage return and line feed. |
vbNewLine |
Form feed. | Chr (12) -- or -- vbFormFeed |
Horizontal tab. | Chr (9) -- or -- vbTab |
Vertical tab. | Chr (11) -- or -- vbVerticalTab |
Special characters obtained by a function or constant should be joined to the string by concatenation:
Str2 = "A string." & vbNewLine & "Another string."
Getting the string length
To obtain the total number of characters in a string, you can call either the aqString.GetLength
method, or the Len
function of VBScript. The character position in VBScript is not zero-based, so the maximum position number in a string equals the string length. The following code demonstrates both ways of obtaining the string length:
Sub StringLengthDemo
Dim aString
aString="Some text"
Log.Message("The string is " & aqString.GetLength(aString) & " character(s) long.")
Log.Message("The string is " & Len(aString) & " character(s) long.")
End Sub
Using TestComplete, you can limit the length of string parameters returned by functions of the tested application. For this purpose, use the Maximum string length of [out] parameters project property. If the length of the string returned from the application via one of its out parameters exceeds the property’s value, TestComplete treats the returned string as a null one. |
Concatenating strings
The operation that forms a string out of several others is called concatenation. The aqString
object has special method aqString.Concat
that perform this operation. In VBScript the concatenation is performed both by plus (+) and by ampersand (&) operators. The plus operator is intended to perform addition, but if both operators are strings, then string concatenation occurs. However it is more convenient to use the ampersand operator since it does not require a preliminary conversion to a string type.
This sample code shows how to make a string out of several substrings:
Sub ConcatenationDemo
Dim Str1
Str1 = "String No 1 "
Log.Message(aqString.Concat(Str1, "String No 2"))
Log.Message(Str1 + "String No 2 " + "String No " + aqConvert.IntToStr(3))
Log.Message(Str1 & "String No 2 " & "String No " & 3)
End Sub
Comparing strings
String comparison is widely used during testing. Generally, a test procedure obtains textual data (user input, file contents, property values and so on) and then compares it with the expected data. That is why both TestComplete and VBScript have their own methods to compare one string value with another. These methods are: aqString.Compare
and StrComp
The aqString.Compare
method has three parameters: two of them, String 1 and String2, specify the strings to be compared; the third parameter (CaseSensitive) defines whether the comparison should be case-sensitive or not.
Similarly, VBScript's StrComp
function has two mandatory parameters, Str1 and Str2, that define the compared strings, and one optional parameter, CompType, that specifies the comparison type. The CompType parameter can accept the following values: vbBinaryCompare
(or 0
), and vbTextCompare
(or 1
). vbBinaryCompare
means binary case-sensitive comparison. vbTextCompare
means case-insensitive comparison. The default type is vbBinaryCompare
. The function result is -1 if Str1 is less than Str2, 1 if Str1 is greater than Str2 and they equal 0 if the strings are the same.
Both methods can compare strings holding specific national symbols, for example characters with diacritical marks ( , , and others).
The code below demonstrates how to use both methods:
' This helper function obtains the integer comparison result from the
' StrComp routine and returns a textual interpretation of the result.
Function GetComparisonStr(IntegerComparisonResult)
If IntegerComparisonResult = 0 Then
GetComparisonStr = CStr(IntegerComparisonResult) & ". The strings are the same."
GetComparisonStr = CStr(IntegerComparisonResult) & ". The strings are different."
End If
End Function
Sub StringComparison
' Use the method of the aqString object
Log.Message("aqString.Compare(""Abra"", ""abra"", False): " & aqString.Compare("Abra", "abra", False))
Log.Message("aqString.Compare(""Abra"", ""abra"", True): "& aqString.Compare("Abra", "abra", True))
' Use the native routine of VBScript
Log.Message("StrComp(""abra"", ""ABRA"", vbBinaryCompare): " & GetComparisonStr(StrComp("abra", "ABRA", vbBinaryCompare)))
Log.Message("StrComp(""abra"", ""ABRA"", vbTextCompare): " & GetComparisonStr(StrComp("abra", "ABRA", vbTextCompare)))
' Working with native-language characters
' The following code assumes that the French layout is installed on the computer
' 040C is the identifier of the French layout
If IsLanguageSupported(&H040C) And SetKeyboardLayout(Sys.Process("TestComplete").Id, &H040C) Then
Log.Message("aqString.Compare(""français"", ""Français"", False): " & aqString.Compare("français","Français", True))
Log.Message("aqString.Compare(""français"", ""Français"", True): " & aqString.Compare("français","Français", False))
Log.Message("aqString.Compare(""français"", ""francais"", True): " & aqString.Compare("français","francais", False))
Log.Message("StrComp(""français"", ""Français"", vbBinaryCompare): " & GetComparisonStr(StrComp("français", "Français", vbBinaryCompare)))
Log.Message("StrComp(""français"", ""Français"", vbTextCompare): " & GetComparisonStr(StrComp("français", "Français", vbTextCompare)))
Log.Message("StrComp(""français"", ""francais"", vbTextCompare): " & GetComparisonStr(StrComp("français", "francais", vbTextCompare)))
End If
End Sub
Accessing individual character of a string
The VBScript scripting language has no data type that can be used to store single symbols. However, this is not a problem, since the string type can hold both a series of characters and individual characters. Moreover, you can extract a single character from a string using the aqString.GetChar
method and VBScript’s Mid
function. The latter retrieves the given number of characters starting from the specified position. Note however that the VBScript function uses 1-based indexes, whereas the GetChar
method uses zero-based indexes. The sample routine below demonstrates how to use both of these routines. It posts text to TestComplete log in two different ways: as a whole string and by a single letter.
Sub StringByLetter
Dim aString, i
aString = "Per aspera ad astra"
Log.Message("The string is : " & aString)
Log.Message("And now this text letter by letter using aqString.GetChar:")
For i = 0 To aqString.GetLength(aString)-1
Log.Message(aqString.GetChar(aString, i))
Log.Message("And now this text letter by letter using Mid function:")
For i = 1 To Len(aString)
Log.Message(Mid(aString, i, 1))
End Sub
Searching for characters and substrings
One of the most common tasks that one has to perform when working with string values is determining whether specific text is part of a string. To perform such tasks, the aqString
object has the Find
method. If the specified substring was found, the method returns the number of the first occurrence of the substring within the source string. If the specified substring was not found, the method returns -1:
Sub StringOccurrenceDemo
Dim aString, aSubString, Res
aString = "Per aspera ad astra"
aSubString = "astra"
Res = aqString.Find(aString, aSubString)
If Res <> -1 Then
Log.Message("A substring '" & aSubString & "' was found in string '" & aString & "' at position " & Res)
Log.Message("There are no occurrences of '" & aSubString & "' in '" & aString & "'")
End If
End Sub
You can also get the position where the specified substring occurs using the VBScript functions InStr
and InStrRev
. They both return the initial position (from 1) of the first substring match, but the first one searches from left to right, while the other from right to left. If the substring was found, the functions return the initial position of the first substring match. If no occurrences were found, they return 0. The code below demonstrates how to use the InStr
Sub TextPosDemo
Dim aString, aSubString, findpos
aString = "Per aspera ad astra"
aSubString = "astra"
findpos = InStr(aString, aSubString)
If findpos <> 0 Then
Log.Message("A substring '" & aSubString & "' was found at position " & findpos)
Log.Message("There are no occurrences of '" & aSubString & "' in '" & aString & "'")
End If
End Sub
Getting a substring
VBScript has several methods that allow you to extract a substring out of a string. They are Left, Right
and Mid
. These methods vary in how the extracted substring is defined.
Function Left
returns a text fragment that starts at the beginning of the given string and has the specified length. Function Right
does a similar action, but it gets the last fragment of the given string. If the fragment’s length is greater than the length of the whole string, then the entire string is returned. Negative length values are not allowed, zero-length returns an empty string.
Function Mid
returns a text fragment that starts at a given position and has a specified length. The length parameter is optional, and if it is omitted then the resulting substring continues up to the end of the source string.
The aqString
object also has a similar method, SubString
that returns a substring that starts from the specified position and has the given length. However, this method requires all tree parameters, and position numbers are zero-based.
The sample code below demonstrates how to use these functions:
Sub GetStringDemo
Dim Str
Str = "123456789"
Log.Message("Function 'Left' demo:")
Log.Message(Left(Str, 3)) ' Posts "123"
Log.Message(Left(Str, 20)) ' Posts "123456789"
Log.Message(Left(Str, 0)) ' Posts ""
Log.Message("Function 'Right' demo:")
Log.Message(Right(Str, 3)) ' Posts "789"
Log.Message(Right(Str, 20)) ' Posts "123456789"
Log.Message(Right(Str, 0)) ' Posts ""
Log.Message("Function 'Mid' demo:")
Log.Message(Mid(Str, 4, 3)) ' Posts "456"
Log.Message(Mid(Str, 5)) ' Posts "456789"
Log.Message(Mid(Str, 4, 0)) ' Posts ""
Log.Message("Method 'aqString.SubString' demo:")
Log.Message(aqString.SubString(Str, 3, 3)) ' Posts "456"
Log.Message(aqString.SubString(Str, 4, 20)) ' Posts "56789"
Log.Message(aqString.SubString(Str, 2, 0)) ' Posts ""
End Sub
Splitting strings
Sometimes it is required to make several strings out of a single string. This operation splits a string into substrings. It can be performed by VBScript's native function called Split
. This routine searches the string for a delimiter character, separates the string and returns an array holding the constituent strings. If the delimiter is omitted, then the space character is assumed as a delimiter. Also you can constrain the maximum array length with the third parameter and set the comparison method with the forth. They are not obligatory and can be omitted. The same method can be used to split a string onto substrings, sentences and even separate words; it all depends on the specified delimiter. The first sample routine below uses a space character as a delimiter to extract words out of a string, and the second routine splits the string by line breaks:
Sub SplitDemo
Dim s, ss
s = "Better late than never but better never late."
' Split at each space character.
ss = Split(s)
Log.Message("There are " & (UBound(ss)+1) & " words in the array")
Log.Message("The first word is: " & ss(0))
End Sub
Sub SplitDemo2
Dim s, ss
s = "Better late than never " & Chr(13) & " but better never late."
' Split at line break character.
ss = Split(s, Chr(13))
Log.Message("There are " & (UBound(ss)+1) & " words in the array")
Log.Message("The first word is: " & ss(0))
End Sub
TestComplete has a similar method called aqString.GetListItem. It extracts a substring with the specified index from the input string. It was designed to read items from a string list, see Working with string lists for more information. However, it allows you to redefine the delimiter characters and, like the Split
method, it can be used to get sentences, single words and so on.
Sub SplitDemo3
Dim s, prevSep
s = "Better late than never but better never late."
' Assign list separator to space character
prevSep = aqString.ListSeparator
aqString.ListSeparator = " "
' Split by spaces
Log.Message("There are " & aqString.GetListLength(s) & " words in a string")
Log.Message("The first word is: " & aqString.GetListItem(s, 0))
' Restore previous separator
aqString.ListSeparator = prevSep
End Sub
Removing extra spaces from a string
The aqString
object has a special routine, aqString.Trim
, that excludes leading and trailing spaces (or both) from a string. VBScript has also the LTrim, RTrim
and Trim
functions that exclude, leading, trailing and both leading and trailing spaces from the input string. Generally, all these methods are used to remove unnecessary spaces at the beginning or at the end of strings obtained from the user input.
Sub TrimDemo
Dim str
str=" Hallo "
Log.Message("'" & aqString.Trim(str, aqString.stLeading) & "'") 'Posts 'Hallo '
Log.Message("'" & aqString.Trim(str, aqString.stTrailing) & "'") 'Posts ' Hallo'
Log.Message("'" & aqString.Trim(str, aqString.stAll) & "'") 'Posts 'Hallo'
Log.Message("'" & LTrim(str) & "'") ' Posts 'Hallo '
Log.Message("'" & RTrim(str) & "'") ' Posts ' Hallo'
Log.Message("'" & Trim(str) & "'") ' Posts 'Hallo'
End Sub
Another function that can be useful when handling user input strings is excluding extra inner spaces out of the string. This function seems to be similar to Trim
, but the latter only removes spaces at the beginning or end of the string and does not affect the spaces inside the string. The general idea of the function is for the string to be parsed into separate words and then a new string is constructed. The new string consists of the same words but is separated with a single space between words.
Function TrimInner(Str)
Dim WordArray, i
WordArray = Split(Str)
Str = ""
For i = 0 To UBound(WordArray)
If WordArray(i) <> "" Then Str = Str & WordArray(i) & " "
TrimInner = Trim(Str)
End Function
'An example of how to use this function
Sub TrimInnerDemo
Log.Message(TrimInner("Follow the white rabbit"))
End Sub
Replacing characters and substrings
Quite often we need to find and replace a character or substring within a string. There are two ways to do this: by using the aqString.Replace
method or by using the Replace
method of a RegExp
The aqString
object method is much easier to use. It can be used when you need to change a certain character or string. It allows you to set whether the search should be case-sensitive or not. Here is an example of how to use this method:
Sub StringReplaceDemo
Dim str
str = "Hi, Bob. Have you seen Bob Robbinson?"
str = aqString.Replace(str, "Bob", "Jack")
End Sub
The RegExp.Replace
method is a little more complicated, but it offers more flexibility. You can not only change a definite character or string, but all fragments matching the specified regular expression pattern. However you have to create an instance of the RegExp
object and set the pattern before replacing. The regular expression pattern is enclosed in double quotation marks ("). Additionally you can specify the following Boolean flags that affect the search procedure: RegExp.Global
- performs a global search for all occurrences of a pattern, RegExp.IgnoreCase
- searches regardless of the letter case and RegExp.MultiLine
- performs a multi-line search. For a full description of how to use regular expressions, refer to the Introduction to Regular Expressions article in the MSDN library.
The first sample demonstrates how to change a definite string using the replace
Sub RegExReplaceDemo1
Dim str, re
str = "Hi, Bob. Have you seen Bob Robbinson?"
' Create RegExp instance.
Set re = New RegExp
' Define regular expression pattern
re.Pattern = "Bob"
' Set global search flag
re.Global = True
' Perform replace operation
str = re.Replace(str, "Jack")
End Sub
The second example shows how to replace a substring with alternative parts. The patterns of alternative parts are separated by pipe characters (" | "). For instance in the sample below the "ht(ml|m)" pattern matches both html and htm:
Sub RegExReplaceDemo2
Dim str, re
str = "The html is widely used in Internet. The HTM file is a text file with tags."
' Create RegExp instance.
Set re = New RegExp
' Define regular expression pattern.
re.Pattern = "ht(ml|m)"
' Set global search flag
re.Global = True
' Set ignore letter case flag
re.IgnoreCase = True
' Perform replace operation
str = re.Replace(str, "hypertext markup language")
End Sub
Furthermore, using regular expressions you can search for the text fragments that match the specified format. In the next sample, all dates written in the DD/MM/YYYY format are substituted with the Some Date string. This operation can be useful, for example, when comparing two reports that contain the generation date.
Sub RegExReplaceDemo3
Dim str, re
str = "Date of report: 30/04/2005."
' Create RegExp instance.
Set re = New RegExp
' Define regular expression pattern.
re.Pattern = "\d{1,2}.\d{1,2}.\d{2,4}"
' Set global search flag
re.Global = True
' Perform replace operation
str = re.Replace(str, "Some Date")
End Sub
Changing the letter case
A string can contain both uppercase and lowercase letters. The TestComplete aqString
object and the native String
object have methods that convert uppercase letters to lowercase and vice versa. They are: aqString.ToLower, aqString.ToUpper, LCase
and UCase
The code below demonstrates how all of these methods are applied.
Sub LetterCaseDemo
Dim str
str = "The word 'Champagne' is of French origin"
' Converting to lower case
' Converting to upper case
End Sub
Working with string lists
Some scripting objects, generally, controls like ListBoxes, ComboBoxes and Memos, return information about their state or contents as string lists. Individual data elements (or items) in this list are separated by commas, line breaks, carriage returns or some other delimiter characters.
The aqString
object has a number of specific methods (AddListItem
, ChangeListItem
, DeleteListItem
, GetListItem
and GetListLength
) that are used to work with such lists. AddListItem
and DeleteListItem
add an item to or remove if from the list respectively. The GetListItem
method retrieves the item with the given index, and ChangeListItem
assigns a new value to the given item. The GetListLength
method returns the total number of items in the string list.
The symbol that is used as the separator between list items is defined by the ListSeparator
property. By default, the list separator is a pipe (|), but it can also be a comma, column, line break, carriage return, tabulation, and any other printable and non-printable character, or even several characters.
Here is sample code that demonstrates how to work with the string lists returned by scripting objects.
Sub ListDialogOptions
Dim StrList, prevSep, i
' Get a string with dialog options
OptStr = UserForms.UserForm1.SaveDialog1.Options
' Assign a comma as the list separator
prevSep = aqString.ListSeparator
aqString.ListSeparator = ","
' Get the number of dialog options
Log.Message("The dialog has " & aqString.GetListLength(OptStr) & " option(s) enabled:")
' Iterate through the options list
For i = 0 To aqString.GetListLength(OptStr)-1
' Get an option and post it to the log
Log.Message("Option No " & (i+1) & " is: " & aqString.GetListItem(OptStr, i))
' Restore the previous separator
aqString.ListSeparator = prevSep
End Sub
Sub ManageMemoText
Dim StrList, prevSep
' Get a string with memo lines
StrList = UserForms.UserForm1.cxMemo1.Lines.Text
' Post the memo contents to the log
' Assign a newline character as the list separator
prevSep = aqString.ListSeparator
aqString.ListSeparator = vbNewLine
' Append one more line
StrList = aqString.AddListItem(StrList, "Last Line")
' Change the value of the first line
StrList = aqString.ChangeListItem(StrList, "New First Line", 0)
' Add the memo contents to a new list
UserForms.UserForm1.cxMemo1.Lines.Text = StrList
' Post the memo contents to the log
' Restore the previous separator
aqString.ListSeparator = prevSep
End Sub