Testing Out-of-Browser Silverlight Applications - Requirements

Applies to TestComplete 14.40, last modified on April 22, 2021

The information in this topic applies to web tests that implement the default approach (rely on Name Mapping and run in local environments).

In order to test out-of-browser Silverlight applications with TestComplete by using UI Automation, certain requirements should be met. These requirements are listed below in his topic.

UI Automation Support Plugin

TestComplete support for testing of Silverlight applications via the UI Automation engine is provided by the following plugins:

  • UI Automation Support

  • Open Applications Support

  • Desktop Testing

These plugins are installed and enabled automatically. To use the plugins, you must have an active license for the TestComplete Desktop module.

You can check to see if these plugins are active by selecting File | Install Extensions from the TestComplete main menu. If one of these plugins is not available, you need to run the TestComplete installation in the Modify mode.

Supported Runtimes

In order to run and test an out-of-browser Silverlight application, Silverlight 4 and later runtime must be installed in the system.

You can get the latest version of Silverlight from Microsoft’s web site:


Test Project Requirements

To recognize windows of the tested out-of-browser Silverlight application via the UI Automation technology and to obtain scripting access to the application’s controls, TestComplete requires that your TestComplete project be configured in a special way. See the Preparing Test Projects for Testing Out-of-Browser Silverlight Applications topic for detailed instructions on how you can configure your test project so that the TestComplete UI Automation engine can recognize objects of out-of-browser Silverlight applications.

See Also

Testing Out-of-Browser Silverlight Applications
Preparing Test Projects for Testing Out-of-Browser Silverlight Applications
Installing Extensions

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