Add Tested Application Wizard - Add Android Tested Application Pages

The Add Tested Application wizard assists you in adding applications to the Tested Applications collection of your project. The following pages of the wizard, assist you in adding and instrumenting Android application packages:

Add New Android Application

On this page of the wizard, you can specify the path to the application to be added, as well as parameters for the application.

  • In the Android application package file text box, specify the path to the Android application package. You can enter the path manually or click the button and browse for the desired file.

    You can control the format of the path to the application’s package file on the local computer. The target path can be specified as an absolute path, a relative path or by using environment variables (if the path includes any standard system path for which environment variables are set). Click the drop-down button in the desired text box and choose the needed representation from the drop-down list.

    The application’s .apk file must be stored on the local computer (where TestComplete is installed) or in a network share.

  • If you want TestComplete to deploy the application to the device on each start, enable the Deploy to the device on start option. Note that if the application was already installed to the device, it is automatically deleted and then reinstalled.

  • If you want to automatically grant all permissions the application needs after its installation, enable the Grant all permissions listed in the application manifest after the package installation option.

  • If you want to keep the application’s data and cache after the package removal, enable the Keep the data and cache directories on removal option.

You Are Adding an Instrumented Application

This page is shown when the application has already been prepared for testing.

In this case, the other pages of the wizard are not displayed, as no further actions are needed.

Instrument Your Android Application

This page is shown when the application was not prepared for testing. The page suggests two options:

  • If you want to get access the application’s controls and their methods, fields and properties, select the Instrument the application option. TestComplete will later modify the application as required and recompile it. See Instrumenting Android Applications in TestComplete UI.

  • If the application cannot be recompiled, or you do not want to modify the application, then select Add an uninstrumented application. To work with uninstrumented applications, use the image-based testing approach.

Back Up the Original .apk File

This page is shown if you decided to instrument the application.

Since the instrumentation cannot be undone, we recommend that you make a backup of the original version of your application.

The page suggests creating a backup copy of the application and specifying a location where it will be stored.

Sign Your Android Application

This page is shown if you decided to instrument the application.

On this page, you can specify the certificate data for signing the recompiled application. The page suggests two options:

  • If you want to generate a debug key and sign the application automatically, select Sign the application using the debug certificate.

  • If you want to sign your application with your own certificate, select Sign the application using the following certificate and then specify the keystore file, alias and their passwords.

Working with the Wizard

After specifying the needed options and parameters, click Finish to close the wizard and add the specified application to the Tested Applications collection. Click Cancel to close the wizard without adding the application.

See Also

Add Tested Application Wizard
About Tested Applications
About TestedApps Editor
Adding Android Applications to the List of Tested Applications
Android Application Parameters
Instrumenting Android Applications in TestComplete UI

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