Database Checkpoints

Applies to TestComplete 14.30, last modified on November 21, 2019

Database checkpoints allow you to verify whether a database contains appropriate data. Verification is done by comparing the actual data contained in the database with baseline data stored in your project.

In This Section

About Database Checkpoints

Provides general information on database checkpoints.

Creating Database Checkpoints

Describes how to insert database checkpoints in tests.

How the Database Verification Procedure Works

Describes the algorithm used by database checkpoints to check data retrieved from a database against baseline data.

Alternatives to Database Checkpoints

Describes alternative approaches you can take to verify data in databases.

Updating Database Checkpoints

Explains how you can update database checkpoint baseline data.

Database Checkpoints - Specifics

Highlights some specifics of the database verification procedure.

Related Topics of Interest

Using Key Columns

Explains how TestComplete uses key columns to perform verification.

Working With Databases

Describes how you can connect to and work with databases from scripts.


TestComplete includes a sample project that demonstrates how to create database checkpoints:

<TestComplete Samples>\Desktop\Checkpoints\Database

Note: If you do not have the sample, download the TestComplete Samples installation package from the page of our website and run it.

See Also

About Checkpoints

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