About Support

TestComplete can recognize Ext JS Tree Panel controls in web applications. It provides special properties and methods that let you retrieve the controls data and simulate user actions on the controls (see below).

Supported Versions

Supported component versions: Sencha Ext JS 4.1.1a, 4.2.x, 5.0.x, 5.1.x, 6.0.0, 6.0.1, 6.0.2.


Support for the Ext JS Tree Panel controls is implemented by the Sencha ExtJS Control Support plugin. This plugin is installed and enabled automatically as part of the TestComplete Web module.

If you experience issues when working with the controls, select File > Install Extensions from the TestComplete main menu and check whether the plugin is active. (You can find the plugin in the Web group.) If the plugin is not available, run the TestComplete installation in the Repair mode.


When testing Ext JS Tree Panel controls, you can use properties and methods specific to these controls, as well as properties and methods that TestComplete applies to onscreen objects. For the full list of available properties and methods, see the following topics:

See Also

List of Sencha Ext JS Controls

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