The Utilities object contains the following methods:
Method List
Name | Description |
AdjustLineBreaks | Replaces all single carriage return (CR) or linefeed (LF) symbols in the specified string with the carriage return and linefeed pair (CR/LF). |
AnsiCompareFileName | Compares two file names under control of the current locale. |
AnsiCompareStr | Compares two strings under control of the current locale. |
AnsiCompareText | Compares two strings under control of the current locale. |
AnsiExtractQuotedStr | Converts a quoted string into an unquoted string. |
AnsiLastChar | Returns the last character in the string. |
AnsiLowerCase | Converts all the letters of the given string to lowercase. |
AnsiLowerCaseFileName | Converts all the letters of the given file name to lowercase. |
AnsiQuotedStr | Encloses the specified string in the specified characters. |
AnsiSameStr | Compares two specified strings. |
AnsiSameText | Compares two specified strings. |
AnsiStrRScan | Searches for the specified character in the specified string. |
AnsiStrScan | Searches for the specified character in the specified string. |
AnsiUpperCase | Converts all the letters of the given string to uppercase. |
AnsiUpperCaseFileName | Converts all the letters of the given string to uppercase. |
Beep | Generates an informing beep. |
ChangeFileExt | Changes the extension of the specified file. |
CompareStr | Compares two specified strings. |
CompareText | Compares two specified strings. |
CreateDir | Creates a new folder. |
CurrToStr | Converts the specified currency value to its string representation. |
CurrToStrF | Converts the given currency value to its string representation. |
Date | Returns the current date set on your computer. |
DateTimeToFileDate | Converts a variant value that stores date and time to an integer value. |
DateTimeToStr | Converts the variant value that stores date and time to a string. |
DateTimeToString | Converts a Variant value storing date and time to a string using the format string specified by the Format parameter. |
DateTimeToSystemTime | Converts a Variant value, which holds date and time, to a TSystemTime value. |
DateToStr | Converts a Variant value holding a date to a string. |
DayOfWeek | Returns the day of the week for the specified date. |
DecodeDate | Splits the specified date value into the year, month and day of the month. |
DecodeTime | Extracts hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds from the specified time. |
DeleteFile | Deletes a file from the disk. |
DirectoryExists | Checks if the specified directory exists. |
EncodeDate | Converts the date specified by year, month and day to a Variant value. |
EncodeTime | Converts a time specified by hour, minute, second and millisecond to a Variant value. |
ExcludeTrailingBackslash | Removes the trailing path delimiter ('\') from the specified path. |
ExpandFileName | Converts the given relative file name into a fully qualified path name. |
ExpandUNCFileName | Converts the given relative file name into a fully qualified path name. |
ExtractFileDir | Extracts the drive and directory parts from the specified file name. |
ExtractFileDrive | Extracts the drive part from the specified file name. |
ExtractFileExt | Extracts the extension from the specified file name. |
ExtractFileName | Extracts the name and extension parts from the specified file name. |
ExtractFilePath | Extracts the drive and directory parts from the specified file name. |
ExtractRelativePath | Converts a fully qualified path name into a relative path name. |
ExtractShortPathName | Converts the specified file name to the short 8.3 form. |
FileAge | Returns the date and time assigned to the file with the specified name. |
FileClose | Closes the specified file. |
FileCreate | Creates a new file with the specified name and path. |
FileDateToDateTime | Converts an integer value that stores the timestamp of a file to a Variant value storing the date and time. |
FileExists | Obtains whether the specified file exists. |
FileGetAttr | Returns attributes of the specified file. |
FileGetDate | Returns the OS timestamp of the specified file. |
FileOpen | Opens the specified file. |
FileRead | Reads the specified number of bytes from the specified file. |
FileSearch | Searches for the specified file. |
FileSeek | Sets the file pointer to the specified position within a file. |
FileSetAttr | Sets the attributes of the specified file. |
FileSetDate | Sets the date and time attributes for the specified file. |
FileWrite | Writes the specified number of bytes to a file. |
FindClose | Closes the specified file. |
FindFirst | Finds the first instance of the file with the specified name, path and attributes. |
FindNext | Continues the search initiated by the FindFirst function. |
FloatToStr | Converts a floating-point value to a string. |
FloatToStrF | Converts a floating-point value to a string. |
ForceDirectories | Creates a new folder. |
Format | Converts the items of the given array to a string using the specified format. |
FormatCurr | Converts the given currency value to a string using the specified format. |
FormatDateTime | Converts the given DateTime value to a string using the specified format. |
FormatFloat | Converts a floating-point value to a string using the specified format. |
GetCurrentDir | Returns the fully qualified name of the current directory. |
GetFormatSettings | Resets all of the date and number format variables. |
IncludeTrailingBackslash | Ensures that the specified path ends with the trailing path delimiter. |
IncMonth | Increments the given Date value by the specified number of months. |
IntToHex | Converts the given number into a string that contains the number’s hexadecimal (base 16) representation. |
IntToStr | Converts the given number into a string. |
IsDelimiter | Indicates whether the specified character in the given string is one of the delimiters in the string Delimiters. |
IsLeapYear | Determines whether the given year is a leap year. |
IsPathDelimiter | Indicates whether the specified character in the given string is a path delimiter. |
IsValidIdent | Indicates whether the specified string is a valid JScript, C++Script, C#Script or DelphiScript identifier. |
LastDelimiter | Locates the last delimiter in the specified string. |
LowerCase | Converts all the letters of the given string to lowercase. |
Now | Returns the current date and time. |
QuotedStr | Encloses the specified string in quotes. |
RemoveDir | Removes the specified directory. |
RenameFile | Renames the specified file or folder. |
ReplaceDate | Changes the date part in the DateTime parameter. |
ReplaceTime | Changes the time part in the DateTime parameter. |
SameText | Determines whether the specified strings are equal. |
SetCurrentDir | Sets the specified directory as the current directory. |
StringReplace | Replaces occurrences of the specified substring in the given string. |
StrLCat | Adds the given string to the end of another string and cuts the resulting string, if necessary. |
StrLComp | Compares up to a specified maximum number of characters in two strings. |
StrLIComp | Compares up to a specified number of characters in the given strings. |
StrToCurr | Converts the string that represents a floating-point value to the corresponding Currency value. |
StrToDate | Converts the specified string to a value that encodes date. |
StrToDateTime | Converts the specified string to a value that encodes date and time. |
StrToFloat | Converts the specified string to a floating-point value. |
StrToInt | Converts the specified string to an integer value. |
StrToIntDef | Converts the specified string to an integer value. |
StrToTime | Converts the specified string to a Variant value that encodes time. |
SysErrorMessage | Converts the specified OS error code into the corresponding error message string. |
SystemTimeToDateTime | Converts a TSystemTime value to a Variant value that encodes date and time. |
Time | Returns the current time as a Variant value. |
TimeToStr | |
Trim | Removes the leading and trailing spaces as well as control characters from the specified string. |
TrimLeft | Removes the leading spaces and control characters from the specified string. |
TrimRight | Removes the trailing spaces and control characters from the specified string. |
TSearchRec | Creates a TSearchRec object and returns it. |
UpperCase | Converts all the letters of the given string to uppercase. |
Win32Check | Checks a Windows API call’s return value and raises an appropriate exception when this call fails. |
WrapText | Splits the specified string into multiple lines if its length reaches the given value or if there are occurrences of any of the specified characters. |