Features Added to TestComplete 10.40

Applies to TestComplete 14.30, last modified on November 21, 2019

This topic describes the changes made to TestComplete 10.40. For information on the changes made to other versions of the product, see Version History.

iOS Testing Enhancements

  • Support for iOS 8 and Xcode 6. Now you can record and run tests on iOS devices working under iOS version 8 and created with Xcode version 5 or 6.

  • Support for iOS 7.1.2. TestComplete now supports testing applications running on iOS version 7.1.2.

  • Visualizer for iOS tests. Now, TestComplete captures Visualizer screenshots for iOS applications during the test recording and playback. These screenshots help you better understand what actions your test performs and what happens in the application during the testing.

  • Access to GPS and sensor data. You can now access sensor data of your iOS devices in automated tests. This enables you to create tests for applications that use GPS, accelerometer, gyroscope and other sensor data. See Geolocation Testing and Getting Data From Mobile Device Sensors.

  • Tracking and setting screen orientation from tests. TestComplete version 10.40 offers a new keyword-test operation – Set Device Orientation – and introduces two news methods of the iOS Desktop object – SetOrientation and GetOrientation – to help you change the device’s screen orientation in tests. This enables you to create automated tests that check whether your iOS application handles changes in the screen orientation properly. See Simulating Screen Rotation.

    TestComplete also detects screen rotations during test recording and inserts the appropriate test commands into the recorded test.

  • Automatic screen scrolling. TestComplete can now automatically scroll the device screen if the control, on which your test simulates an action, is out of the screen border. Earlier, you had to insert special scroll commands into your tests to reach the needed controls.

  • Earlier, TestComplete versions recorded user actions only on one iOS application. Now, you can record tests against two or more iOS applications: you start recording with one application, then run another by selecting a toolbar item in the TestComplete Mobile Screen and continue recording your actions on the other application.

  • iOS test recording now supports conditional Name Mapping and Name Mapping templates.

Android Testing Enhancements

  • Testing Android hybrid applications. You can now create and run automated tests for hybrid Android applications (these applications use the WebView control for displaying web pages). TestComplete identifies the embedded web pages and recognizes web elements on them, so your tests can simulate user actions on both native and web elements. See Testing Hybrid Mobile Applications.

  • Application instrumentation from tests. You can now instrument your applications during the test run by using new methods and properties of the AndroidTestedApp object. For more information, see Instrumenting Android Applications From Scripts.

  • Mobile Screen improvements. The Mobile Screen now has buttons for changing the screen orientation of Android devices. These buttons are especially useful for testing applications on Android devices like Ambrane and EAFT tablets that report their screen orientation incorrectly.

  • The Device Keys operation and the Keys scripting action can now simulate text input with special keys like Ctrl, Shift, numeric keyboard keys and others.

  • Version 10.40 includes a new operation –Set Device Orientation– that lets you easily change the screen orientation of your Android device from keyword tests.

  • Image-based tests recorded on Android 4.3 and 4.4 applications now use object images rather than whole screen images.

    However, for non-instrumented Android 4.0-4.0.2 applications, TestComplete now records image-based tests using screen coordinates. You can create image-based tests with object images manually.

Support for the Chromium Embedded Framework

You can now create and run automated tests for desktop applications that use the Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF). TestComplete supports native (C++, Delphi and other), .NET and Java desktop applications that use CEF1 and CEF3 (both 32-bit and 64-bit). See About Support for Chromium Embedded Framework.

Web Testing Enhancements

  • Support for 64-bit Chrome. You can now record and play back web tests using the 64-bit version of Google Chrome. The 64-bit version of Chrome is currently available in Beta for Windows 7 and 8 users.
  • Support for the most recent browser versions. You can now test web applications in Chrome 37, Firefox 24–32 and Opera 24.

  • Support for jQuery Mobile. You can now record and play back object-specific actions and checkpoints for jQuery Mobile controls. For details, see Supported jQuery Mobile Controls.

  • Support for Sencha Ext JS 5. Version 10.40 introduces support for the latest version of Sencha Ext JS controls – 5.0.

  • Enhanced support for Sencha Touch. TestComplete now ignores dynamic identifiers in Sencha Touch applications, making tests and object identification more robust. See Handling Dynamic Identifiers in Web Applications.

Support for Embarcadero RAD Studio XE6

You can now automate testing of 32- and 64-bit Delphi and C++Builder applications created with Embarcadero RAD Studio XE6.

Name Mapping Improvements

We've updated the Name Mapping file format and made it more friendly to external merging tools and source control systems. Formerly, the file contents could easily get broken during merging. Now the file format supports this operation better.

The new file format is incompatible with previous TestComplete versions. After you save your project in TestComplete 10.40, you will be unable to open it in earlier TestComplete versions (10.30, 10.20 and others). This may cause issues for those of your colleagues who have not upgraded to TestComplete 10.40 yet. We recommend that all your team members upgrade to the new version.

New Supported Controls

TestComplete version 10.40 introduces support for the following controls:

  • Windows Forms controls by Telerik: RadPageView, RadListControl, RadDropDownList, RadScrollablePanel, DocumentTabStrip.

  • Developer Express 14.1 controls for Windows Forms.

  • Syncfusion 11.4 controls for Windows Forms.

Other Enhancements

  • The support for the CollabNet Subversion 1.8.x. source control is added.

  • The Regions, Objects and Files objects now log errors for incorrect parameter values. You can turn error logging on and off using the PostErrorsToLog property of these objects.

  • Now you can use the new Process.SaveDumpToFile and Process.SaveDumpToLog methods to create memory dumps (minidumps or full dumps) at any time during the test run. These dumps can help application developers track down the cause of incorrect application behavior, hanging or crashes. See Creating Process Dumps During a Test Run.

  • You can now remove Visualizer images from the test log that you are going to send via e-mail. To do this, just clear the “Save Visualizer images” check box in the Send Log via Email Dialog dialog that TestComplete displays before sending the message.

  • We have fixed a number of bugs reported by our customers.

Discontinued Support

In version 10.40, we have stopped supporting some rarely-used product features and technologies. This will help us concentrate our efforts on more important features for our customers.

  • Project items:

    • Manual testing
    • Object-driven testing (ODT)
    • ActiveX Objects

    If you open a legacy project that has these project items, TestComplete will display them as Unavailable in the Project Explorer.

    Below are possible alternatives:

    • If you want to run manual tests as part of your automated test runs, consider using QAComplete.

    • The ODT plugin is obsolete. We would recommend finding other ways to perform the tasks that you do with it. For instance, ODT is often used for creating custom classes (objects). You can define and create classes (objects) in JScript code by using JScript’s built-in functionality (see the JScript reference on the MSDN web site).

      To keep your tests functioning during the transaction, you can request the ODT plugin from our Support Team.

    • In most cases, you can create the needed ActiveX and COM objects in script code. See Working With COM Objects.

  • Opera 12.16 and Safari support.

  • The aqDumpGenerator utility.

  • The TestRecorder package.

See Also

Version History

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