Working With Combo Box Controls

Applies to TestComplete 14.30, last modified on November 21, 2019

TestComplete supports a number of standard Windows controls, including combo box controls. Combo box controls display a set of items and permit the user to make an exclusive choice. The user can navigate within the combo box control and select the needed item.

If the class name of the tested combo box control is listed in the Default Project Properties - Object Mapping Options options of the current project, TestComplete associates it with Win32ComboBox. If you need to test custom combo box controls, you can add their class names to the Object Mapping list. In this case, they will be associated with the Win32ComboBox object as well. Specific properties and methods of the Win32ComboBox object allow you to navigate within a combo box, search for items and retrieve data from the tested combo box control.

The topics of this section provide detailed information on how to work with Win32 combo box controls. To learn about working with Android spinner controls see the Working With Android Spinner Controls section.

Note: Though the following topics deal with scripts, you can use the same approaches while testing an application from your keyword tests. For more information, see Keyword Tests Basic Operations.

In This Section

Combo Box Types

Describes different types of combo box controls.

Selecting Combo Box Items

Explains how you can select individual combo box items.

Getting Combo Box Items

Describes how you can obtain combo box items.

Determining the Number of Combo Box Items

Explains how to determine the total number of combo box items.

Working With Drop-Down Lists

Explains how you can work with combo boxes’ drop-down lists.

Getting Combo Box Items' Images

Describes how to work with images associated with combo box items.

Working With Owner-Drawn Combo Boxes

Describes the specifics of working with owner-drawn combo boxes.

Related Topics of Interest

Working With List Box Controls

Describes how to perform various operations over list box controls using TestComplete.

Table Checkpoints

Explains how you can create checkpoints that verify data displayed in combo box controls.

Simulating User Actions

Explains the approaches used for simulating user actions over applications’ controls.

See Also

Object-Specific Tasks
Win32 ComboBox Support
Supported Controls
Default Project Properties - Object Mapping Options

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