Checking Out Projects From Team Foundation Version Control Repository

Applies to TestComplete 14.20, last modified on September 11, 2019

Before you start editing your project or project suite bound to Team Foundation Version Control, you need to check out the project or individual files you want to edit.

  1. Select File > Source Control > Check Out for Edit from the TestComplete main menu.

    – or –

    Right-click your project or project suite in the Project Explorer and then click Source Control > Check Out for Edit.

    – or –

    Click Check Out for Edit on the Source Control toolbar (if the toolbar is hidden, right-click the toolbar area and select Source Control).

    — or —

    Start editing the needed project item. TestComplete will ask you to check out the corresponding file.

  2. In the Check Out dialog, select the files you want to check out and set a lock type for the files.

    Check Out Dialog
  3. Click Check Out.

TestComplete will get the latest version of the specified files from your team project repository and check out them for editing.

Note: If the versions of files stored in the repository and on your local computer are different, TestComplete will replace your local files with the files retrieved from the server.

Related Tasks

See Also

Integration With Team Foundation Version Control - Common Tasks
Integration With Microsoft Team Foundation Version Control

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