Name Mapping Templates

Applies to TestComplete 14.20, last modified on September 11, 2019


Name mapping templates help you map windows and controls faster.

Name Mapping Templates dialog

Click the image to enlarge it.

When mapping windows and controls, TestComplete selects identification properties for them automatically. It detects object types and uses properties that will identify these objects in the best way.

It’s possible, however, that this choice is not ideal. In this case, you can specify recognition properties manually. This might be a tedious task, especially, if your application has lots of such controls. And, this is where name mapping templates come into play and help you automate and streamline the mapping.

A template is a custom mapping rule. It has two sets of properties that work in the following way:

Properties of name mapping templates

Click the image to enlarge it.

Tip: You can use regular expressions to specify property values of the If… group.
How TestComplete uses templates

TestComplete uses templates automatically during name mapping. If it finds some template that matches the object that is being mapped, then it maps this object using the template’s settings rather than the settings it would use by default. If an object matches two or more templates, TestComplete will use the first found template.

If you are mapping windows and controls manually, you can select the needed template in the mapping dialog box:

Select a template when mapping controls manually

Click the image to enlarge it.

Name mapping templates work for all the projects that you open in your TestComplete instance, they are not project-specific.

View, create, edit, and delete templates

You create, edit, and delete templates in the Name Mapping Templates dialog. To open it, click Templates on the toolbar of the Name Mapping editor. See the image above.

Create templates

By default, TestComplete projects don’t have predefined name mapping templates. You can create them manually –

  • in the Name Mapping editor, or
  • from the mapping dialogs.

Warning: Do not create templates for the Sys and Mobile objects.

In Name Mapping editor
  1. Start your tested application or open the tested web page and make sure the needed window or control is open.

    Mobile testing: The device and application must be prepared for testing.
  2. In TestComplete, open the Name Mapping editor and click Templates on the toolbar. Then, click Add:

    Create Name Mapping templates: Start

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  3. Select the desired window or control in the subsequent dialog box:

    Pick Object dialog

    See instructions

    The Object box displays the mapping name of the control you selected. To check if you selected the correct control, click Highlight. You will see a flashing red frame around the control on screen.

    Pick Object dialog

    Click OK to proceed.

  4. In the subsequent dialog, specify the template properties:

    Setting template properties

    Click the image to enlarge it.

    • Enter the template name.

    • (Optionally) Enter the template category or select it from the drop-down list. Categories help you group, find, and manage templates easier. See below.

    • Specify properties and values in the If section. TestComplete will use the template if the window or control being mapped has these properties, and the property values match the values set in the dialog.


      • To find a property quickly, start typing its name or value:

        Find a property
      • You can specify regular expressions in property values.

    • Specify properties in the Then section. TestComplete will use these property values to map a window or control.

  5. Click OK to save the changes and to create the template.

When mapping objects manually
  1. Start mapping an object in some way. For example, you can do this by clicking Add Object on the toolbar at the top of the TestComplete window.

  2. Select the desired window or control on the screen:

    Select a window or control for mapping

    TestComplete will ask if you would like to map the object automatically or manually. Select manual mapping:

    Select manual mapping
  3. TestComplete will ask you to map parent objects of the selected object. Click Yes:

    Select to map parent objects

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  4. TestComplete will then show the Object Name Mapping dialog for each object to be mapped. Click Templates in this dialog to view the list of available templates:

    Create template during manual mapping

    Click the image to enlarge it.

    This list can be empty as in the image above if your project has no templates that match the object currently being mapped.

    To create a new template using properties of this object, click Add and use the subsequent dialog.

Use regular expressions in properties

To set more flexible conditions in your template, use regular expressions to specify property values in the If section:

Regular expressions in property values


You can organize related templates into categories to view and manage them easier. Imagine that your tested app uses some library of controls for which you would like to create templates. In this case, you can create templates for control types (list boxes, list views, and so on), and then group these templates for easier management and selection. You can then find the templates faster:

Template categories

To create a category, simply type the desired name into the Category box when you are creating a template or editing its properties:

Enter a category name

To add a template to a category, select the category name when you are editing a template:

Select a category

TestComplete automatically deletes categories that have no templates in them.

Save and load templates

Name mapping templates are not project-specific. They work for all the projects that you open in TestComplete on your computer.

You can save and load template settings from a file along with other TestComplete settings. See Exporting and Importing Custom User Settings for details.

See Also

Name Mapping
About Name Mapping
Adding Objects to the Name Mapping Repository

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