4. Modifying Script and Assigning Input Values

Applies to TestComplete 14.20, last modified on September 11, 2019

Dividing the Recorded Script into Several Routines

Let’s take a look at the recorded code:

JavaScript, JScript

function Test1()
  var orders;
  var mainForm;
  var orderForm;
  var groupBox;
  var numericUpDown;
  var textBox;
  // Launching the Orders application
  // Opening the Order form
  orders = Aliases.Orders;
  mainForm = orders.MainForm;
  mainForm.MainMenu.Click("Orders|New order...");
  // Populating the Order form
  orderForm = orders.OrderForm;
  groupBox = orderForm.Group;
  numericUpDown = groupBox.Quantity;
  numericUpDown.Click(8, 7);
  numericUpDown.wValue = 20;
  groupBox.Date.wDate = "5/6/2005";
  textBox = groupBox.Customer;
  textBox.Click(69, 12);
  textBox.wText = "John Smith Jr";
  textBox = groupBox.Street;
  textBox.Click(4, 8);
  textBox.wText = "12, Orange Blvd";
  textBox = groupBox.City;
  textBox.Click(12, 14);
  textBox.wText = "Grovetown, CA";
  textBox = groupBox.State;
  textBox.Click(21, 6);
  textBox.wText = "US";
  textBox = groupBox.Zip;
  textBox.Click(14, 14);
  textBox.wText = "111155";
  textBox = groupBox.CardNo;
  textBox.Click(35, 15);
  textBox.wText = "555777555888";
  groupBox.ExpDate.wDate = "5/6/2005";
  // Creating checkpoints
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.Price, "wText", cmpEqual, "$80", false);
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.Discount, "wText", cmpEqual, "15%", false);
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.groupBox1.Total, "wText", cmpEqual, "1360", false);
  // Closing the Order form
  // Closing the application


def Test1():
  #Launching the tested application
  #Opening the Order form
  orders = Aliases.Orders
  mainForm = orders.MainForm
  mainForm.MainMenu.Click("Orders|New order...")
  #Populating the Order form
  orderForm = orders.OrderForm;
  groupBox = orderForm.Group;
  numericUpDown = groupBox.Quantity
  numericUpDown.Click(8, 7)
  numericUpDown.wValue = 20
  groupBox.Date.wDate = "5/6/2005"
  textBox = groupBox.Customer
  textBox.Click(69, 12)
  textBox.settext("John Smith Jr")
  textBox = groupBox.Street
  textBox.Click(4, 8)
  textBox.wText = "12, Orange Blvd"
  textBox = groupBox.City
  textBox.Click(12, 14)
  textBox.wText = "Grovetown, CA"
  textBox = groupBox.State
  textBox.Click(21, 6)
  textBox.wText = "US"
  textBox = groupBox.Zip
  textBox.Click(14, 14)
  textBox.wText = "111155"
  textBox = groupBox.CardNo
  textBox.Click(35, 15)
  textBox.wText = "555777555888"
  groupBox.ExpDate.wDate = "5/6/2005"
  #Creating checkpoints
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.Price, "wText", cmpEqual, "$80")
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.Discount, "wText", cmpEqual, "15%")
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.groupBox1.Total, "wText", cmpEqual, "1360")
  #Closing the Orders form
  #Closing the Orders application


Sub Test1
  Dim orders
  Dim mainForm
  Dim orderForm
  Dim groupBox
  Dim numericUpDown
  Dim textBox
  ' Launching the Orders application
  ' Opening the Order form
  Set orders = Aliases.Orders
  Set mainForm = orders.MainForm
  Call mainForm.MainMenu.Click("Orders|New order...")
  ' Populating the Order form
  Set orderForm = orders.OrderForm
  Set groupBox = orderForm.Group
  Call groupBox.ProductNames.ClickItem("FamilyAlbum")
  Set numericUpDown = groupBox.Quantity
  Call numericUpDown.Click(37, 9)
  numericUpDown.wValue = 20
  groupBox.Date.wDate = "5/6/2005"
  Set textBox = groupBox.Customer
  Call textBox.Click(39, 7)
  textBox.wText = "John Smith Jr"
  Set textBox = groupBox.Street
  Call textBox.Click(66, 7)
  textBox.wText = "12, Orange Blvd"
  Set textBox = groupBox.City
  Call textBox.Click(72, 9)
  textBox.wText = "Grovetown, CA"
  Set textBox = groupBox.State
  Call textBox.Click(98, 9)
  textBox.wText = "US"
  Set textBox = groupBox.Zip
  Call textBox.Click(31, 12)
  textBox.wText = "111155"
  Set textBox = groupBox.CardNo
  Call textBox.Click(53, 12)
  textBox.wText = "555777555888"
  groupBox.ExpDate.wDate = "5/6/2005"
  ' Creating checkpoints
  Call aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.Price, "wText", cmpEqual, "$80", False)
  Call aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.Discount, "wText", cmpEqual, "15%", False)
  Call aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.groupBox1.Total, "wText", cmpEqual, "1360", False)
  ' Closing the Order form
  ' Closing the application
End Sub


procedure Test1;
  var orders : OleVariant;
  var mainForm : OleVariant;
  var orderForm : OleVariant;
  var groupBox : OleVariant;
  var numericUpDown : OleVariant;
  var textBox : OleVariant;
  // Launching the Orders application
  // Opening the Order form
  orders := Aliases.Orders;
  mainForm := orders.MainForm;
  mainForm.MainMenu.Click('Orders|New order...');
  // Populating the Order form
  orderForm := orders.OrderForm;
  groupBox := orderForm.Group;
  numericUpDown := groupBox.Quantity;
  numericUpDown.Click(37, 9);
  numericUpDown.wValue := 20;
  groupBox.Date.wDate := '5/6/2005';
  textBox := groupBox.Customer;
  textBox.Click(67, 17);
  textBox.wText := 'John Smith Jr';
  textBox := groupBox.Street;
  textBox.Click(31, 5);
  textBox.wText := '12, Orange Blvd';
  textBox := groupBox.City;
  textBox.Click(47, 15);
  textBox.wText := 'Grovetown, CA';
  textBox := groupBox.State;
  textBox.Click(82, 4);
  textBox.wText := 'US';
  textBox := groupBox.Zip;
  textBox.Click(10, 8);
  textBox.wText := '111155';
  textBox := groupBox.CardNo;
  textBox.Click(46, 9);
  textBox.wText := '555777555888';
  groupBox.ExpDate.wDate := '5/6/2005';
  // Creating checkpoints
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.Price, 'wText', cmpEqual, '$80', false);
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.Discount, 'wText', cmpEqual, '15%', false);
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.groupBox1.Total, 'wText', cmpEqual, '1360', false);
  // Closing the Order form
  // Closing the application

C++Script, C#Script

function Test1()
  var orders;
  var mainForm;
  var orderForm;
  var groupBox;
  var numericUpDown;
  var textBox;
  // Launching the Orders application
  // Opening the Order form
  orders = Aliases["Orders"];
  mainForm = orders["MainForm"];
  mainForm["MainMenu"]["Click"]("Orders|New order...");
  // Populating the Order form
  orderForm = orders["OrderForm"];
  groupBox = orderForm["Group"];
  numericUpDown = groupBox["Quantity"];
  numericUpDown["Click"](37, 9);
  numericUpDown["wValue"] = 20;
  groupBox["Date"]["wDate"] = "5/6/2005";
  textBox = groupBox["Customer"];
  textBox["Click"](43, 7);
  textBox["wText"] = "John Smith Jr";
  textBox = groupBox["Street"];
  textBox["Click"](31, 11);
  textBox["wText"] = "12, Orange Blvd";
  textBox = groupBox["City"];
  textBox["Click"](24, 6);
  textBox["wText"] = "Grovetown, CA";
  textBox = groupBox["State"];
  textBox["Click"](31, 8);
  textBox["wText"] = "US";
  textBox = groupBox["Zip"];
  textBox["Click"](24, 17);
  textBox["wText"] = "111155";
  textBox = groupBox["CardNo"];
  textBox["Click"](19, 7);
  textBox["wText"] = "555777555888";
  groupBox["ExpDate"]["wDate"] = "5/6/2005";
  // Creating checkpoints
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases["Orders"]["OrderForm"]["Group"]["Price"], "wText", cmpEqual, "$80", false);
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases["Orders"]["OrderForm"]["Group"]["Discount"], "wText", cmpEqual, "15%", false);
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases["Orders"]["OrderForm"]["Group"]["groupBox1"]["Total"], "wText", cmpEqual, "1360", false);
  // Closing the Order form
  // Closing the application

Comments divide the recorded code into the parts responsible for executing the Orders application, opening the Order form, populating the form, verifying the output values of the form fields, closing the form, and closing the application. Now we can place each code part in a single routine. These routines will be called from the Main routine.

Here is the list of routines:

  • The OpenForm routine is responsible for opening the Order form. Copy the strings situated under the "Opening the Order form" comment in the recorded code to the body of the OpenForm routine. The routine will have the following code:

    JavaScript, JScript

    function OpenForm()
      orders = Aliases.Orders;
      mainForm = orders.MainForm;
      mainForm.MainMenu.Click("Orders|New order...");


    def OpenForm():
      orders = Aliases.Orders
      mainForm = orders.MainForm
      mainForm.MainMenu.Click("Orders|New order...")


    Sub OpenForm
      Set orders = Aliases.Orders
      Set mainForm = orders.MainForm
      Call mainForm.MainMenu.Click("Orders|New order...")
    End Sub


    procedure OpenForm;
      orders := Aliases.Orders;
      mainForm := orders.MainForm;
      mainForm.MainMenu.Click('Orders|New order...');

    C++Script, C#Script

    function OpenForm()
      orders = Aliases["Orders"];
      mainForm = orders["MainForm"];
      mainForm["MainMenu"]["Click"]("Orders|New order...");

  • The PopulateForm routine is responsible for populating the Order form. Copy the strings situated under the "Populating the Order form" comment in the recorded code to the body of the PopulateForm routine. The routine will have the following code:

    JavaScript, JScript

    function PopulateForm()
      orderForm = orders.OrderForm;
      groupBox = orderForm.Group;
      numericUpDown = groupBox.Quantity;
      numericUpDown.Click(8, 7);
      numericUpDown.wValue = 20;
      groupBox.Date.wDate = "5/6/2005";
      textBox = groupBox.Customer;
      textBox.Click(69, 12);
      textBox.wText = "John Smith Jr";
      textBox = groupBox.Street;
      textBox.Click(4, 8);
      textBox.wText = "12, Orange Blvd";
      textBox = groupBox.City;
      textBox.Click(12, 14);
      textBox.wText = "Grovetown, CA";
      textBox = groupBox.State;
      textBox.Click(21, 6);
      textBox.wText = "US";
      textBox = groupBox.Zip;
      textBox.Click(14, 14);
      textBox.wText = "111155";
      textBox = groupBox.CardNo;
      textBox.Click(35, 15);
      textBox.wText = "555777555888";
      groupBox.ExpDate.wDate = "5/6/2005";


    def PopulateForm():
      orderForm = orders.OrderForm;
      groupBox = orderForm.Group;
      numericUpDown = groupBox.Quantity
      numericUpDown.Click(8, 7)
      numericUpDown.wValue = 20
      groupBox.Date.wDate = "5/6/2005"
      textBox = groupBox.Customer
      textBox.Click(69, 12)
      textBox.settext("John Smith Jr")
      textBox = groupBox.Street
      textBox.Click(4, 8)
      textBox.wText = "12, Orange Blvd"
      textBox = groupBox.City
      textBox.Click(12, 14)
      textBox.wText = "Grovetown, CA"
      textBox = groupBox.State
      textBox.Click(21, 6)
      textBox.wText = "US"
      textBox = groupBox.Zip
      textBox.Click(14, 14)
      textBox.wText = "111155"
      textBox = groupBox.CardNo
      textBox.Click(35, 15)
      textBox.wText = "555777555888"
      groupBox.ExpDate.wDate = "5/6/2005"


    Sub PopulateForm
      Set orderForm = orders.OrderForm
      Set groupBox = orderForm.Group
      Call groupBox.ProductNames.ClickItem("FamilyAlbum")
      Set numericUpDown = groupBox.Quantity
      Call numericUpDown.Click(37, 9)
      numericUpDown.wValue = 20
      groupBox.Date.wDate = "5/6/2005"
      Set textBox = groupBox.Customer
      Call textBox.Click(39, 7)
      textBox.wText = "John Smith Jr"
      Set textBox = groupBox.Street
      Call textBox.Click(66, 7)
      textBox.wText = "12, Orange Blvd"
      Set textBox = groupBox.City
      Call textBox.Click(72, 9)
      textBox.wText = "Grovetown, CA"
      Set textBox = groupBox.State
      Call textBox.Click(98, 9)
      textBox.wText = "US"
      Set textBox = groupBox.Zip
      Call textBox.Click(31, 12)
      textBox.wText = "111155"
      Set textBox = groupBox.CardNo
      Call textBox.Click(53, 12)
      textBox.wText = "555777555888"
      groupBox.ExpDate.wDate = "5/6/2005"
    End Sub


    procedure PopulateForm;
      orderForm := orders.OrderForm;
      groupBox := orderForm.Group;
      numericUpDown := groupBox.Quantity;
      numericUpDown.Click(37, 9);
      numericUpDown.wValue := 20;
      groupBox.Date.wDate := '5/6/2005';
      textBox := groupBox.Customer;
      textBox.Click(67, 17);
      textBox.wText := 'John Smith Jr';
      textBox := groupBox.Street;
      textBox.Click(31, 5);
      textBox.wText := '12, Orange Blvd';
      textBox := groupBox.City;
      textBox.Click(47, 15);
      textBox.wText := 'Grovetown, CA';
      textBox := groupBox.State;
      textBox.Click(82, 4);
      textBox.wText := 'US';
      textBox := groupBox.Zip;
      textBox.Click(10, 8);
      textBox.wText := '111155';
      textBox := groupBox.CardNo;
      textBox.Click(46, 9);
      textBox.wText := '555777555888';
      groupBox.ExpDate.wDate := '5/6/2005';

    C++Script, C#Script

    function PopulateForm()
      orderForm = orders["OrderForm"];
      groupBox = orderForm["Group"];
      numericUpDown = groupBox["Quantity"];
      numericUpDown["Click"](37, 9);
      numericUpDown["wValue"] = 20;
      groupBox["Date"]["wDate"] = "5/6/2005";
      textBox = groupBox["Customer"];
      textBox["Click"](43, 7);
      textBox["wText"] = "John Smith Jr";
      textBox = groupBox["Street"];
      textBox["Click"](31, 11);
      textBox["wText"] = "12, Orange Blvd";
      textBox = groupBox["City"];
      textBox["Click"](24, 6);
      textBox["wText"] = "Grovetown, CA";
      textBox = groupBox["State"];
      textBox["Click"](31, 8);
      textBox["wText"] = "US";
      textBox = groupBox["Zip"];
      textBox["Click"](24, 17);
      textBox["wText"] = "111155";
      textBox = groupBox["CardNo"];
      textBox["Click"](19, 7);
      textBox["wText"] = "555777555888";
      groupBox["ExpDate"]["wDate"] = "5/6/2005";

  • The Checkpoint routine is responsible for verifying the output values of the Order form. Copy the strings situated under the "Creating checkpoints" comment in the recorded code to the body of the Checkpoint routine. The routine will have the following code:

    JavaScript, JScript

    function Checkpoint()
      aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.Price, "wText", cmpEqual, "$80", false);
      aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.Discount, "wText", cmpEqual, "15%", false);
      aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.groupBox1.Total, "wText", cmpEqual, "1360", false);


    def Checkpoint(Driver):
      aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.Price, "wText", cmpEqual, "$80", False)
      aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.Discount, "wText", cmpEqual, "15%", False)
      aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.groupBox1.Total, "wText", cmpEqual, "1360", False)


    Sub Checkpoint
      Call aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.Price, "wText", cmpEqual, "$80", False)
      Call aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.Discount, "wText", cmpEqual, "15%", False)
      Call aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.groupBox1.Total, "wText", cmpEqual, "1360", False)
    End Sub


    procedure Checkpoint;
      aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.Price, 'wText', cmpEqual, '$80', false);
      aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.Discount, 'wText', cmpEqual, '15%', false);
      aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.groupBox1.Total, 'wText', cmpEqual, '1360', false);

    C++Script, C#Script

    function Checkpoint()
      aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases["Orders"]["OrderForm"]["Group"]["Price"], "wText", cmpEqual, "$80", false);
      aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases["Orders"]["OrderForm"]["Group"]["Discount"], "wText", cmpEqual, "15%", false);
      aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases["Orders"]["OrderForm"]["Group"]["groupBox1"]["Total"], "wText", cmpEqual, "1360", false);

  • The CloseForm routine is responsible for closing the Order form. Copy the strings situated under the "Closing the Order form" comment in the recorded code to the body of the CloseForm routine. The routine will have the following code:

    JavaScript, JScript

    function CloseForm()


    def CloseForm(orderForm):


    Sub CloseForm
    End Sub


    procedure CloseForm;

    C++Script, C#Script

    function CloseForm()

  • The CloseApplication routine is responsible for closing the Order form. Copy the strings situated under the " Closing the Order form" comment in the recorded code to the body of the CloseApplication routine. The routine will have the following code:

    JavaScript, JScript

    function CloseApplication()


    def CloseApplication():


    Sub CloseApplication
    End Sub


    procedure CloseApplication;

    C++Script, C#Script

    function CloseApplication()

The created routines code is now in the rough stages. It’s final modification is displayed below.

Creating the Main Routine

The routines described above are called from the Main routine during its execution. Thus, the Main routine code should contain calls to these routines in the same sequence as they are described. The routine will have the following code:

JavaScript, JScript

function Main()


def Main():


Sub Main
End Sub


procedure Main;

C++Script, C#Script

function Main()

Modifying the Main Routine Code

The references to objects held in the orders, mainForm, orderForm, groupBox variables are used in several routines called from the Main one. To access the values of these variables from other routines you should declare them in the Main routine. The values should also be assigned to these variables in the Main routine. Move the strings that assign the values to orders and mainForm variables from the OpenForm routine and the strings that assign the values to orderForm and groupBox variables from the PopulateForm routine to the Main routine.

To access the data storage in the script the string that specifies the DDTDriver object to be used to access the storage needs to be moved to the beginning of the routine code. This string assigns the reference to a DDTDriver object to the Driver variable. This variable also should be declared in the Main routine.

Pay attention to the value of the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Jet\4.0\Engines\Excel\FirstRowHasNames registry key. This key specifies whether the first row of the table is recognized as a header or as data. If you use the first row of the table as a header, you should make sure that the key value is 01. If the first row of the table stores data, the key value should be 00. If a row is not empty, it is considered as the first row. Otherwise, it is ignored. For more information, see Using DDT Drivers.

To provide multiple test iterations we need to create a loop. The loop body should contain calls of OpenForm, PopulateForm, Checkpoints, and CloseForm routines. The loop exit condition is the true value of the DDTDriver.EOF property. We use one row of a data table per iteration place call of the DDTDriver.Next method before the end of the loop.

After all modifications the Main routine has the following code:

JavaScript, JScript

function Main()
    Driver = DDT.ExcelDriver("../../TestBook.xlsx", "TestSheet", true)
    orders = Aliases.Orders;
    mainForm = orders.MainForm;
      orderForm = orders.OrderForm;
      groupBox = orderForm.Group;


def Main():
  Driver = DDT.ExcelDriver("../../../TestBook.xlsx", "TestSheet", True)
  orders = Aliases.Orders
  mainForm = orders.MainForm
  while not Driver.EOF():
    orderForm = orders.OrderForm
    groupBox = orderForm.Group


Sub Main
    Set Driver = DDT.ExcelDriver("../../TestBook.xlsx", "TestSheet", True)
    Set orders = Aliases.Orders
    Set mainForm = orders.MainForm
    While Not Driver.EOF
      Set orderForm = orders.OrderForm
      Set GroupBox = orderForm.Group
End Sub


procedure Main;
    Driver := DDT.ExcelDriver('../../TestBook.xlsx', 'TestSheet', true);
    orders := Aliases.Orders;
    mainForm := orders.MainForm;
    while not Driver.EOF do
      orderForm := orders.OrderForm;
      groupBox := orderForm.Group;

C++Script, C#Script

function Main()
    Driver = DDT["ExcelDriver"]("../../TestBook.xlsx", "TestSheet", true)
    orders = Aliases["Orders"];
    mainForm = orders["MainForm"];
      orderForm = orders["OrderForm"];
      groupBox = orderForm["Group"];

The Main routine is almost ready. You should only paste the input parameters into strings used to call other routines.

Modifying the OpenForm, PopulateForm, Checkpoint, CloseForm, CloseApplication Routines

The values of the variables declared in the Main routine are used in other routines. You should declare each variable used in a routine as its input parameter, with the exception of the numericUpDown and textBox variables. The numericUpDown and textBox variables are used in the PopulateForm routine only. That is why these variables should be declared as local variables in the PopulateForm routine. Thus routines will have the following input parameters: OpenForm(mainForm), PopulateForm(groupBox), Checkpoint(), CloseForm(orderForm), CloseApplication(orders, mainForm). But the PopulateForm and Checkpoint routines will have one more input parameter. It will be described in the next section of this topic.

The strings used to assign values to the orders, mainForm, orderForm, groupBox variables are moved from the OpenForm and PopulateForm routines to the Main routine.

Retrieving Data from the Storage

The driver used to access the data storage is specified in the Main routine. To use this driver in the PopulateForm and Checkpoint routines, declare Driver as an input parameter. To populate the Order form with values retrieved from the data storage you should modify the PopulateForm routine code. Change the values specified while recording the script, to calls of the Driver.Value property with the appropriate index. You can find the values and the indexes in the following table:

Field name Recorded value Driver.Value property
Customer "John Smith Jr" Driver.Value(0)
Product "FamilyAlbum" Driver.Value(1)
Quantity "20" Driver.Value(2)
Date "06.05.2005" Driver.Value(3)
Street "12, Orange Blvd" Driver.Value(4)
City "Grovetown, CA" Driver.Value(5)
State "US" Driver.Value(6)
ZIP "111155" Driver.Value(7)
Card No "555777555888" Driver.Value(9)
Expiration Date "06.05.2005" Driver.Value(10)
Note: You may want to set the data type of a value explicitly. In this case, see the Retrieving Input Data From Storage topic.

In addition you should change the groupBox.MasterCard.ClickButton line in the routine code. This line is used to check an option button. Use the WinFormsObject(Driver.Value(8)) object instead of the MasterCard one. It allows you to check the object specified by name. The name of the option button is specified by the Driver.Value(8) property.

To compare the output values of Order form fields with values retrieved from the data storage you should modify the Checkpoint routine code. Change the values specified, while recording the script, to calls of the Driver.Value property with the appropriate index. You can find the values and the appropriate Driver.Value property indexes in the following table:

Field name Recorded value Driver.Value property
Price per unit "$80" Driver.Value(11)
Discount "15%" Driver.Value(12)
Total "1360" Driver.Value(13)

Thus the PopulateForm and Checkpoint routines will have the following code:

JavaScript, JScript

function PopulateForm(groupBox, Driver)
  var numericUpDown, textBox;

  numericUpDown = groupBox.Quantity;
  numericUpDown.Click(8, 7);
  numericUpDown.wValue = Driver.Value(2);
  groupBox.Date.wDate = Driver.Value(3);
  textBox = groupBox.Customer;
  textBox.Click(69, 12);
  textBox.wText = Driver.Value(0);
  textBox = groupBox.Street;
  textBox.Click(4, 8);
  textBox.wText = Driver.Value(4);
  textBox = groupBox.City;
  textBox.Click(12, 14);
  textBox.wText = Driver.Value(5);
  textBox = groupBox.State;
  textBox.Click(21, 6);
  textBox.wText = Driver.Value(6);
  textBox = groupBox.Zip;
  textBox.Click(14, 14);
  textBox.wText = Driver.Value(7);
  textBox = groupBox.CardNo;
  textBox.Click(35, 15);
  textBox.wText = Driver.Value(9);
  groupBox.ExpDate.wDate = Driver.Value(10);

function Checkpoint(Driver)
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.Price, "wText", cmpEqual, Driver.Value(11), false);
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.Discount, "wText", cmpEqual,Driver.Value(12), false);
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.groupBox1.Total, "wText", cmpEqual, Driver.Value(13), false);


def PopulateForm():
  numericUpDown = groupBox.Quantity
  numericUpDown.Click(8, 7)
  numericUpDown.wValue = Driver.Value[2]
  groupBox.Date.wDate = Driver.Value[3]
  textBox = groupBox.Customer
  textBox.Click(69, 12)
  textBox.wText = Driver.Value[0]
  textBox = groupBox.Street
  textBox.Click(4, 8)
  textBox.wText = Driver.Value[4]
  textBox = groupBox.City
  textBox.Click(12, 14)
  textBox.wText = Driver.Value[5]
  textBox = groupBox.State
  textBox.Click(21, 6)
  textBox.wText = Driver.Value[6]
  textBox = groupBox.Zip
  textBox.Click(14, 14)
  textBox.wText = Driver.Value[7]
  textBox = groupBox.CardNo
  textBox.Click(35, 15)
  textBox.wText = Driver.Value[9]
  groupBox.ExpDate.wDate = Driver.Value[10]

def Checkpoint(Driver):
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.Price, "wText", cmpEqual, Driver.Value[11], False)
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.Discount, "wText", cmpEqual, Driver.Value[12], False)
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.groupBox1.Total, "wText", cmpEqual, Driver.Value[13], False)


Sub PopulateForm(groupBox, Driver)
  Dim numericUpDown, textBox

  Call groupBox.ProductNames.ClickItem(Driver.Value(1))
  Set numericUpDown = groupBox.Quantity
  Call numericUpDown.Click(37, 9)
  numericUpDown.wValue = Driver.Value(2)
  groupBox.Date.wDate = Driver.Value(3)
  Set textBox = groupBox.Customer
  Call textBox.Click(39, 7)
  textBox.wText = Driver.Value(0)
  Set textBox = groupBox.Street
  Call textBox.Click(66, 7)
  textBox.wText = Driver.Value(4)
  Set textBox = groupBox.City
  Call textBox.Click(72, 9)
  textBox.wText = Driver.Value(5)
  Set textBox = groupBox.State
  Call textBox.Click(98, 9)
  textBox.wText = Driver.Value(6)
  Set textBox = groupBox.Zip
  Call textBox.Click(31, 12)
  textBox.wText = Driver.Value(7)
  Set textBox = groupBox.CardNo
  Call textBox.Click(53, 12)
  textBox.wText = Driver.Value(9)
  groupBox.ExpDate.wDate = Driver.Value(10)
End Sub

Sub Checkpoint(Driver)
  Call aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.Price, "wText", cmpEqual, Driver.Value(11), False)
  Call aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.Discount, "wText", cmpEqual, Driver.Value(12) , False)
  Call aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.groupBox1.Total, "wText", cmpEqual, Driver.Value(13), False)
End Sub


procedure PopulateForm(groupBox, Driver);
  var numericUpDown, textBox;
  numericUpDown := groupBox.Quantity;
  numericUpDown.Click(37, 9);
  numericUpDown.wValue := Driver.Value(2);
  groupBox.Date.wDate := Driver.Value(3);
  textBox := groupBox.Customer;
  textBox.Click(67, 17);
  textBox.wText := Driver.Value(0);
  textBox := groupBox.Street;
  textBox.Click(31, 5);
  textBox.wText := Driver.Value(4);
  textBox := groupBox.City;
  textBox.Click(47, 15);
  textBox.wText := Driver.Value(5);
  textBox := groupBox.State;
  textBox.Click(82, 4);
  textBox.wText := Driver.Value(6);
  textBox := groupBox.Zip;
  textBox.Click(10, 8);
  textBox.wText := Driver.Value(7);
  textBox := groupBox.CardNo;
  textBox.Click(46, 9);
  textBox.wText := Driver.Value(9);
  groupBox.ExpDate.wDate := Driver.Value(10);

procedure Checkpoint(Driver);
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.Price, 'wText', cmpEqual, Driver.Value(11), false);
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.Discount, 'wText', cmpEqual, Driver.Value(12), false);
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.groupBox1.Total, 'wText', cmpEqual, Driver.Value(13), false);

C++Script, C#Script

function PopulateForm(groupBox, Driver)
  var numericUpDown, textBox;

  numericUpDown = groupBox["Quantity"];
  numericUpDown["Click"](37, 9);
  numericUpDown["wValue"] = Driver.Value(2);
  groupBox["Date"]["wDate"] = Driver.Value(3);
  textBox = groupBox["Customer"];
  textBox["Click"](43, 7);
  textBox["wText"] = Driver.Value(0);
  textBox = groupBox["Street"];
  textBox["Click"](31, 11);
  textBox["wText"] = Driver.Value(4);
  textBox = groupBox["City"];
  textBox["Click"](24, 6);
  textBox["wText"] = Driver.Value(5);
  textBox = groupBox["State"];
  textBox["Click"](31, 8);
  textBox["wText"] =Driver.Value(6);
  textBox = groupBox["Zip"];
  textBox["Click"](24, 17);
  textBox["wText"] = Driver.Value(7);
  textBox = groupBox["CardNo"];
  textBox["Click"](19, 7);
  textBox["wText"] = Driver.Value(9);
  groupBox["ExpDate"]["wDate"] = Driver.Value(10);

function Checkpoint(Driver)
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases["Orders"]["OrderForm"]["Group"]["Price"], "wText", cmpEqual, Driver.Value(11), false);
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases["Orders"]["OrderForm"]["Group"]["Discount"], "wText", cmpEqual, Driver.Value(12), false);
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases["Orders"]["OrderForm"]["Group"]["groupBox1"]["Total"], "wText", cmpEqual, Driver.Value(13), false);

Below is the complete test script:

JavaScript, JScript

function OpenForm(mainForm)
  mainForm.MainMenu.Click("Orders|New order...");

function PopulateForm(groupBox, Driver)
  var numericUpDown, textBox;

  numericUpDown = groupBox.Quantity;
  numericUpDown.Click(8, 7);
  numericUpDown.wValue = Driver.Value(2);
  groupBox.Date.wDate = Driver.Value(3);
  textBox = groupBox.Customer;
  textBox.Click(69, 12);
  textBox.wText = Driver.Value(0);
  textBox = groupBox.Street;
  textBox.Click(4, 8);
  textBox.wText = Driver.Value(4);
  textBox = groupBox.City;
  textBox.Click(12, 14);
  textBox.wText = Driver.Value(5);
  textBox = groupBox.State;
  textBox.Click(21, 6);
  textBox.wText = Driver.Value(6);
  textBox = groupBox.Zip;
  textBox.Click(14, 14);
  textBox.wText = Driver.Value(7);
  textBox = groupBox.CardNo;
  textBox.Click(35, 15);
  textBox.wText = Driver.Value(9);
  groupBox.ExpDate.wDate = Driver.Value(10);

function Checkpoint(Driver)
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.Price, "wText", cmpEqual, Driver.Value(11), false);
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.Discount, "wText", cmpEqual,Driver.Value(12), false);
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.groupBox1.Total, "wText", cmpEqual, Driver.Value(13), false);

function CloseForm(orderForm)

function CloseApplication(mainForm, orders)

function Main()
  var orders, mainForm, orderForm, groupBox, Driver;

  Driver = DDT.ExcelDriver("../../TestBook.xlsx", "TestSheet", true);
  orders = Aliases.Orders;
  mainForm = orders.MainForm;
    orderForm = orders.OrderForm;
    groupBox = orderForm.Group;
    PopulateForm(groupBox, Driver);
  CloseApplication(mainForm, orders);


def OpenForm(mainForm):
  mainForm.MainMenu.Click("Orders|New order...")

def PopulateForm():
  numericUpDown = groupBox.Quantity
  numericUpDown.Click(8, 7)
  numericUpDown.wValue = Driver.Value[2]
  groupBox.Date.wDate = Driver.Value[3]
  textBox = groupBox.Customer
  textBox.Click(69, 12)
  textBox.wText = Driver.Value[0]
  textBox = groupBox.Street
  textBox.Click(4, 8)
  textBox.wText = Driver.Value[4]
  textBox = groupBox.City
  textBox.Click(12, 14)
  textBox.wText = Driver.Value[5]
  textBox = groupBox.State
  textBox.Click(21, 6)
  textBox.wText = Driver.Value[6]
  textBox = groupBox.Zip
  textBox.Click(14, 14)
  textBox.wText = Driver.Value[7]
  textBox = groupBox.CardNo
  textBox.Click(35, 15)
  textBox.wText = Driver.Value[9]
  groupBox.ExpDate.wDate = Driver.Value[10]

def Checkpoint(Driver):
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.Price, "wText", cmpEqual, Driver.Value[11], False)
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.Discount, "wText", cmpEqual, Driver.Value[12], False)
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.groupBox1.Total, "wText", cmpEqual, Driver.Value[13], False)

def CloseForm(orderForm):
def CloseApplication():
def Main():
  Driver = DDT.ExcelDriver("../../TestBook.xlsx", "TestSheet", True)
  orders = Aliases.Orders
  mainForm = orders.MainForm
  while not Driver.EOF():
    orderForm = orders.OrderForm
    groupBox = orderForm.Group
    PopulateForm(groupBox, Driver)
  CloseApplication(mainForm, orders)


Sub OpenForm(mainForm)
  Call mainForm.MainMenu.Click("Orders|New order...")
End Sub

Sub PopulateForm(groupBox,Driver)
  Dim numericUpDown, textBox

  Call groupBox.ProductNames.ClickItem(Driver.Value(1))
  Set numericUpDown = groupBox.Quantity
  Call numericUpDown.Click(37, 9)
  numericUpDown.wValue = Driver.Value(2)
  groupBox.Date.wDate = Driver.Value(3)
  Set textBox = groupBox.Customer
  Call textBox.Click(39, 7)
  textBox.wText = Driver.Value(0)
  Set textBox = groupBox.Street
  Call textBox.Click(66, 7)
  textBox.wText = Driver.Value(4)
  Set textBox = groupBox.City
  Call textBox.Click(72, 9)
  textBox.wText = Driver.Value(5)
  Set textBox = groupBox.State
  Call textBox.Click(98, 9)
  textBox.wText = Driver.Value(6)
  Set textBox = groupBox.Zip
  Call textBox.Click(31, 12)
  textBox.wText = Driver.Value(7)
  Set textBox = groupBox.CardNo
  Call textBox.Click(53, 12)
  textBox.wText = Driver.Value(9)
  groupBox.ExpDate.wDate = Driver.Value(10)
End Sub

Sub Checkpoint(Driver)
  Call aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.Price, "wText", cmpEqual, Driver.Value(11), False)
  Call aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.Discount, "wText", cmpEqual, Driver.Value(12) , False)
  Call aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.groupBox1.Total, "wText", cmpEqual, Driver.Value(13), False)
End Sub

Sub CloseForm(orderForm)
End Sub

Sub CloseApplication(orders, mainForm)
End Sub

Sub Main
  Dim orders, mainForm, orderForm, groupBox
  Set Driver = DDT.ExcelDriver("../../TestBook.xlsx", "TestSheet", True)
  Set orders = Aliases.Orders
  Set mainForm = orders.MainForm
  While Not Driver.EOF
    Call OpenForm(mainForm)
    Set orderForm = orders.OrderForm
    Set groupBox = orderForm.Group
    Call PopulateForm(groupBox, Driver)
    Call Checkpoint(Driver)
    Call CloseForm(orderForm)
  Call CloseApplication(orders, mainForm)
End Sub


procedure OpenForm(mainForm);
  mainForm.MainMenu.Click('Orders|New order...');

procedure PopulateForm(groupBox, Driver);
var numericUpDown, textBox;
  numericUpDown := groupBox.Quantity;
  numericUpDown.Click(37, 9);
  numericUpDown.wValue := Driver.Value(2);
  groupBox.Date.wDate := Driver.Value(3);
  textBox := groupBox.Customer;
  textBox.Click(67, 17);
  textBox.wText := Driver.Value(0);
  textBox := groupBox.Street;
  textBox.Click(31, 5);
  textBox.wText := Driver.Value(4);
  textBox := groupBox.City;
  textBox.Click(47, 15);
  textBox.wText := Driver.Value(5);
  textBox := groupBox.State;
  textBox.Click(82, 4);
  textBox.wText := Driver.Value(6);
  textBox := groupBox.Zip;
  textBox.Click(10, 8);
  textBox.wText := Driver.Value(7);
  textBox := groupBox.CardNo;
  textBox.Click(46, 9);
  textBox.wText := Driver.Value(9);
  groupBox.ExpDate.wDate := Driver.Value(10);

procedure Checkpoint(Driver);
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.Price, 'wText', cmpEqual, Driver.Value(11), false);
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.Discount, 'wText', cmpEqual, Driver.Value(12), false);
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.groupBox1.Total, 'wText', cmpEqual, Driver.Value(13), false);

procedure CloseForm(orderForm);

procedure CloseApplication(orders, mainForm);

procedure Main;
var orders, mainForm, orderForm, groupBox, Driver;
  Driver:=DDT.ExcelDriver('../../TestBook.xlsx', 'TestSheet', true);
  orders := Aliases.Orders;
  mainForm := orders.MainForm;
  while not Driver.EOF do
    orderForm := orders.OrderForm;
    groupBox := orderForm.Group;
  CloseApplication(orders, mainForm);

C++Script, C#Script

function OpenForm(mainForm)
  mainForm["MainMenu"]["Click"]("Orders|New order...");

function PopulateForm(groupBox, Driver)
  var numericUpDown, textBox;

  numericUpDown = groupBox["Quantity"];
  numericUpDown["Click"](37, 9);
  numericUpDown["wValue"] = Driver.Value(2);
  groupBox["Date"]["wDate"] = Driver.Value(3);
  textBox = groupBox["Customer"];
  textBox["Click"](43, 7);
  textBox["wText"] = Driver.Value(0);
  textBox = groupBox["Street"];
  textBox["Click"](31, 11);
  textBox["wText"] = Driver.Value(4);
  textBox = groupBox["City"];
  textBox["Click"](24, 6);
  textBox["wText"] = Driver.Value(5);
  textBox = groupBox["State"];
  textBox["Click"](31, 8);
  textBox["wText"] =Driver.Value(6);
  textBox = groupBox["Zip"];
  textBox["Click"](24, 17);
  textBox["wText"] = Driver.Value(7);
  textBox = groupBox["CardNo"];
  textBox["Click"](19, 7);
  textBox["wText"] = Driver.Value(9);
  groupBox["ExpDate"]["wDate"] = Driver.Value(10);

function Checkpoint(Driver)
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases["Orders"]["OrderForm"]["Group"]["Price"], "wText", cmpEqual, Driver.Value(11), false);
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases["Orders"]["OrderForm"]["Group"]["Discount"], "wText", cmpEqual, Driver.Value(12), false);
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases["Orders"]["OrderForm"]["Group"]["groupBox1"]["Total"], "wText", cmpEqual, Driver.Value(13), false);

function CloseForm(orderForm)

function CloseApplication(mainForm, orders)

function Main()
  var orders, mainForm, orderForm, groupBox, Driver;

  Driver = DDT["ExcelDriver"]("../../TestBook.xlsx", "TestSheet", true);
  orders = Aliases["Orders"];
  mainForm = orders["MainForm"];
    orderForm = orders["OrderForm"];
    groupBox = orderForm["Group"];
  CloseApplication(mainForm, orders);

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See Also

Tutorial Home Page
DDTDriver Object

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