3. Creating One Script Iteration

Applies to TestComplete 14.20, last modified on September 11, 2019

On this step, we will record a script that performs one test iteration. The script will launch the tested application, add a new order, check the order information generated by the application and close the application. During script recording, we will add comments to separate parts of the script performing different tasks.

Here are the detailed steps to record a test script:

  1. Select Test | Record | Record Script from the TestComplete main menu.

  2. Add the “Launching the Orders application” comment to the test:

    • Click Add Comment on the Recording toolbar. The Add Comment to Test dialog appears.

    • Enter “Launching the Orders application” and click Add.

  3. Select the tested application from the Run App menu of the Recording toolbar.

    Launching the Tested Application
  4. Add the “Opening the Order form” comment to the test as described above.

  5. Switch to the Orders application and select Orders | New order from the main menu. The Order form will appear.

  6. Add the “Populating the Order form” comment to the test.

  7. Specify the following values in the Order form:

    Field Value
    Product Select FamilyAlbum.
    Quantity 20
    Date 05/06/2005
    Customer Name John Smith Jr
    Street 12, Orange Blvd
    City Grovetown, CA
    State US
    Zip 111155
    Card Select MasterCard.
    Card No 555777555888
    Expiration Date 05/06/2005
  8. Add the “Creating checkpoints” comment to the test.

  9. Create a checkpoint to verify the Price per unit value in the Order form:

    • Click on the Recording toolbar and make sure the Enable Quick Checkpoints check box is selected.

    • Move the mouse pointer to the Price per unit text box. TestComplete will highlight it with a red frame.

    • Stop moving the mouse pointer until the icon becomes opaque and move the pointer to the icon. TestComplete will show the Quick Checkpoints menu.

      In the menu, click wText = "$80":

      Selecting a property to check

      TestComplete will add a property checkpoint to your recorded test and will display a notification about it. The checkpoint will verify that the wText property of the Price per unit text box equals the specified text.

  10. You can also create checkpoints for the wText property of the Discount and Total edit boxes in the same way.

  11. Add the “Closing the Order form” comment to the test.

  12. Click OK in the Order form.

  13. Add the “Closing the Orders application” comment to the test.

  14. Close the Orders application. The Confirmation dialog box appears asking whether you want to save the changes.

  15. Click No in the Confirmation dialog box.

  16. Click Stop on the Recording toolbar.

The recorded script looks like this:

JavaScript, JScript

function Test1()
  var orders;
  var mainForm;
  var orderForm;
  var groupBox;
  var numericUpDown;
  var textBox;
  // Launching the Orders application
  // Opening the Order form
  orders = Aliases.Orders;
  mainForm = orders.MainForm;
  mainForm.MainMenu.Click("Orders|New order...");
  // Populating the Order form
  orderForm = orders.OrderForm;
  groupBox = orderForm.Group;
  numericUpDown = groupBox.Quantity;
  numericUpDown.Click(8, 7);
  numericUpDown.wValue = 20;
  groupBox.Date.wDate = "5/6/2005";
  textBox = groupBox.Customer;
  textBox.Click(69, 12);
  textBox.wText = "John Smith Jr";
  textBox = groupBox.Street;
  textBox.Click(4, 8);
  textBox.wText = "12, Orange Blvd";
  textBox = groupBox.City;
  textBox.Click(12, 14);
  textBox.wText = "Grovetown, CA";
  textBox = groupBox.State;
  textBox.Click(21, 6);
  textBox.wText = "US";
  textBox = groupBox.Zip;
  textBox.Click(14, 14);
  textBox.wText = "111155";
  textBox = groupBox.CardNo;
  textBox.Click(35, 15);
  textBox.wText = "555777555888";
  groupBox.ExpDate.wDate = "5/6/2005";
  // Creating checkpoints
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.Price, "wText", cmpEqual, "$80", false);
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.Discount, "wText", cmpEqual, "15%", false);
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.groupBox1.Total, "wText", cmpEqual, "1360", false);
  // Closing the Order form
  // Closing the application


def Test1():
  #Launching the tested application
  #Opening the Order form
  orders = Aliases.Orders
  mainForm = orders.MainForm
  mainForm.MainMenu.Click("Orders|New order...")
  #Populating the Order form
  orderForm = orders.OrderForm;
  groupBox = orderForm.Group;
  numericUpDown = groupBox.Quantity
  numericUpDown.Click(8, 7)
  numericUpDown.wValue = 20
  groupBox.Date.wDate = "5/6/2005"
  textBox = groupBox.Customer
  textBox.Click(69, 12)
  textBox.settext("John Smith Jr")
  textBox = groupBox.Street
  textBox.Click(4, 8)
  textBox.wText = "12, Orange Blvd"
  textBox = groupBox.City
  textBox.Click(12, 14)
  textBox.wText = "Grovetown, CA"
  textBox = groupBox.State
  textBox.Click(21, 6)
  textBox.wText = "US"
  textBox = groupBox.Zip
  textBox.Click(14, 14)
  textBox.wText = "111155"
  textBox = groupBox.CardNo
  textBox.Click(35, 15)
  textBox.wText = "555777555888"
  groupBox.ExpDate.wDate = "5/6/2005"
  #Creating checkpoints
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.Price, "wText", cmpEqual, "$80")
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.Discount, "wText", cmpEqual, "15%")
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.groupBox1.Total, "wText", cmpEqual, "1360")
  #Closing the Orders form
  #Closing the Orders application


Sub Test1
  Dim orders
  Dim mainForm
  Dim orderForm
  Dim groupBox
  Dim numericUpDown
  Dim textBox
  ' Launching the Orders application
  ' Opening the Order form
  Set orders = Aliases.Orders
  Set mainForm = orders.MainForm
  Call mainForm.MainMenu.Click("Orders|New order...")
  ' Populating the Order form
  Set orderForm = orders.OrderForm
  Set groupBox = orderForm.Group
  Call groupBox.ProductNames.ClickItem("FamilyAlbum")
  Set numericUpDown = groupBox.Quantity
  Call numericUpDown.Click(37, 9)
  numericUpDown.wValue = 20
  groupBox.Date.wDate = "5/6/2005"
  Set textBox = groupBox.Customer
  Call textBox.Click(39, 7)
  textBox.wText = "John Smith Jr"
  Set textBox = groupBox.Street
  Call textBox.Click(66, 7)
  textBox.wText = "12, Orange Blvd"
  Set textBox = groupBox.City
  Call textBox.Click(72, 9)
  textBox.wText = "Grovetown, CA"
  Set textBox = groupBox.State
  Call textBox.Click(98, 9)
  textBox.wText = "US"
  Set textBox = groupBox.Zip
  Call textBox.Click(31, 12)
  textBox.wText = "111155"
  Set textBox = groupBox.CardNo
  Call textBox.Click(53, 12)
  textBox.wText = "555777555888"
  groupBox.ExpDate.wDate = "5/6/2005"
  ' Creating checkpoints
  Call aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.Price, "wText", cmpEqual, "$80", False)
  Call aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.Discount, "wText", cmpEqual, "15%", False)
  Call aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.groupBox1.Total, "wText", cmpEqual, "1360", False)
  ' Closing the Order form
  ' Closing the application
End Sub


procedure Test1;
  var orders : OleVariant;
  var mainForm : OleVariant;
  var orderForm : OleVariant;
  var groupBox : OleVariant;
  var numericUpDown : OleVariant;
  var textBox : OleVariant;
  // Launching the Orders application
  // Opening the Order form
  orders := Aliases.Orders;
  mainForm := orders.MainForm;
  mainForm.MainMenu.Click('Orders|New order...');
  // Populating the Order form
  orderForm := orders.OrderForm;
  groupBox := orderForm.Group;
  numericUpDown := groupBox.Quantity;
  numericUpDown.Click(37, 9);
  numericUpDown.wValue := 20;
  groupBox.Date.wDate := '5/6/2005';
  textBox := groupBox.Customer;
  textBox.Click(67, 17);
  textBox.wText := 'John Smith Jr';
  textBox := groupBox.Street;
  textBox.Click(31, 5);
  textBox.wText := '12, Orange Blvd';
  textBox := groupBox.City;
  textBox.Click(47, 15);
  textBox.wText := 'Grovetown, CA';
  textBox := groupBox.State;
  textBox.Click(82, 4);
  textBox.wText := 'US';
  textBox := groupBox.Zip;
  textBox.Click(10, 8);
  textBox.wText := '111155';
  textBox := groupBox.CardNo;
  textBox.Click(46, 9);
  textBox.wText := '555777555888';
  groupBox.ExpDate.wDate := '5/6/2005';
  // Creating checkpoints
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.Price, 'wText', cmpEqual, '$80', false);
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.Discount, 'wText', cmpEqual, '15%', false);
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.Orders.OrderForm.Group.groupBox1.Total, 'wText', cmpEqual, '1360', false);
  // Closing the Order form
  // Closing the application

C++Script, C#Script

function Test1()
  var orders;
  var mainForm;
  var orderForm;
  var groupBox;
  var numericUpDown;
  var textBox;
  // Launching the Orders application
  // Opening the Order form
  orders = Aliases["Orders"];
  mainForm = orders["MainForm"];
  mainForm["MainMenu"]["Click"]("Orders|New order...");
  // Populating the Order form
  orderForm = orders["OrderForm"];
  groupBox = orderForm["Group"];
  numericUpDown = groupBox["Quantity"];
  numericUpDown["Click"](37, 9);
  numericUpDown["wValue"] = 20;
  groupBox["Date"]["wDate"] = "5/6/2005";
  textBox = groupBox["Customer"];
  textBox["Click"](43, 7);
  textBox["wText"] = "John Smith Jr";
  textBox = groupBox["Street"];
  textBox["Click"](31, 11);
  textBox["wText"] = "12, Orange Blvd";
  textBox = groupBox["City"];
  textBox["Click"](24, 6);
  textBox["wText"] = "Grovetown, CA";
  textBox = groupBox["State"];
  textBox["Click"](31, 8);
  textBox["wText"] = "US";
  textBox = groupBox["Zip"];
  textBox["Click"](24, 17);
  textBox["wText"] = "111155";
  textBox = groupBox["CardNo"];
  textBox["Click"](19, 7);
  textBox["wText"] = "555777555888";
  groupBox["ExpDate"]["wDate"] = "5/6/2005";
  // Creating checkpoints
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases["Orders"]["OrderForm"]["Group"]["Price"], "wText", cmpEqual, "$80", false);
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases["Orders"]["OrderForm"]["Group"]["Discount"], "wText", cmpEqual, "15%", false);
  aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases["Orders"]["OrderForm"]["Group"]["groupBox1"]["Total"], "wText", cmpEqual, "1360", false);
  // Closing the Order form
  // Closing the application

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