Process Object Properties

Applies to TestComplete 14.20, last modified on September 11, 2019

The following properties are common for all process objects.

Property List

Name Description
_NewEnum Returns an enumerator for the collection of children that belong to the object.
AppInfo Returns information about a Mozilla application: name, version number, identifier and so on. This property is added only to processes of Mozilla applications (Firefox, Thunderbird and so on).
ChildCount Returns the number of child objects of the given object.
CommandLine Returns the command line passed to the process at the moment of process creation. The first argument of this command line is the name of the executable that started the process.
CPUUsage Returns the approximate percentage of CPU time spent on executing the process.
Exists Tells you whether an object exists in the system.
FileVersionInfo Returns the version information of the executable that corresponds to the process.
FriendlyName Specifies the application name users see it in the operating system.
Note: Applied only to the process objects that correspond to Windows Store applications.
FullName Specifies the full name that uniquely identifies the object in TestComplete.
HandleCount Specifies the number of object (handles) allocations by the process in the operating system.
Id Returns the object’s identifier.
Index Index of the process among other processes started by the same executable.
IsOpen Specifies whether the process is an Open Application (TestComplete can access methods, properties and events of internal application’s objects).
JavaVMCount Specifies the number of virtual machines loaded into the process. This property is only added to processes of Java applications.
JavaVMVersion Specifies the version of virtual machine(s) loaded into the process. This property is only added to processes of Java applications.
MappedName Returns the custom name that is mapped to the original object name and is used to address the object in scripts.
MemUsage Returns the total amount of memory (in kilobytes) allocated by the process.
Name Returns the object name.
NamedChild Returns a child object stored in the Name Mapping repository (by its index).
NamedChildCount Returns the number of child objects of an object stored in the Name Mapping repository.
NodeDescription Returns the description of an object stored in the Name Mapping repository.
Parent Returns the parent object of the given object.
Path Specifies the executable’s path and name that started the process.
Preferences Provides access to Firefox settings. This property is added to the Mozilla Firefox process only.
Priority Specifies the priority of the process in the operating system.
ProcessName Name of the executable that started the process.
ProcessType Specifies whether the process is a 32- or 64-bit process.
SessionID Returns the identifier of a session in which the process is running.
System Indicates whether the process is a system process.
ThreadCount Returns the number of the active threads in the process.
UserName Returns the name of the user account that started the process.
VMSize Returns the amount of virtual memory (in kilobytes) committed to the process.

See Also

Process Object
Process Object Methods

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