Working With Specific In-place Editors in Infragistics UltraGrid

Applies to TestComplete 14.20, last modified on September 11, 2019

Infragistics provides a variety of in-place editors that can be used in the UltraGrid control: text boxes, radio buttons, check boxes, and various drop-down editors. In the Obtaining and Setting Cell Values in Infragistics UltraGrid topic, we explained how to assign a value to any cell. However, you may need to modify the cell value using the cell editor, for example, enable the check box item, or simulate actions in the cell’s dropdown editor.

Before entering data into the grid cell, you need to select it and activate its in-place editor, and after you have modified the cell value, you need to close the editor committing changes. This topic describes how to access the cell’s editor, activate it and close the editor saving the changes made. It also describes how to deal with certain types of in-place editors.

To perform these actions, TestComplete should have access to internal objects, properties and methods of the UltraGrid control. For this purpose, the .NET Application Support plugin must be installed and enabled.

When testing Infragistics UltraGrid controls, use specific methods and properties of the corresponding Infragistics UltraGrid object. You can call these methods and properties from your keyword tests, as well as from scripts. This topic describes how to work with an object’s properties and methods from your scripts. However, when testing a UltraGrid control from your keyword test, you can use the same methods and properties calling them from keyword test operations. For more information, see Keyword Tests Basic Operations.

Note: In all of the samples below, the GetCell routine is used to obtain the UltraGridCell instance that represents the desired grid cell. This routine returns an object that corresponds to the grid cell specified by the row index and column index or name. You can find its code in the Accessing Grid Elements in Infragistics UltraGrid topic.

Activating In-place Editors

In a UltraGrid control, selecting a cell does not activate the edit mode, although there is an exception to this rule. You can check the ability to enter the edit mode via UltraGridCell.CanEnterEditMode. It returns False when, for example, the underlying data source or the column is read-only or when various activation and allow-edit related properties are set to not allow editing. To verify that a cell is in the edit state use the UltraGridCell.IsInEditMode property.

To switch the cell into the edit mode you can simulate the F2 keystroke or call the grid’s native PerformAction method with the “EnterEditMode” action type as the parameter.

Another technique that combines selecting a cell and activating its editor, works only when the corresponding column’s CellClickAction property is set to Edit. In this case a click on the desired cell selects it and enables the edit mode.


View description

JavaScript, JScript

function ActivateCellInplaceEditor (Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID)
  var Cell;

  // Obtain the cell and select it
  Cell = GetCell (Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID);

  // Use any of the following statements to activate the edit mode --
  // 1: Send the F2 keystroke
  Grid.Keys ("[F2]");

  // 2: Call the internal PerformAction method
  // Grid.PerformAction ("EnterEditMode");

  // 3: Click the cell. (This will work if the cell column's CellClickAction property is set to Edit)
  // Cell.Click();


def ActivateCellInplaceEditor (Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID):

  # Obtain the cell and select it
  Cell = GetCell (Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID)

  # Use any of the following statements to activate the edit mode --
  # 1: Send the F2 keystroke
  Grid.Keys ("[F2]")

  # 2: Call the internal PerformAction method
  # Grid.PerformAction ("EnterEditMode")

  # 3: Click the cell. (This will work if the cell column's CellClickAction property is set to Edit)
  # Cell.Click()


Sub ActivateCellInplaceEditor (Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID)
  Dim Cell

  ' Obtain the cell and select it
  Set Cell = GetCell (Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID)

  ' Use any of the following statements to activate the edit mode --
  ' 1: Send the F2 keystroke
  Grid.Keys ("[F2]")

  ' 2: Call the internal PerformAction method
  ' Grid.PerformAction("EnterEditMode")

  ' 3: Click the cell. (This will work if the cell column's CellClickAction property is set to Edit)
  ' Cell.Click
End Sub


procedure ActivateCellInplaceEditor (Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID);
var Cell : OleVariant;
  // Obtain the cell and select it
  Cell := GetCell (Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID);

  // Use any of the following statements to activate the edit mode --
  // 1: Send the F2 keystroke
  Grid.Keys ('[F2]');

  // 2: Call the internal PerformAction method
  // Grid.PerformAction ('EnterEditMode');

  // 3: Click the cell. (This will work if the cell column's CellClickAction property is set to Edit)
  // Cell.Click;

C++Script, C#Script

function ActivateCellInplaceEditor (Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID)
  var Cell;

  // Obtain the cell and select it
  Cell = GetCell (Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID);

  // Use any of the following statements to activate the edit mode --
  // 1: Send the F2 keystroke

  // 2: Call the internal PerformAction method
  // Grid["PerformAction"]("EnterEditMode");

  // 3: Click the cell. (This will work if the cell column's CellClickAction property is set to Edit)
  // Cell["Click"]();

Accessing In-place Editors

After the cell editor is activated, you can modify the cell value. In most cases, you can successfully do this by assigning a new value to the cell. However, sometimes you may need to perform these actions over the embedded cell editor. The UltraGrid uses in-place editors that are data-aware versions of the stand-alone editors provided by Infragistics.

You can access any underlying editor through the UltraGridCell.Editor property. If a cell has an associated editor this property returns an object that corresponds to the cell’s editor, otherwise the property returns an empty value. You can use the retrieved object to modify any of the properties available for the underlying editor. To check the editor type use the UltraGridCell.Editor.ClrClassName property that denotes the object class name.

The table below lists the names of some frequently used in-place editors:

Class Name Description
EditorWithText Embedded text edit box.
EditorWithMask Embedded masked edit box.
EditorWithCombo Embedded drop-down combo box.
CheckEditor Embedded check box editor.
OptionSetEditor Embedded radio button editor.
DateTimeEditor Embedded date-time picker.

Some of the in-place editors can have drop-down elements where the user can set the cell value. You can verify whether the cell’s editor has these elements via the UltraGridCell.Editor.SupportsDropDown property.

Closing In-place Editors

To finish editing the UltraGrid cell value and save any changes made, the user should press the Enter key, call the grid’s native PerformAction method with the “ExitEditMode” action type or select another grid cell. You can simulate the Enter keypress using the Keys action.

The following code snippet contains the CloseCellEditor routine that can be used to save changes made to a grid cell. The Grid parameter of this routine specifies the grid control under which the action is performed:

JavaScript, JScript

function CloseCellEditor (Grid)
  // Use any of the following statements to disable the edit mode --

  // 1: Send the Enter keystroke
  Grid.Keys ("[Enter]");

  // 2: Call the internal PerformAction method
  // Grid.PerformAction ("ExiEditMode");


def CloseCellEditor (Grid):
  # Use any of the following statements to disable the edit mode --

  # 1: Send the Enter keystroke
  Grid.Keys ("[Enter]")

  # 2: Call the internal PerformAction method
  # Grid.PerformAction ("ExiEditMode")


Sub CloseCellEditor (Grid)
  ' Use any of the following statements to disable the edit mode --

  ' 1: Send the Enter keystroke
  Grid.Keys ("[Enter]")

  ' 2: Call the internal PerformAction method
  ' Grid.PerformAction("ExitEditMode")
End Sub


procedure CloseCellEditor (Grid);
  // Use any of the following statements to disable the edit mode --

  // 1: Send the Enter keystroke
  Grid.Keys ('[Enter]');

  // 2: Call the internal PerformAction method
  // Grid.PerformAction ('ExitEditMode');

C++Script, C#Script

function CloseCellEditor (Grid)
  // Use any of the following statements to disable the edit mode --

  // 1: Send the Enter keystroke

  // 2: Call the internal PerformAction method
  // Grid["PerformAction"]("ExitEditMode");

You may also need to cancel the editing and discard any changes made to the cell. This happens when the user presses Esc. To simulate the Esc key press, use the Keys action. The CancelEditing routine in the code snippet below demonstrates how to do this:

JavaScript, JScript

function CancelEditing (Grid)
  Grid.Keys ("[Esc]");


def CancelEditing (Grid):
  Grid.Keys ("[Esc]")


Sub CancelEditing (Grid)
  Grid.Keys "[Esc]"
End Sub


procedure CancelEditing (Grid);
  Grid.Keys ('[Esc]');

C++Script, C#Script

function CancelEditing (Grid)
  Grid["Keys"] ("[Esc]");

Working With Text Editors

The easiest way to change the value of a text box cell or any other editor that permits keyboard input, is to “type” the desired text into it. To do that, use the Keys action. The general sequence of actions should include selecting the cell, activating its in-place editor, highlighting the previous value of a cell, typing the new value and saving the changes. The TypeToCell routine in the following example illustrates how this can be done.


View description

JavaScript, JScript

function TypeToCell (Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID, NewText)
  var Cell = GetCell(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID);
  if (! Cell.IsInEditMode)
      ActivateCellInplaceEditor(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID);

  Grid.Keys ("^a" + NewText);
  CloseCellEditor (Grid);


def TypeToCell (Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID, NewText):
  Cell = GetCell(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID)
  if not Cell.IsInEditMode: 
      ActivateCellInplaceEditor(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID)

  Grid.Keys ("^a" + NewText)
  CloseCellEditor (Grid)


Sub TypeToCell (Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID, NewText)
Dim Cell
  Set Cell = GetCell(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID)
  If Not Cell.IsInEditMode Then
    Call ActivateCellInplaceEditor(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID)
  End If

  Call Grid.Keys ("^a" & NewText)
  Call CloseCellEditor (Grid)
End Sub


function TypeToCell (Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID, NewText);
var Cell: Variant;
  Cell := GetCell(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID);
  if not Cell.IsInEditMode then 
      ActivateCellInplaceEditor(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID);

  Grid.Keys ('^a' + NewText);
  CloseCellEditor (Grid);

C++Script, C#Script

function TypeToCell (Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID, NewText)
  var Cell = GetCell(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID);
  if (! Cell["IsInEditMode"])
      ActivateCellInplaceEditor(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID);

  Grid["Keys"] ("^a" + NewText);
  CloseCellEditor (Grid);

Another way to change the cell value is to paste it from the clipboard. To learn how you can simulate the corresponding user actions, see Copying and Pasting Cell Values in Infragistics UltraGrid.

Working With RadioGroup Editors

A radio button represents an option that can have only one of two possible values. These options are called to be mutually exclusive. Single radio buttons are generally used to represent Boolean values. Radio buttons can be organized into groups (named radio groups) which define sets containing more than two mutually exclusive options. That is, in a radio group of N options only one option can be selected.

The cells with a radio button or radio group in-place editor can be identified by the value of the Editor.ClrClassName property, which is equal to OptionSetEditor. The editor object of this class has a FocusedIndex property that specifies the index (starting from zero) of the focused item. To change the currently selected item you should move the focus to the desired item and then simulate a space bar stroke to select the item.

The SetRadioButtonEditorValue routine below demonstrates how to modify a value of a cell that is represented as a radio group.


View description


function SetRadioButtonEditorValue(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID, NewRadioButtonIndex)
    // Locate and focus the desired cell
    var Cell = GetCell(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID);
    if (! Cell.IsInEditMode)
      ActivateCellInplaceEditor(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID);

    // Verify that in-place editor is a radio group
    if (equal(Cell.Editor.ClrClassName, "OptionSetEditor"))
        // Move focus to specified radio button
        Cell.Editor.FocusedIndex = NewRadioButtonIndex;
        // Select the radio button
        Grid.Keys(" ");


function SetRadioButtonEditorValue(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID, NewRadioButtonIndex)
    // Locate and focus the desired cell
    var Cell = GetCell(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID);
    if (! Cell.IsInEditMode)
      ActivateCellInplaceEditor(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID);

    // Verify that in-place editor is a radio group
    if (Cell.Editor.ClrClassName == "OptionSetEditor")
        // Move focus to specified radio button
        Cell.Editor.FocusedIndex = NewRadioButtonIndex;
        // Select the radio button
        Grid.Keys(" ");


def SetRadioButtonEditorValue(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID, NewRadioButtonIndex):
    # Locate and focus the desired cell
    Cell = GetCell(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID)
    if not Cell.IsInEditMode: 
      ActivateCellInplaceEditor(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID)

    # Verify that in-place editor is a radio group
    if (Cell.Editor.ClrClassName == "OptionSetEditor"):
        # Move focus to specified radio button
        Cell.Editor.FocusedIndex = NewRadioButtonIndex
        # Select the radio button
        Grid.Keys(" ")


Sub SetRadioButtonEditorValue(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID, NewRadioButtonIndex)

  ' Locate and focus the desired cell
  Set Cell = GetCell(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID)
  If Not Cell.IsInEditMode Then
    Call ActivateCellInplaceEditor(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID)
  End If

  ' Verify that in-place editor is a radio group
  If Cell.Editor.ClrClassName = "OptionSetEditor" Then
    ' Move focus to specified radio button
    Cell.Editor.FocusedIndex = NewRadioButtonIndex
     ' Select the radio button
    Grid.Keys(" ")
  End If
End Sub


procedure SetRadioButtonEditorValue(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID, NewRadioButtonIndex);
  Cell: Variant;

  // Locate and focus the desired cell
  Cell := GetCell(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID);
  if not Cell.IsInEditMode then 
      ActivateCellInplaceEditor(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID);

  // Verify that in-place editor is a radio group
  if Cell.Editor.ClrClassName = 'OptionSetEditor' then
    // Move focus to specified radio button
    Cell.Editor.FocusedIndex := NewRadioButtonIndex;
    // Select the radio button
    Grid.Keys(' ');

C++Script, C#Script

function SetRadioButtonEditorValue(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID, NewRadioButtonIndex)
    // Locate and focus the desired cell
    var Cell = GetCell(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID);
  if (! Cell["IsInEditMode"])
      ActivateCellInplaceEditor(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID);

    // Verify that in-place editor is a radio group
    if (Cell["Editor"]["ClrClassName"] == "OptionSetEditor")
        // Move focus to specified radio button
        Cell["Editor"]["FocusedIndex"]= NewRadioButtonIndex;
        // Select the radio button
        Grid["Keys"](" ");

Working With CheckBox Editors

A check box is similar to a radio button. A single check box, represents an option which can have two or three states. A group of check boxes can represent a set of options that do not depend on each other and can be chosen simultaneously.

For the cells containing a check box editor the value of the Editor.ClrClassName property is equal to CheckEditor. The current state of the editor is defined by the CheckState property. As stated above, an individual check box can have up to three states, they are: Checked, Unchecked and Indeterminate. The indeterminate state is available if the editor’s property ThreeState is set to true and denotes a state when the option’s state is unknown.

The SetCheckBoxEditorValue routine below demonstrates how to change a value of a cell that is displayed as a check box.


View description


function SetCheckBoxEditorValue(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID, NewState)
  // Locate and focus the desired cell
  let Cell = GetCell (Grid, ChildBand, RowIndex, ColumnId);
  if (! Cell.IsInEditMode)
    ActivateCellInplaceEditor(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID);
  // Verify that in-place editor is a check box
  if (equal(Cell.Editor.ClrClassName, "CheckEditor"))
    // Verify the new value and set the corresponding state
    switch (NewState)
      case true  : Cell.Editor.CheckState = "Checked"; break;
      case false : Cell.Editor.CheckState = "Unchecked"; break;
      default    : if (Cell.Editor.ThreeState)
                     Cell.Editor.CheckState = "Indeterminate";


function SetCheckBoxEditorValue(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID, NewState)
  // Locate and focus the desired cell
  var Cell = GetCell (Grid, ChildBand, RowIndex, ColumnId);
  if (! Cell.IsInEditMode)
    ActivateCellInplaceEditor(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID);
  // Verify that in-place editor is a check box
  if (Cell.Editor.ClrClassName == "CheckEditor")
    // Verify the new value and set the corresponding state
    switch (NewState)
      case true  : Cell.Editor.CheckState = "Checked"; break;
      case false : Cell.Editor.CheckState = "Unchecked"; break;
      default    : if (Cell.Editor.ThreeState)
                     Cell.Editor.CheckState = "Indeterminate";


def SetCheckBoxEditorValue(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID, NewState):
  # Locate and focus the desired cell
  Cell = GetCell (Grid, ChildBand, RowIndex, ColumnId)
  if not Cell.IsInEditMode: 
    ActivateCellInplaceEditor(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID)
  # Verify that in-place editor is a check box
  if (Cell.Editor.ClrClassName == "CheckEditor"):
    # Verify the new value and set the corresponding state
    if NewState:
      Cell.Editor.CheckState = "Checked"
    elif not NewState:
      Cell.Editor.CheckState = "Unchecked"
      if Cell.Editor.ThreeState:
        Cell.Editor.CheckState = "Indeterminate"


Sub SetCheckBoxEditorValue (Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID, NewState)
  ' Locate and focus the desired cell
  Set Cell = GetCell (Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID)
  If Not Cell.IsInEditMode Then
    Call ActivateCellInplaceEditor (Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID)
  End If

  ' Verify that in-place editor is a check box
  If Cell.Editor.ClrClassName = "CheckEditor" Then
    ' Verify the new value and set the corresponding state
    Select Case NewState
      Case True  Cell.Editor.CheckState = "Checked"
      Case False Cell.Editor.CheckState = "Unchecked"
      Case Else
        If Cell.Editor.ThreeState Then
          Cell.Editor.CheckState = "Indeterminate"
        End If
    End Select
  End If
End Sub


procedure SetCheckBoxEditorValue(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID, NewState);
var Cell: OleVariant;
  // Locate and focus the desired cell
  Cell := GetCell (Grid, ChildBand, RowIndex, ColumnId);
  if not Cell.IsInEditMode then 
    ActivateCellInplaceEditor (Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID);

  // Verify that in-place editor is a check box
  if Cell.Editor.ClrClassName = 'CheckEditor' then
    case NewState of
      true  : Cell.Editor.CheckState := 'Checked';
      false : Cell.Editor.CheckState := 'Unchecked';
      if Cell.Editor.ThreeState then
        Cell.Editor.CheckState := 'Indeterminate'

C++Script, C#Script

function SetCheckBoxEditorValue(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID, NewState)
  // Locate and focus the desired cell
  var Cell = GetCell (Grid, ChildBand, RowIndex, ColumnId);
  if (! Cell["IsInEditMode"])
    ActivateCellInplaceEditor (Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID);
  // Verify that in-place editor is a check box
  if (Cell["Editor"]["ClrClassName"] == "CheckEditor")
    // Verify the new value and set the corresponding state
    switch (NewState)
      case true  : Cell["Editor"]["CheckState"] = "Checked"; break;
      case false : Cell["Editor"]["CheckState"] = "Unchecked"; break;
      default    : if (Cell["Editor"]["ThreeState"])
                     Cell["Editor"]["CheckState"] = "Indeterminate";

Working With Drop-Down Editors

A number of embedded in-place editors can have drop-down elements. These editors are combo boxes, date-time pickers, font-name selectors, color selectors, drop-down calculators and so on. These editors are more convenient, as the value is being chosen with the mouse, rather than being typed from the keyboard. Generally they are used to choose one or several items out of a list of predefined values. Some of these editors allow for the population of the list with custom values.

You can check the SupportsDropDown Boolean property of the cell’s editor object to find out whether the editor has a drop-down element. On success you can use the editor’s methods DropDown or CloseUp to display or hide the drop-down element.

To change the item selected in the drop-down editor, you can set it to the editor’s Value property. When the control represents some items from the predefined item list, you can also modify the SelectedIndex property that specifies the zero-based index of the selected item.


View description

JavaScript, JScript

function OpenDropDownEditor(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID)
    // Locate and focus the desired cell
    var Cell = GetCell(Grid, ChildBand, RowIndex, ColumnId);
    if (! Cell.IsInEditMode)
      ActivateCellInplaceEditor(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID);

    // Verify that the in-place editor can drop-down
    if (Cell.Editor.SupportsDropDown)

function CloseDropDownEditor(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID)
    // Locate and focus the desired cell
    var Cell = GetCell(Grid, ChildBand, RowIndex, ColumnId);
    if (! Cell.IsInEditMode)
      ActivateCellInplaceEditor(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID);

    // Verify that the in-place editor can drop-down
    if (Cell.Editor.SupportsDropDown)

function SetDropDownEditorValue(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID, NewListIndex)
    // Locate and focus the desired cell
    var Cell = GetCell(Grid, ChildBand, RowIndex, ColumnId);
    if (! Cell.IsInEditMode)
      ActivateCellInplaceEditor(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID);

    // Verify that the in-place editor can drop-down
    if (Cell.Editor.SupportsDropDown)
        Cell.Editor.SelectedIndex = NewListIndex;


def OpenDropDownEditor(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID):
    # Locate and focus the desired cell
    Cell = GetCell(Grid, ChildBand, RowIndex, ColumnId)
    if not Cell.IsInEditMode: 
      ActivateCellInplaceEditor(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID)

    # Verify that the in-place editor can drop-down 
    if Cell.Editor.SupportsDropDown:

def CloseDropDownEditor(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID):
    # Locate and focus the desired cell
    Cell = GetCell(Grid, ChildBand, RowIndex, ColumnId)
    if not Cell.IsInEditMode: 
      ActivateCellInplaceEditor(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID)

    # Verify that the in-place editor can drop-down 
    if Cell.Editor.SupportsDropDown:

def SetDropDownEditorValue(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID, NewListIndex):
    # Locate and focus the desired cell
    Cell = GetCell(Grid, ChildBand, RowIndex, ColumnId)
    if not Cell.IsInEditMode: 
      ActivateCellInplaceEditor(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID)

    # Verify that the in-place editor can drop-down 
    if (Cell.Editor.SupportsDropDown):
        Cell.Editor.SelectedIndex = NewListIndex


Sub OpenDropDownEditor(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID)
  ' Locate and focus the desired cell
  Set Cell = GetCell(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID)
  If Not Cell.IsInEditMode Then
    Call ActivateCellInplaceEditor(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID)
  End If

  ' Verify that the in-place editor can drop-down
  If Cell.Editor.SupportsDropDown Then
  End If
End Sub

Sub CloseDropDownEditor(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID)

  ' Locate and focus the desired cell
  Set Cell = GetCell(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID)
  If Not Cell.IsInEditMode Then
    Call ActivateCellInplaceEditor(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID)
  End If

  ' Verify that the in-place editor can drop-down
  If Cell.Editor.SupportsDropDown Then
  End If
End Sub

Sub SetDropDownEditorValue(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID, NewListIndex)

  ' Locate and focus the desired cell
  Set Cell = GetCell(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID)
  If Not Cell.IsInEditMode Then
    Call ActivateCellInplaceEditor(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID)
  End If

  ' Verify that the in-place editor can drop-down
  If Cell.Editor.SupportsDropDown Then
    Cell.Editor.SelectedIndex = NewListIndex
  End If
End Sub


procedure OpenDropDownEditor(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID);
  Cell: Variant;
  // Locate and focus the desired cell
  Cell := GetCell(Grid, ChildBand, RowIndex, ColumnId);
  if not Cell.IsInEditMode then 
      ActivateCellInplaceEditor(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID);

  // Verify that the in-place editor can drop-down
  if Cell.Editor.SupportsDropDown then

procedure CloseDropDownEditor(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID);
  Cell: Variant;
  // Locate and focus the desired cell
  Cell := GetCell(Grid, ChildBand, RowIndex, ColumnId);
  if not Cell.IsInEditMode then 
      ActivateCellInplaceEditor(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID);

  // Verify that the in-place editor can drop-down
  if Cell.Editor.SupportsDropDown then

procedure SetDropDownEditorValue(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID, NewListIndex);
  Cell: Variant;
  // Locate and focus the desired cell
  Cell := GetCell(Grid, ChildBand, RowIndex, ColumnId);
  if not Cell.IsInEditMode then 
      ActivateCellInplaceEditor(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID);

  // Verify that the in-place editor can drop-down
  if Cell.Editor.SupportsDropDown then
    Cell.Editor.SelectedIndex := NewListIndex;

C++Script, C#Script

function OpenDropDownEditor(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID)
    // Locate and focus the desired cell
    var Cell = GetCell(Grid, ChildBand, RowIndex, ColumnId);
    if (! Cell["IsInEditMode"])
      ActivateCellInplaceEditor(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID);

    // Verify that the in-place editor can drop-down
    if (Cell["Editor"]["SupportsDropDown"])

function CloseDropDownEditor(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID)
    // Locate and focus the desired cell
    var Cell = GetCell(Grid, ChildBand, RowIndex, ColumnId);
    if (! Cell["IsInEditMode"])
      ActivateCellInplaceEditor(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID);

    // Verify that the in-place editor can drop-down
    if (Cell["Editor"]["SupportsDropDown"])

function SetDropDownEditorValue(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID, NewListIndex)
    // Locate and focus the desired cell
    var Cell = GetCell(Grid, ChildBand, RowIndex, ColumnId);
    if (! Cell["IsInEditMode"])
      ActivateCellInplaceEditor(Grid, View, RowIndex, ColumnID);

    // Verify that the in-place editor can drop-down
    if (Cell["Editor"]["SupportsDropDown"])
        Cell["Editor"]["SelectedIndex"] = NewListIndex;


The sample below demonstrates how to deal with the cell’s in-place editors of certain types. This example works with the SamplesExplorer application that comes with the Infragistics NetAdvantage Suite. To change cell values, it uses the routines declared in previous sections of this topic: TypeToCell, SetRadioButtonEditorValue, SetCheckBoxEditorValue and others.

JavaScript, JScript

function WorkingWithInplaceEditors()
  var p1, w1, Grid;
  // Obtain the application process
  p1 = Sys.Process("SamplesExplorer");
  // Select the "Per Cell ValueList and Editors" demo
  p1.frmMain.WinFormsObject("tvwSamples").DblClickItem("|Feature Samples|V3 Per Cell ValueList and Editors");
  w1 = p1.frmCellValueList.WinFormsObject("tabControl1");
  // Switch to the "Per Cell Editor" tabbed page
  w1.ClickTab("Per Cell Editor");
  // Get the grid control
  Grid = w1.tabPageCellEditor.panel2.ultraGrid2;
  // Input to text cell
  TypeToCell(Grid, null, 0, 1, "NewText");
  // Select radio button
  SetRadioButtonEditorValue(Grid, null, 9, 1, 0);
  // Select check box item
  SetCheckBoxEditorValue (Grid, null, 10, 1, true);
  // Select combo box item
  OpenDropDownEditor(Grid, null, 15, 1);
  SetDropDownEditorValue(Grid, null, 15, 1, 2);
  CloseDropDownEditor(Grid, null, 15, 1);


def WorkingWithInplaceEditors():
  # Obtain the application process
  p1 = Sys.Process("SamplesExplorer")
  # Select the "Per Cell ValueList and Editors" demo
  p1.frmMain.WinFormsObject("tvwSamples").DblClickItem("|Feature Samples|V3 Per Cell ValueList and Editors")
  w1 = p1.frmCellValueList.WinFormsObject("tabControl1")
  # Switch to the "Per Cell Editor" tabbed page
  w1.ClickTab("Per Cell Editor")
  # Get the grid control
  Grid = w1.tabPageCellEditor.panel2.ultraGrid2
  # Input to text cell
  TypeToCell(Grid, None, 0, 1, "NewText")
  # Select radio button
  SetRadioButtonEditorValue(Grid, None, 9, 1, 0)
  # Select check box item 
  SetCheckBoxEditorValue (Grid, None, 10, 1, True)
  # Select combo box item 
  OpenDropDownEditor(Grid, None, 15, 1)
  SetDropDownEditorValue(Grid, None, 15, 1, 2)
  CloseDropDownEditor(Grid, None, 15, 1) 


Sub WorkingWithInplaceEditors
  Dim p1
  Dim w1
  Dim Grid
  ' Obtain the application process
  Set p1 = Sys.Process("SamplesExplorer")
  ' Select the "Per Cell ValueList and Editors" demo
  Call p1.frmMain.WinFormsObject("tvwSamples").DblClickItem("|Feature Samples|V3 Per Cell ValueList and Editors")
  Set w1 = p1.frmCellValueList.WinFormsObject("tabControl1")
  ' Switch to the "Per Cell Editor" tabbed page
  Call w1.ClickTab("Per Cell Editor")
  ' Get the grid control
  Set Grid = w1.tabPageCellEditor.panel2.ultraGrid2
  ' Input to text cell
  Call TypeToCell(Grid, Nothing, 0, 1, "NewText")
  ' Select radio button
  Call SetRadioButtonEditorValue(Grid, Nothing, 9, 1, 0)
  ' Select check box item
  Call SetCheckBoxEditorValue (Grid, Nothing, 10, 1, true)
  ' Select combo box item
  Call OpenDropDownEditor(Grid, Nothing, 15, 1)
  Call SetDropDownEditorValue(Grid, Nothing, 15, 1, 2)
  Call CloseDropDownEditor(Grid, Nothing, 15, 1)
End Sub


procedure WorkingWithInplaceEditors;
  var p1, w1, Grid: OleVariant;
  // Obtain the application process
  p1 := Sys.Process('SamplesExplorer');
  // Select the "Per Cell ValueList and Editors" demo
  p1.frmMain.WinFormsObject('tvwSamples').DblClickItem('|Feature Samples|V3 Per Cell ValueList and Editors');
  w1 := p1.frmCellValueList.WinFormsObject('tabControl1');
  // Switch to the "Per Cell Editor" tabbed page
  w1.ClickTab('Per Cell Editor');
  // Get the grid control
  Grid := w1.tabPageCellEditor.panel2.ultraGrid2;
  // Input to text cell
  TypeToCell(Grid, nil, 0, 1, 'NewText');
  // Select radio button
  SetRadioButtonEditorValue(Grid, nil, 9, 1, 0);
  // Select check box item
  SetCheckBoxEditorValue (Grid, nil, 10, 1, True);
  // Select combo box item
  OpenDropDownEditor(Grid, nil, 15, 1);
  SetDropDownEditorValue(Grid, nil, 15, 1, 2);
  CloseDropDownEditor(Grid, nil, 15, 1);

C++Script, C#Script

function WorkingWithInplaceEditors()
  var p1, w1, Grid;
  // Obtain the application process
  p1 = Sys["Process"]("SamplesExplorer");
  // Select the "Per Cell ValueList and Editors" demo
  p1["frmMain"]["WinFormsObject"]("tvwSamples")["DblClickItem"]("|Feature Samples|V3 Per Cell ValueList and Editors");
  w1 = p1["frmCellValueList"]["WinFormsObject"]("tabControl1");
  // Switch to the "Per Cell Editor" tabbed page
  w1["ClickTab"]("Per Cell Editor");
  // Get the grid control
  Grid = w1["tabPageCellEditor"]["panel2"]["ultraGrid2"];
  // Input to text cell
  TypeToCell(Grid, null, 0, 1, "NewText");
  // Select radio button
  SetRadioButtonEditorValue(Grid, null, 9, 1, 0);
  // Select check box item
  SetCheckBoxEditorValue (Grid, null, 10, 1, true);
  // Select combo box item
  OpenDropDownEditor(Grid, null, 15, 1);
  SetDropDownEditorValue(Grid, null, 15, 1, 2);
  CloseDropDownEditor(Grid, null, 15, 1);

See Also

Working With Infragistics UltraGrid
Selecting Cells in Infragistics UltraGrid
Obtaining and Setting Cell Values in Infragistics UltraGrid
Copying and Pasting Cell Values in Infragistics UltraGrid
Keys Action

Highlight search results