Preparing TestComplete Project Suites for Running in CrossBrowserTesting Environments

Applies to TestComplete 14.10, last modified on June 5, 2019

When you run your tests in the CrossBrowserTesting cloud, TestComplete copies your project suite to CrossBrowserTesting environments:

  • It copies all projects that belong to your project suite with all their contents.

    If you have non-project-item files in your project (like Excel or .csv test data files), TestComplete will copy them as well, but it will do this only if these files are located on the same hard drive, on which the project suite resides. TestComplete does not copy the helper files that are located on some other hard drive, or in a network folder.

    Also, TestComplete does not copy the project suite’s logs as they are not needed on a remote computer in the CrossBrowserTesting cloud.

  • It copies all external items and files that belong to your project suite.

    TestComplete will not copy files that –
    • reside outside of your project suite folder and are not added to your project suite;

    • reside on other drives;

    • reside in a network folder.

    If, in your project, you have project items that TestComplete cannot copy to CrossBrowserTesting environments, it will show a warning upon running a test. You can cancel the test run or you can command TestComplete to copy the project suite without external items.

    TestComplete will keep the relative paths from your project suite to external files after copying them to CrossBrowserTesting environments.

  • TestComplete copies project items and files regardless of whether you use them in your test runs or not.

  • If your project suite directory contains some third-party files, TestComplete will copy them as well (even if they are not added to your project suite).

Before copying files, TestComplete compresses all of them into an archive. If the archive size is too large (more than 110 Mb), TestComplete may fail to copy it to the CrossBrowserTesting environments correctly.

To avoid possible issues, we recommend that you remove all unnecessary files from your project suite directory to reduce its size:

  • If you store your tested web application’s files in your project suite or project folder, remove them from there.

    Store the tested application in a separate folder on your computer or on a computer in your local network and use local connections to access it from CrossBrowserTesting environments. See Configuring Connection to Tested Website From the CrossBrowserTesting Cloud.

  • Your tests can include Visualizer frames - images showing actions simulated over the tested application during test recording. You can remove Visualizer frames from your projects to reduce the project size.

    To do this, click Delete all Visualizer frames on the Project Properties | Visualizer page.

  • Remove items you do not use in tests from your projects.

  • If Name Mapping in your projects is configured to store complete information on properties and methods of test objects (projects created in TestComplete version 8.0 and earlier store complete information by default), configure it to store only brief information or not to store information at all. This will not affect test runs (the information is used only at design time) and will reduce the size of Name Mapping files.

    To do this, set the Store Code Completion data option of the Name Mapping repository in all projects of your project suite to Brief data or to Do not store. See View Code Completion Information.

  • Remove unneeded test data files from your project.

  • Open your project suite folder in the file explorer and make sure the folder does not include any third-party files you do not use in tests. See Project and Project Suite Files to learn what files a project suite normally includes.

Other Preparatory Actions

To run tests in CrossBrowserTesting environments successfully, you may need to modify some test commands. See Preparing TestComplete Tests for Running in CrossBrowserTesting Environments.

If your tested web application resides in your local network, you may need to use local connections to make the application accessible to CrossBrowserTesting environments. See Configuring Connection to Tested Website From the CrossBrowserTesting Cloud.

See Also

Preparing for Running Tests in CrossBrowserTesting Environments
Preparing TestComplete Tests for Running in CrossBrowserTesting Environments
Configuring Connection to Tested Website From the CrossBrowserTesting Cloud
About CrossBrowserTesting Integration
Running Tests in CrossBrowserTesting Environments

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