Image Settings Dialog

Applies to TestComplete 12.60, last modified on September 17, 2018

You use the Image Settings dialog to configure the default format of images that —

Note: The settings configured in this dialog do not affect Test Visualizer and Image Repository. They always use the PNG format for images.

The settings do not affect images that have already been posted to the test log or that are stored in the Stores | Regions collection.

To call the dialog, click Configure in the Images section of the Project Properties - General Options or Default Project Properties - General Options dialog.

In the dialog, the following options are available:

  • Image format - The format of the saved images. The following formats are supported —
    • BMP

    • JPEG

    • PNG

    • TIFF

    • GIF

    • ICO

    You can use custom image adapters to get support for additional image formats.

Depending on the image format you choose, the following image format settings become available:

  • BMP Format

    • Image color palette - The color depth for image files, which can be —

      • 4 bits (16 colors)

      • 8 bits (256 colors)

      • 16 bits (65536 colors)

      • 24 bits (16777216 colors)

      • 32 bits (16777216 colors)

      • Native (no transformation)

  • JPEG Format

    • Compression quality - The number that determines the degree of loss in the compression process. The minimum, 1, yields the smallest files; the maximum, 100, yields the largest files.

    • Gray Scale - Specifies whether saved images are in color or in grayscale.

  • PNG Format

    • Compression level - Specifies the compression level (0 to 9) with the default value of 4. The minimum, 0, means that the file is uncompressed and has the largest size. Upper compression levels require much time for compressing an image, but the resulting file will be smaller. The maximum, 9, means the slowest compression and the best compressed file size.

    • Interlaced - Specifies whether saved images are interlaced.

  • TIFF Format

    • Compression type - The type of compression used to save images. Possible values are —

      • No compression
      • CCITT Group 3
      • CCITT Group 4
      • LZW compression
      Note: If you use the CCITT Group 3 or CCITT Group 4 compression, TIFF images will be monochrome.
  • GIF Format

    • Dither mode - The dithering method that is used when GIF images with more than 256 colors are imported. Possible values are —

      • Nearest color

      • Floyd Steinberg

      • Stucki

      • Sierra

      • Jarvis, Judice & Ninke

      • Stevenson & Arche

      • Burkes

    • Color reduction - The color reduction method that is used when GIF images with more than 256 colors are imported. Possible values are —

      • None

      • Windows system (20 colors)

      • Windows halftone (256 colors)

      • Windows grayscale (4 colors)

      • Monochrome (black/white)

      • Grayscale (256 shades)

      • Netscape (216 colors)

      • Optimized (8 colors)

      • Optimized (16 colors)

      • Optimized (32 colors)

      • Optimized (64 colors)

      • Optimized (128 colors)

      • Optimized (256 colors)

      • Optimized Windows (256 colors)

See Also

Project Properties - General Options
Image Adapters
Specifying Log Images Format

Highlight search results