Use this property to obtain information about a particular browser installed on the current computer.
Note: To get access to a web browser running on a remote computer or remote mobile device, use the Browsers.RemoteItem
Browsers.Item(Index, Version, Platform)
Read-Only Property | A BrowserInfo object |
Index | [in] | Required | Variant | |
Version | [in] | Optional | String | Default value: Empty string |
Platform | [in] | Optional | Integer | Default value: pAny |
Applies To
The property is applied to the following object:
The property has the following parameters:
Specifies the browser instance you want to get. A browser can be specified via built-in constant, by the process name or by index within the collection:
When specifying a browser via constant, the following values are acceptable:
Constant | Value | Description |
btIExplorer |
-1 | Microsoft Internet Explorer. |
btFirefox |
-2 | Mozilla Firefox. |
btChrome |
-3 | Google Chrome. |
btEdge |
-6 | Microsoft Edge. |
When specifying a browser by its process name, the following values are acceptable: "firefox", "iexplore", "edge", and "chrome". The process names coincide with the values of ProcessName
property of the respective Browser
When specifying a browser by its collection index, keep in mind that the first item in the collection has index 0, the second - 1, and so on. The total number of items in the collection is specified by the Browsers.Count
A string that specifies the version of a browser instance to be obtained. The string may contain various combinations of digits and separator character. For example, all the following strings are valid values for the Version parameter: "3", "16.", "3.6.", "3.6.28", "9.0.8112.16421".
An integer indicating the platform of a browser instance to be obtained. Can have one of the following values:
Constant | Value | Description |
pX86 |
0 | A 32-bit version of the browser executable. |
pX64 |
1 | A 64-bit version of the browser executable. |
pAny |
-1 | Any available version of the browser executable.
If you specify a value for the Platform parameter, you will have to specify values for all three parameters. If the Version parameter is not important for you, you can specify an empty string as its value.
Property Value
A BrowserInfo
object that provides scripting interface to the desired browser instance. If the Browsers
collection does not contain an object with the specified index, name, version or platform TestComplete posts an error message to the test log.
If your tests uninstall or install browsers during the run, call the Browsers.Refresh
method to update the Browsers collection after the installation or uninstallation is over. This should be done before you continue working with the browsers.
The following routine uses the properties and methods of Browsers
and BrowserInfo
objects to list all installed and supported browsers.
JavaScript, JScript
function ListBrowsers()
var browser;
for (var i=0; i < Browsers.Count; i++)
browser = Browsers.Item(i);
Log.Message("Browser " + aqConvert.IntToStr(i) + " : " + browser.Description);
def ListBrowsers():
for i in range (0, Browsers.Count-1):
browser = Browsers.Item(i);
Log.Message("Browser " + aqConvert.IntToStr(i) + " : " + browser.Description);
Sub ListBrowsers
Dim browser
For i = 0 To Browsers.Count-1
Set browser = Browsers.Item(i)
Log.Message("Browser " + aqConvert.IntToStr(i) + " : " + browser.Description)
End Sub
procedure ListBrowsers;
browser, i : OleVariant;
for i:=0 to Browsers.Count-1 do
browser := Browsers.Item(i);
Log.Message('Browser ' + aqConvert.IntToStr(i) + ' : ' + browser.Description);
C++Script, C#Script
function ListBrowsers()
var browser;
for (var i=0; i < Browsers["Count"]; i++)
browser = Browsers["Item"](i);
Log["Message"]("Browser " + aqConvert["IntToStr"](i) + " : " + browser["Description"]);
For more examples of using this property, see Launch Web Browsers, Parameterizing the Browser for a Test Run and Running Tests in Multiple Browsers topics.