iOSGPS Object

Applies to TestComplete 15.73, last modified on March 04, 2025
The information below concerns legacy mobile tests that work with mobile devices connected to the local computer. For new mobile tests, we recommend using the newer cloud-compatible approach.


The iOSGPS object provides an interface to the GPS sensor of the connected mobile device. You can use this object to get the current location of the device or to specify a mock location. See Geolocation Testing (Legacy).

The GPS object is returned by the Device.GPS property.

In order for TestComplete to access the GPS data:
  • The prepared application must be running on the device

  • Location Services must be enabled on the device, and your running application must have a permission to use your location. To give the application the needed permission, trigger the Location Services prompt for the application. You can do this from TestComplete by viewing the Mobile.Device("MyDevice").GPS.Location property in the Object Browser, or by running the following code from a test:

    JavaScript, JScript








    C++Script, C#Script




The code below retrieves location data from the iOS device's GPS sensor, posts them to the test log and shows the location in Google Maps:

JavaScript, JScript

function PostGPSLocation()
  // Check whether GPS is enabled
  if (Mobile.Device().GPS.GPSEnabled)
    // Obtain location data
    var Longt = Mobile.Device().GPS.Location.Longitude;
    var Lat = Mobile.Device().GPS.Location.Latitude;
    // Output the location data
    Log.Message("The device location is:");
    Log.Message("Longitude: "+ aqConvert.VarToStr(Longt));
    Log.Message("Latitude: "+ aqConvert.VarToStr(Lat));
    Log.Message("Altitude: "+ aqConvert.VarToStr(Mobile.Device().GPS.Location.Altitude));
    Log.Message("VerticalAccuracy: "+ aqConvert.VarToStr(Mobile.Device().GPS.Location.VerticalAccuracy));
    Log.Message("HorizontalAccuracy: "+ aqConvert.VarToStr(Mobile.Device().GPS.Location.orizontalAccuracy));
    Log.Message("Course: " + aqConvert.VarToStr(Mobile.Device().GPS.Location.Course));
    Log.Message("Speed: " + aqConvert.VarToStr(Mobile.Device().GPS.Location.Speed));
    // Open Google Maps in the browser and pass the coordinates as URL parameters
    Browsers.Item(Browsers.btIExplorer).Run("" + aqConvert.VarToStr(Lat) + "," + aqConvert.VarToStr(Longt));


def PostGPSLocation():
  # Check whether GPS is enabled
  if Mobile.Device().GPS.GPSEnabled:
    # Obtain location data
    Longt = Mobile.Device().GPS.Location.Longitude
    Lat = Mobile.Device().GPS.Location.Latitude
    # Output the location data
    Log.Message("The device location is:")
    Log.Message("Longitude: " + aqConvert.VarToStr(Longt))
    Log.Message("Latitude: " + aqConvert.VarToStr(Lat))
    Log.Message("Altitude: " + aqConvert.VarToStr(Mobile.Device().GPS.Location.Altitude))
    Log.Message("VerticalAccuracy: " + aqConvert.VarToStr(Mobile.Device().GPS.Location.VerticalAccuracy))
    Log.Message("HorizontalAccuracy: " + aqConvert.VarToStr(Mobile.Device().GPS.Location.HorizontalAccuracy))
    Log.Message("Course: " + aqConvert.VarToStr(Mobile.Device().GPS.Location.Course))
    Log.Message("Speed: " + aqConvert.VarToStr(Mobile.Device().GPS.Location.Speed))
    # Open Google Maps in the browser and pass the coordinates as URL parameters
    Browsers.Item[Browsers.btIExplorer].Run("" + aqConvert.VarToStr(Lat) + "," + aqConvert.VarToStr(Longt))


Sub PostGPSLocation
  Call Mobile.SetCurrent("iPad")
  ' Check whether GPS is enabled
  If Mobile.Device.GPS.GPSEnabled Then
    ' Obtain location data
    Longt = Mobile.Device.GPS.Location.longitude
    Lat = Mobile.Device.GPS.Location.latitude
    ' Output the location data
    Call Log.Message("The device location is:")
    Call Log.Message("Longitude: "& aqConvert.VarToStr(Longt))
    Call Log.Message("Latitude: "& aqConvert.VarToStr(Lat))
    Call Log.Message("Altitude: "& aqConvert.VarToStr(Mobile.Device.GPS.Location.Altitude))
    Call Log.Message("VerticalAccuracy: "& aqConvert.VarToStr(Mobile.Device.GPS.Location.VerticalAccuracy))
    Call Log.Message("HorizontalAccuracy: "& aqConvert.VarToStr(Mobile.Device.GPS.Location.HorizontalAccuracy))
    Call Log.Message("Course: "& aqConvert.VarToStr(Mobile.Device.GPS.Location.Course))
    Call Log.Message("Speed: "& aqConvert.VarToStr(Mobile.Device.GPS.Location.Speed))
    ' Open Google Maps in the browser and pass the coordinates as URL parameters
    Call Browsers.Item(Browsers.btIExplorer).Run("" & aqConvert.VarToStr(Lat) & "," & aqConvert.VarToStr(Longt))
  End If
End Sub


procedure PostGPSLocation;
var Longt, Lat;
  // Check whether GPS is enabled
  if Mobile.Device.GPS.GPSEnabled then
    // Obtain location data
    Longt := Mobile.Device.GPS.Location.Longitude;
    Lat := Mobile.Device.GPS.Location.Latitude;
    // Output the location data
    Log.Message('The device location is:');
    Log.Message('Longitude: ' + aqConvert.VarToStr(Longt));
    Log.Message('Latitude: ' + aqConvert.VarToStr(Lat));
    Log.Message('Altitude: ' + aqConvert.VarToStr(Mobile.Device.GPS.Location.Altitude));
    Log.Message('VerticalAccuracy: ' + aqConvert.VarToStr(Mobile.Device.GPS.Location.VerticalAccuracy));
    Log.Message('HorizontalAccuracy: ' + aqConvert.VarToStr(Mobile.Device.GPS.Location.HorizontalAccuracy));
    Log.Message('Course: ' + aqConvert.VarToStr(Mobile.Device.GPS.Location.Course));
    Log.Message('Speed: ' + aqConvert.VarToStr(Mobile.Device.GPS.Location.Speed));
    // Open Google Maps in the browser and pass the coordinates as URL parameters
    Browsers.Item(Browsers.btIExplorer).Run('' + aqConvert.VarToStr(Lat) + ',' + aqConvert.VarToStr(Longt));

C++Script, C#Script

function PostGPSLocation()
  // Check whether GPS is enabled
  if (Mobile["Device"]["GPS"]["GPSEnabled"])
    // Obtain location data
    var Longt = Mobile["Device"]["GPS"]["Location"]["Longitude"];
    var Lat = Mobile["Device"]["GPS"]["Location"]["Latitude"];
    // Output the location data
    Log["Message"]("The device location is:");
    Log["Message"]("Longitude: " + aqConvert["VarToStr"](Longt));
    Log["Message"]("Latitude: " + aqConvert["VarToStr"](Lat));
    Log["Message"]("Altitude: " + aqConvert["VarToStr"](Mobile["Device"]["GPS"]["Location"]["Altitude"]));
    Log["Message"]("VerticalAccuracy: " + aqConvert["VarToStr"](Mobile["Device"]["GPS"]["Location"]["VerticalAccuracy"]));
    Log["Message"]("HorizontalAccuracy: " + aqConvert["VarToStr"](Mobile["Device"]["GPS"]["Location"]["HorizontalAccuracy"]));
    Log["Message"]("Course: " + aqConvert["VarToStr"](Mobile["Device"]["GPS"]["Location"]["Course"]));
    Log["Message"]("Speed: " + aqConvert["VarToStr"](Mobile["Device"]["GPS"]["Location"]["Speed"]));
    // Open Google Maps in the browser and pass the coordinates as URL parameters
    Browsers["Item"](Browsers["btIExplorer"])["Run"]("" + aqConvert["VarToStr"](Lat) + "," + aqConvert["VarToStr"](Longt));

See Also

Geolocation Testing (Legacy)
iOSDevice Object
GPS Property

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