OnNetVarChange Event

Applies to TestComplete 15.73, last modified on March 04, 2025
The Network Suite functionality is deprecated. We don’t recommend using it for distributed testing. Consider using a CI/CD system for managing distributed tests. See Migrating Distributed Tests to CI/CD Systems for details. In case you need to run web tests on multiple environments in parallel, you can also try using your project’s Execution Plan.

Occurs when the value of a network suite variable is changed.


OnNetVarChange(SenderVarNameOldValueNewValue) Parameters
Sender [in] Required Variant
VarName [in] Required String
OldValue [in] Required Variant
NewValue [in] Required Variant


The event occurs when the value of a network suite variable changes. You can use this event to perform desired actions when changing the network suite variables.


The event has the following parameters:


The Event control that processes the event.


VarName specifies the name of the network suite (netsuite) variable whose value has been changed.


Specifies the previous value of the netsuite variable.


Specifies the new value of the netsuite variable.


For information on how to create an event handler for this and other TestComplete events, see Handling Events.

See Also

Distributed Testing
Network Suite Variables
OnNetJobStateChange Event
OnNetSuiteStateChange Event
OnNetTaskStateChange Event
Handling Events
Event Control

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