Time-Limited License for the Platform Has Expired

Applies to TestComplete 15.73, last modified on March 04, 2025

This page refers to key-based licenses — a legacy license type used in TestComplete until version 15.48. For information on the current, ID-based license type, see SmartBear ID-based Licenses.

This problem may occur when you are using a trial version of TestComplete. This version is time-limited and only works for 30 days. After the trial period is over, TestComplete shows you a message notifying you that the time-limited license is over and that you need to obtain a permanent license in order to continue using TestComplete. To purchase a TestComplete license, contact SmartBear Sales Team or your local SmartBear reseller.

This problem may also occur if you already have a permanent TestComplete license, but have not yet activated it. The way you can do this depends on the license type.

  • If you have a Node-Locked license, click Activate.

  • If you have a Floating User license, click Try Again.

If you are not sure which license type you have, contact your License Manager administrator for assistance.

For information on which license type you have, see Checking License Types.

You can try resolving the problem by using the Licensing Troubleshooter on our web site:

Licensing Troubleshooter

See Also

Getting Help With Licenses

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