Installing TestComplete in Large Organizations

Applies to TestComplete 15.73, last modified on March 04, 2025

This page refers to key-based licenses — a legacy license type used in TestComplete until version 15.48. For information on the current, ID-based license type, see SmartBear ID-based Licenses.

This topic covers aspects of installing and activating TestComplete in large organizations.

Which License Type to Choose

If you are going to buy several TestComplete licenses that will work concurrently, we suggest that you buy a Floating User license for the desired number of users rather than the same number of Node-Locked licenses. Say, if you want to buy 10 copies of TestComplete, we would recommend that you purchase the Floating User license for 10 users rather than 10 Node-Locked licenses, because in this case it would be easier for you to activate the licenses and also lets you use them on virtual machines.

If you have a Floating User license, you will need to install the License Manager and activate the license on one computer only. No activation actions are needed on other computers (except for providing network access to the License Manager. See Specifying License Manager for Connection and Specifying Users Who May Connect to License Manager).

If you buy 10 Node-Locked licenses, you will have to activate each of these licenses on each computer.

Upgrading Licenses

When using Floating User licenses, pay attention to how the licenses are upgraded. If you have a TestComplete 15 license, you can purchase more instances as new licenses or as an upgrade of the existing license. We recommend that you use the upgrade. See Upgrading Existing TestComplete 15 Licenses for details.

See Also

General Questions

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