Topic Not Found

Applies to TestComplete 15.69, last modified on November 13, 2024

The TestComplete documentation does not currently contain the requested information.

Why Do I See This Topic?

Most likely, you see this topic because you call a context help in the Code Editor or Object Browser panel for --

  • A property, method, field or event that is not provided by TestComplete. For instance, a property or method that belongs to your tested application.

  • A JavaScript, JScript, Python, VBScript, C#Script or C++Script code statement. TestComplete does not contain information about syntax, objects and functions of these scripting languages.

  • An object, property or method whose name is misspelled.

Where to Find Requested Information
  • Make sure that the name of the object, property, methods of the event for which you call the context help is not misspelled. If you are sure that the name is typed correctly, see below.

  • The TestComplete help system includes information about only those objects, methods, properties and events that are provided by TestComplete. For information on the objects, properties, methods, fields and events provided by your tested application, see the documentation for program libraries and development tools that were used to create your application.

  • For information on the JavaScript syntax, objects and functions, see the Mozilla Developer Network (

    For information on the syntax, objects and functions of the JScript and VBScript scripting languages, see complete references on Microsoft’s Web site ( C#Script and C++Script are based on the JScript engine, so the JScript reference can also be used for these languages. See also Writing C# Scripts and Writing C++ Scripts.

    For information on Python syntax, objects and functions, see the Python documentation (

Other Sources of Information to Try

If you do not want to get context help for a code statement, but to find a solution to some problem or to learn more about TestComplete, try the following --

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