Message - AIR Application Is Not Prepared for Testing

Applies to TestComplete 15.71, last modified on January 16, 2025
Flash Player has reached end of life on December 31, 2020. Support for Flash and Flex applications is now deprecated in TestComplete and will be removed in a future release.

You may get this message when trying to record a test against a Flex-based AIR application or when exploring an AIR application via the Object Spy. TestComplete displays this message if the AIR application under test has not been prepared for testing properly.

To prepare a Flex-based AIR application for testing and get access to the application’s internals, you need to compile the application with the AIRClient helper library shipped with TestComplete. Note that the TestComplete installation package includes several versions of this library. Each version is intended for an appropriate version of Flex SDK used to compile the application.

For detailed instructions on how to include the library in your Flex-based AIR application, see the following help topic:

Preparing Flex-Based AIR Applications for Testing

If you don't want to see this message in the future, select the Don't show again check box. You can also control the appearance of this message by using the Show the "Application was not prepared properly" message option in the Show Again Flags dialog.

See Also

Testing AIR Applications - Overview
Preparing Flex-Based AIR Applications for Testing

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