Preconfigured Report Styles

Applies to ReadyAPI 3.58, last modified on February 11, 2025

ReadyAPI comes bundled with preconfigured report styles. To generate reports using these styles, you can use either the ReadyAPI user interface, or the command line.

To start creating a report from the user interface, click Report on the toolbar. This button is available after the test run on the following levels:

  • Project
  • Test suite
  • Test case
  • Security test
  • Load test

Currently, ReadyAPI provides the following report styles:

  1. Printable reports – You can print these reports or save them in the PDF, HTML, RTF, or some other file format. You can also fully customize them on both global and project levels to create any kind of reports you may need. To familiarize yourself with these reports, see a tutorial.

  2. JUnit-Style HTML reports – Use them to get a simple overview of functional test results in the HTML format. For more information, see JUnit-Style HTML reports.

    Note: These reports are not available at the load test level.

  3. Data export reports for automation – These reports can export the underlying report data to an XML or CSV file. You can then use that data in other tools and utilities for customization or integration purposes. For more information, see Data Export For Automation.

    Note: To export custom data in printable and data export reports, use the subreport data sink.

  4. Allure Reports – These reports export Allure results that you can then use to generate Allure reports. For more information, see Allure reports.

Fonts in Linux

ReadyAPI reports use some of Microsoft core fonts. Not all Linux installations include these fonts. If you have issues with creating reports:

  1. Install the mscorefonts package applicable for your Linux distributive.

  2. Copy TTF files from /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts to the <ReadyAPI Installation>/jre/lib/fonts directory.

Make sure to specify the <ReadyAPI Installation>/bin/reports directory in the Custom Reports Library field of the ReadyAPI tab in the Preferences window.

See Also

Getting Started With Reporting
Data Export For Automation
JUnit-Style HTML Reports For Automation

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