2a. Install the jDBC Driver

Applies to ReadyAPI 3.58, last modified on February 10, 2025

To allow ReadyAPI to access the MS SQL Express data, you need to install a JDBC driver. When working with this tutorial, you will use jTDS.

Install the driver

To install the JDBC driver:

  1. Download the jTDS.zip archive from here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jtds/files/latest/download?source=files

    For other drivers, see the JDBC Drivers List.

  2. Extract the ZIP file.

  3. Copy the jtds-x.x.x.jar file to the bin/ext directory of your ReadyAPI installation.

    ReadyAPI: Copying the driver file to the installation directory

    Click the image to enlarge it.

    You always need to restart ReadyAPI after installing .jar files.

Add a connection string template

To use the correct authentication, you need to add a connection string. You can configure it inside ReadyAPI Preferences:

  1. Click in the toolbar.

    ReadyAPI: Opening preferences
  2. Open the JDBC settings.

    ReadyAPI: JDBC Drivers settings

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  3. Click .

    ReadyAPI: Naming the driver
  4. Enter a descriptive name for the driver.

    For this tutorial, use MSSQL/net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver.

  5. Find the new driver on the list. Usually, it is at the end.

    ReadyAPI: Drivers list

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  6. Add a Connection String template. It should look like this:


    In the preceding example, replace yourdomain with your domain, and PORT with the port number you have set up earlier.

    ReadyAPI: Drivers list with a connection string template

    Click the image to enlarge it.

Now, you can install the authorization DLL.

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See Also

Microsoft SQL Databases as Data Sources

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