From an API Definition

Applies to ReadyAPI 3.57, last modified on December 20, 2024

To create a security test from an API definition, use WSDL, OpenAPI, Swagger, and WADL files:

  1. Select File > New Security Test.

    ReadyAPI: Creating a new security test

    – or –

    On the Dashboard, click Security Test on the New Test tile:

    Security testing with ReadyAPI: Create a security test
  2. In the New Security Test dialog, select API Definition.

    ReadyAPI: Selecting a definition as a source for the security test

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  3. Select how to input your API definition. You have two options:

    • File

      • Enter the file path or URL of the API definition in the field provided.
      • Alternatively, click the Browse button to locate and select the file from your computer.
      ReadyAPI: Specifying the API definition

      Click the image to enlarge it.

    • SwaggerHub Integration

      • Import an API definition from SwaggerHub. This option is available if you've integrated ReadyAPI with your SwaggerHub account. For more details on integration, see the SwaggerHub integration page.
      • Select one of the following options:

        • My API: Search for and select an API from your private SwaggerHub account.
        • Public API: Search for and select an API from publicly available APIs on SwaggerHub.
        Importing API definition from SwaggerHub

        Click the image to enlarge it.


    Use the Filters button to refine the API list:

    • Select specific API specifications: OAS2, OAS3, OAS3.1, AsyncAPI, or All.
    • Optionally, select Private or Public for My API.
    • Click Select All or Deselect All to manage your filter selections.
  4. Click Next.

  5. Select the security scans to be performed during the test run and click Finish.

    ReadyAPI: Selecting scans for the description security test

    Click the image to enlarge it.

After you create the test, ReadyAPI will offer you to run it immediately or edit it before starting.

See Also

From a Service URL
From a ReadyAPI Project
Creating Security Tests

Highlight search results