Load Testing in ReadyAPI

Applies to ReadyAPI 3.57, last modified on December 20, 2024

You can use ReadyAPI for load testing. ReadyAPI uses functional test cases to simulate a massive load on a tested web site or web service. It helps you check how your server works under the load and estimates its limits.

For load simulation, ReadyAPI uses virtual users. Running load tests on your local machine allows using only a few virtual users. The maximum number of virtual users you can simulate simultaneously depends on the license you have. If you need a large number of users to simulate at a time, you can run distributed load tests and distributed cloud tests.

Here is a sample view of a load test in ReadyAPI:

API load testing in ReadyAPI

Click the image to enlarge it.

See how it works


Additional Information

To get more information about working with ReadyAPI Performance, creating and analyzing load tests, see the following table:

To learn how to See these topics
Create load tests Tutorials and Samples
Create test cases for load tests Creating Your First Functional Test
Change the test duration, load profile and other test properties Setting Up Load Tests
Create assertions in load tests About Assertions
View and analyze test results Test Results
Simulate a large number of virtual users System Requirements for Large-Scale Load Tests
Run distributed tests Creating Distributed Load Tests
Run tests in a cloud Creating Distributed Cloud Tests
Monitor a server Server Monitoring
Export load test results Exporting Results
Learn about testing scenarios you can simulate with ReadyAPI Performance Load Testing Templates

See Also

Tutorials and Samples
Migrating From SoapUI Load Tests
About Load Testing

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