Ramp Up Profile

Applies to ReadyAPI 3.54, last modified on July 23, 2024

The Ramp Up profile linearly increases the number of virtual users (VUs load type) or the number of arriving virtual users (Rate load type) during the run of the load test. It is mainly used for stress testing. For example, you can find at what load the maximum number of transactions per second is achieved and errors start happening.

API load testing with ReadyAPI: Ramp up profile

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Depeneding on a load type, the Ramp UP profile has different options. See the table below to learn more:

Load Type Option Description
VUs Base VUs The number of users from which the test starts.
Peak VUs The number of users simulated at the end of the ramp.
Ramp duration The duration of the increase in the number of users.
Wait time The time to wait before restarting a virtual user.
Rate Peak arriving users The number of users starting the test per unit of time at the end of the ramp.
Ramp duration The duration of the increase in the number of users.

See Also

Fixed Profile
Random Profile
Burst Profile
Ramp Sequence Profile
Variance Profile
Custom Profile

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