Features Added to ReadyAPI 3.55.0

Applies to ReadyAPI 3.57, last modified on December 20, 2024
Important Notice for ReadyAPI Customers

ReadyAPI has fully transitioned to the ID-based SmartBear License Management (SLM) system. We strongly encourage users still utilizing file-based licensing, including key-based and ProtectionLS floating licenses, to migrate before the September 1, 2024 deadline to avoid commercial impact. Please be aware that support for file-based licensing has ended and technical support is no longer available, which may lead to unresolved technical issues.

If you cannot migrate from file-based licensing before September 1, 2024, it is crucial to contact your SmartBear representative immediately to align with our deprecation plans and avoid disruptions. Additionally, retaining file-based licenses for any solution expansions or renewals after this date will result in a service charge of up to 30% of the renewal or expansion invoice value to cover the extension costs. To avoid these charges, please initiate your migration now.

If you are still in the process of migrating or have yet to start, contact your Account Manager or SmartBear representative today. Our teams are ready to assist with smooth transition strategies. For additional support, please log a request with our Customer Care Team, who are standing by to help.

ReadyAPI 3.55.0 includes a few changes compared to the previous product version – ReadyAPI 3.54.0. For information on the changes made to other versions, see Version History.

Conditional Match Enhancements

  • Setting Date Delta Using Property Expansion: Conditional Match now supports setting Date Delta using Property Expansion. You can specify the default date format dd-MM-yyyy in Virtual Service Preferences, allowing responses to have dates relative to request dates. Property expansion and date offset syntax, including requestDateDelta and currentDateDelta, are applied to request and response fields with this format. For more information, visit this page.

  • Selected Items Previewer: A new Selected Items Previewer in the Configure dialog for Conditional Match allows you to visualize relationships between signatures, requests, and responses. Select a signature, request, or response to see its related matches. For more information, visit this page.

  • Array Parameter Size: Users can now specify the size of array parameters in signatures. For more information, visit this page.

  • Ignore Null/Empty Parameters: Users now have the option to ignore null or empty parameters when matching signatures. For more information, visit this page.

  • Aliases for Any and Empty Values: Users can now use aliases for any and empty values in the Valid Value column when configuring a Conditional Match. The alias * represents any value, while _ signifies an empty value. For more information, visit this page.

  • Default Response per Signature: You can now configure a default response for each signature. If an incoming request matches a signature but no specific response is found, the default response for that signature will be used. If no signatures match, the global default response will be sent. For more information, visit this page.

Integration Updates

User Interface Enhancements

  • Script Editing Confirmation: When you click the X button while editing a script, a confirmation window now prompts you to ensure changes aren't lost. This update helps prevent accidental closure and data loss.

  • Popup Suppression for Encrypted Requests: A new system property, -Dsuppress.api.request.validation.message=true, has been added to suppress the popup that appears when viewing encrypted request content in the Project save/load scripts. This helps keep the encrypted content intact without interruptions. For more information, visit the JVM Options documentation.

  • Default Dispatch Style for Virtual Services: You can now set a default dispatch style for Virtual Services in the Preferences window. By default, this is set to Sequence, but you can choose from additional styles including Random, Query Match, XPath, Script, Parameter, and Conditional Match. Access this setting under the Virtual Service Preference tab. For more information, visit this page.

General Enhancements

  • TCP Virtual Service Property Expansion: TCP Virtual Service responses now support property expansion, allowing results to dynamically adjust based on the request values sent.

  • Restored WebLogic 12 Support: ReadyAPI has restored support for WebLogic 12 for versions up to ReadyAPI 3.51.0 and VirtServer 3.20.0. Ongoing work aims to extend this support in future releases. We will provide updates once full compatibility is achieved. For more details, see the WebLogic JMS configuration documentation.

  • Assertion and Property Expansion Behavior: In ReadyAPI, both Assertion Contains and Property Expansions will pass when encountering an empty string (""), as it is always found within the response. Additionally, Smart Assertion behaves similarly when used inside structured data, so ensure your tests are configured to handle empty strings to avoid false positives.

  • Character Encoding Support for Swedish Characters: ReadyAPI has been enhanced to correctly display Swedish characters (Å, Ä, Ö) when importing .properties files. This addresses a reported issue where these characters were not displayed properly. Users with Swedish locale settings will now experience improved character encoding support.

  • Library Updates: ReadyAPI 3.55.0 includes newer versions of some libraries that version 3.54.0 used. If your scripts refer to classes from these libraries, you might need to update the scripts.

Please see here for a list of fixes included in this patch.

See Also

Version History

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