Features Added to ReadyAPI 3.45.0

Applies to ReadyAPI 3.54, last modified on September 23, 2024
Important Notice for ReadyAPI Customers

ReadyAPI has moved to SmartBear License Management. From October 2023, ReadyAPI will no longer provide file-based licensing. You need to migrate as soon as possible so your service remains uninterrupted. Please view this 45-minute webinar to learn:

  • What is SLM?

  • Why are we doing it?

  • What options are available?

  • What is our SLM readiness checklist?

  • What are the next steps?

  • Demo

  • Live Q&A

Contact your SmartBear Account Manager to plan your migration or contact support if you require assistance.

ReadyAPI 3.45.0 includes a few changes compared to the previous version of the product – ReadyAPI 3.44.1. For information on the changes made to other versions, see Version History.

ReadyAPI Feature Enhancement

  • We have added support for 'Brotli' compression in ReadyAPI. You can configure ReadyAPI to use this compression in the ReadyAPI HTTP Preferences panel. Please see more details on how to enable this feature.

  • The "Logout and release the licenses" button is now disabled when an offline license is installed for any ReadyAPI module. This update guides users to properly uninstall offline licenses to prevent them from remaining attached to the product and blocking other licenses.

  • You can configure the Commit message to be deleted once you commit your changes in the ReadyAPI Git Preferences panel.

Update API Endpoints

When updating an API, ReadyAPI now allows users to specify whether or not they also want to update API EndPoints. This is done by checking a new checkbox labeled "Update the EndPoints of the API."

  • By default, this checkbox is checked, and ReadyAPI behaves as it did before, updating the API's EndPoints.

  • If the checkbox is unchecked, the API's EndPoints will remain unchanged after the update.


  • We improved the main progress bar to ensure consistency across Load, Functional, and Security tests.

  • ReadyAPI now supports the import and usage of xlsm Excel file formats in data sources, with the same behavior as for xlsx files.

  • When using a specific value for the "content-type" metadata, ReadyAPI will now display the value in other test steps for "content-type", saving time when filling out required parameters.

  • We updated ReadyAPI to allow the import of the latest Resolved AsyncAPI APIs from SwaggerHub. You can now filter the AsyncAPI APIs to be imported by selecting the "AsyncAPI" filter option.

    Async API

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  • We updated the ReadyAPI UI VirtServer Panel to improve the license expiry experience. If the license expires, the ReadyAPI VirtServer Panel will:

    • Enable the user to log into the VirtServer and view the:

      • Virtual Service details
      • Transaction Log
      • Activity
      • Metrics
    • Display the “VirtServer license has expired” message.

    • Prevent the user from deploying virtual services by showing a corresponding error message.

General Updates


  • We have fixed a few bugs reported by our customers.

See Also

Version History

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