Applies to ReadyAPI 3.58, last modified on January 16, 2025

This topic describes the options specific to the HTTP protocol (the protocol version, User-Agent header, request and response compression and so on).

To configure the HTTP options:

  1. Click on the ReadyAPI toolbar.

  2. Select HTTP in the left part of the ReadyAPI Preferences window and configure the needed options.

The available options and their descriptions are in the table below.

Option Description
HTTP version Selects the HTTP version.
User-Agent header Sets the HTTP User-Agent header. If no header is specified, the default HttpClient header is used.
Request compression Selects the request compression type.
This property affects all the requests you send. You cannot compress individual requests. To use different compression settings, run your tests from the command line and specify different setting files for different tests by using the -t option.
There are three formats of compressed files: .gzip, .deflate and .brotli.
Response compression Indicates whether compressed responses coming from hosts are accepted.
Disable response decompression If selected, compressed responses are not decompressed.
Close connections after request If selected, overrides HTTP Keep-Alive settings by requesting to close the HTTP connection after each message exchange. This will degrade the performance of your test, but you may get more realistic values during load testing.
Chunking threshold Using content chunking for requests larger than thresholds. Leave the edit box blank to disable it.
Authenticate preemptively If selected, ReadyAPI sends authorization headers with each request.
Note: This is a potential security hazard, but the performance will improve, since only one request is required for authenticated endpoints instead of two.
Expect continue        If selected, the Expect-Continue header is added to outgoing requests. For more information on this feature, see rfc 2616.
Pre-encoded endpoints If selected, URL encoding of endpoints is disabled. Select the option if your endpoint URLs are already URL-encoded – for example, they contain %3A.
Normalize forward slashes Replaces two forward slashes (//) with a single slash.
Bind address The local address to bind to when sending requests. It can be overridden in a request by using the corresponding request property, and in the operating system by using the soapui.bind.address system variable.
Include request in time taken If selected, ReadyAPI includes the time it took to write the request in the time spent on message exchange.
Include response in time taken If selected, ReadyAPI includes the time it took to read the response body in the time spent on message exchange.
Socket timeout (ms) The socket timeout for HTTP requests, in milliseconds. No value or 0 sets the timeout to 1 minute.
Default value: 0.
Max response size The maximum number of bytes to read from a response. No value or 0 sets the size to unlimited.
Max connections per host The maximum number of simultaneous connections to a specific host. Increase this value if you run load tests with more than 500 threads on a particular host.
Max total connections The total maximum number of connections. Increase this value if you run load tests with more than 2000 threads.
Leave virtual service If selected, ReadyAPI leaves the virtual service engine running even if all virtual APIs have stopped. This reduces the startup time for new virtual APIs.
Note: If you try to call a stopped virtual API with this option enabled, error 404 will occur instead of the connection failure.
Default authentication profile

Specifies whether new test steps use authorization specified for the project, authorization specified for the service or no authorization.

See Also


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