Managing Test Steps

Applies to ReadyAPI 3.58, last modified on February 04, 2025

This topic contains a detailed description of how to perform basic actions upon test steps.

Note: It is recommended to avoid using special characters like {, } in Test Suite, Test Case, and Test Step names to prevent compatibility issues with Groovy scripts.

Add test step

To add a test step, you can use any of the following ways:

  • Right-click the test case, to which you want to add the test step, and select Add Step from the context menu.

  • Select Case > Add Step from the main menu.

In this case, the test step will be added at the end of test case. To insert a test step in the middle of the test case:

  • Select the test step, before which you want to add a test step, and --

    • Select Step > Insert Step from the main menu.

    – or –

    • Right-click the desired test step and select Insert Step from the context menu.

  • Open the Test Steps page of the test case editor and use its toolbar to add a test step after the selected test step:

    Test case toolbar

After you create a test step, ReadyAPI opens the corresponding test step editor.

Disable test steps

If you need the test to temporally skip particular test steps, you can disable them. To do this:

  • Right-click the desired test step and select Disable Test Step.

– or –

  • Select the desired test step.

  • Click Step  > Disable Test Step.

Enable test steps

To enable a disabled test step, perform the following steps:

  • Right-click the desired test step and select Enable Test Step.

– or –

  • Select the desired test step.

  • Click Step  > Enable Test Step.

Clone/move individual test step

To copy a single test step, perform the following steps:

  • Right-click the desired test step and select Clone Test Step.

– or –

  • Select the desired test step.

  • Click Step  > Clone Test Step.

Clone Test Steps dialog

In the subsequent dialog, specify the following options:

  • Test Step Name – The name of the new test step.

  • Target Project – The project to which you want to place a new test step.

  • Target Test Suite – The test suite to which you want to place a new test step.

  • Target Test Case – The test case to which you want to place a new test case.

  • Move Instead – Select to delete a source test step.

  • Open Editor – If you select this option, the cloned test step will be opened for editing.

Clone several test steps

You can create clones of existing test steps to use them in different places. The cloned steps will be the exact copies at the time of cloning. If you later change the original, the cloned copy will not be affected. ReadyAPI automatically copies corresponding APIs to the destination project if needed.

To clone multiple test steps:

  • Select the test steps you want to clone.

  • Open the context menu and select Clone Test Steps.

  • In the subsequent Clone Test Steps dialog, you can configure the cloning. Click Clone to complete the process:

    Clone Test Steps dialog

    The dialog has the following options:

    • A list of test steps to be cloned – The names of the selected steps, projects, test suites and test cases that contain them.

    • Project – The project to which the steps will be cloned. You can select the existing project or create a new one by selecting <Create New>.

    • Test Suite – The test suite to which the steps will be cloned. You can select the existing suite from the specified destination project or create a new one by selecting <Create New>.

    • Test Case – The test case to which the steps will be cloned. You can select the existing case or create a new one by selecting <Create New>.

Clone test steps from a single test case

You can clone test steps of a single test case. The cloned steps will be the exact copies at the time of cloning. If you change the original later, the cloned copy will not be affected. ReadyAPI automatically copies the corresponding APIs to the destination project if needed.

To clone test steps:

  • Right-click the test case, test steps from which you want to clone.

  • Select Clone Test Steps from the context menu.

  • In the subsequent Clone Test Steps dialog, you can configure the cloning.

    Clone Test Steps dialog

    The dialog has the following options:

    • Test Steps – The list of test steps residing in the selected test case. Select the test steps you want to clone.

    • Target Project – The project to which the steps will be cloned. You can select the existing project or create a new one by selecting <Create New>.

    • Target Test Suite – The test suite to which the steps will be cloned. You can select the existing suite from the specified target project or create a new one by selecting <Create New>.

    • Target Test Cases – The test cases to which the steps will be cloned. You can create a new test case by selecting <Create New>. The test steps will be cloned to each of the selected test cases.

    • Move instead of copying – The source test steps will be deleted after copying.

Move several test steps

You can move multiple test steps simultaneously. You can select steps from different test cases, test suites and projects. ReadyAPI automatically copies corresponding APIs to the destination project if needed.

To move multiple test steps:

  • Select the steps you want to move.

  • Open the context menu and select Move Test Steps.

  • In the subsequent Move Test Steps dialog, configure the moving. Click Move to complete the process:

    Move Test Steps dialog

    The dialog has the following options:

    • A list of test steps to be moved – The names of the selected steps, projects, test suites and test cases that contain them.

    • Project – The project to which the steps will be moved. You can select the existing project or create a new one by selecting <Create New>.

    • Test Suite – The test suite to which the steps will be moved. You can select the existing suite from the specified destination project or create a new one by selecting <Create New>.

    • Test Case – The test case to which the steps will be moved. You can select the existing case or create a new one by selecting <Create New>.

Remove test step

To delete an individual test step:

  • Right-click the desired test step and select Remove.

– or –

  • Select the desired test step.

  • Click Step  > Remove.

In the subsequent dialog confirm the operation to finish removing.

Rename test step

To rename a test step:

  • Right-click the desired test step and select Rename.

– or –

  • Select the desired test step.

  • Select Step  > Rename from the main menu.

Enter the desired name in the subsequent dialog and click Ok.

Renaming a test step of a composite project will change the file name of the matching test step.

Change test step order

If you want to change the order of the test step execution:

  • Right-click the desired test step and select Move Up or Move Down.

– or –

  • Select the desired test step.

  • Click Step  > Move Up or Step  > Move Down.

Common actions and settings

All test steps have a number of actions available from their context menu. Some of these are test step-specific and some are common for all test steps:

Common Tasks
Option Description
Run from here Starts the execution of the test case from the selected test step. Useful for debugging purposes.
Open Editor Opens the corresponding editor.
Show Request Editor Opens the underlying API request. Available only for the REST Request test step. If the request does not exist, it opens the corresponding parent.
Disable/Enable Test Step Disables or enables the test step execution in the test case run.
Insert Step Inserts a new test step before the selected test step.
Rename Changes the name of the test step. The name must be unique in a test case.
Delete Removes the selected test step.
Clone Test Step Copies the selected test step. See Clone Test Steps.
Move Up Moves the selected test step up.
Move Down Moves the selected test step down.
Clone Assertions Clone assertions used in the test step. See Verifying Results.

The disable/enable, delete and move actions can be performed on multiple test steps at the same time by selecting them (Ctrl + click) and then right-clicking the selection.

Disabled test steps are greyed out in the Navigator panel.

See Also

Test Steps
Managing Test Suites
Managing Test Cases

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