Managing Test Suites

Applies to ReadyAPI 3.57, last modified on December 20, 2024

This topic contains a detailed description of how to perform basic actions upon test suites.

Note: It is recommended to avoid using special characters like {, } in Test Suite, Test Case, and Test Step names to prevent compatibility issues with Groovy scripts.

Disable Test Suites

If you need one or more test suites to be skipped during a project run, you can disable them. To do this:

  • Right-click the desired test suites and select Disable Test Suite.

– or –

  • Select the desired test suites.

  • Click Suite  > Disable Test Suite.

Enable Test Suites

To enable disabled test suites, perform the following steps:

  • Right-click the desired test suites and select Enable Test Suite.

– or –

  • Select the desired test suites.

  • Click Suite  > Enable Test Suite.

Clone/move individual test suite

To copy a single test suite, perform the following steps:

  • Right-click the desired test suite and select Clone Test Suite.

– or –

  • Select the desired test suite.

  • Click Suite  > Clone Test Suite.

Clone Test Suite dialog

In the subsequent dialog, specify the following options:

  • Test Suite Name – The name of the new test suite.

    Special characters in the name, including (but not limited to) &, -, /, (, and ), may cause issues with reporting.
  • Target Project – The project to which you want to place a new test suite.

  • Move – Select this option to delete a source test suite.

  • Clone Description – Select this option to clone the test suite with the existing description.

  • Description – Specify the description of the cloned test suite if you disable the Clone description option.

Clone several Test Suites

You can create clones of existing test suites to use them in a different place. The cloned suites will be the exact copies at the time of cloning. If you later change the original, the cloned copy will not be affected. ReadyAPI automatically copies corresponding APIs to the destination project if needed.

To clone multiple test suites:

  • Select test suites you want to clone.
  • Open the context menu and select Clone Test Suites.
  • In the subsequent Clone Test Suites dialog, you can configure the cloning process. Click Clone to complete the process:
    Clone TestSuites dialog

    The dialog has the following options:

    • A list of test suites to be cloned – The name of the selected suites and projects that contain them.

    • Project – The project to which the suites will be cloned. You can select the existing project or create a new one by selecting <Create New>.

Move several Test Suites

You can move multiple test suites simultaneously. You can select resources from different projects. ReadyAPI automatically copies corresponding APIs to the destination project if needed. To move test suites:

  • Select test suites you want to move.

  • Open the context menu and select Move Test Suites.

  • In the subsequent Move Test Suites dialog, configure the moving process. Click Move to complete the process:

    Move TestSuites dialog

    The dialog has the following options:

    • A list of test suites to be moved – The name of the selected suites and projects that contain them.

    • Project – The project to which the suites will be moved. You can select the existing project or create a new one by selecting <Create New>.

Remove Test suite

To delete a test suite:

  • Right-click the desired test suite and select Remove.

– or –

  • Select the desired test suite.

  • Click Suite  > Remove.

In the subsequent dialog confirm the operation to finish removing.

Rename Test Suite

To rename a test suite:

  • Right-click the desired test suite and select Rename.

– or –

  • Select the desired test suite.

  • Select Suite  > Rename from the main menu.

Enter the desired name in the subsequent dialog and click Ok.

Renaming a test suite of a composite project will change the file name of the matching test suite.

Change Test Suite order

If you want to change the order of the test suite execution:

  • Right-click the desired test suite and select Move Up or Move Down.

– or –

  • Select the desired test suite.

  • Click Suite  > Move Up or Suite  > Move Down.

Save Test Suite

You can save composite project at the test suite level to prevent saving individual test suites. This also helps to save a test suite without the need to save an entire project.

To save a test suite -

The Project needs to be a Composite Project.
  • Go to the context menu.
  • Right-click the desired test suite and select Composite Actions > Save Test Suite.
    Save Test Suite
    Project Saved

    The Test Suite cannot be saved if the project is not saved as composite project.

    Project Not Saved

    You cannot save an empty Test Suite.

    Empty Test Suite

See Also

Test Suite Editor
Managing Test Cases
Managing Test Steps

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