Filtering Recorded Transactions

Applies to ReadyAPI 3.58, last modified on February 11, 2025

All recorded requests ReadyAPI has sent during the recording appear on the Transactions page:

REST Discovery: Transactions page overview

Click the image to enlarge it.

View Transactions Details

To examine details of the recorded transactions, click the recorded request or response.

Filter Requests

To narrow down the list, you can filter them. Use the following parameters to display only the requests you need:

Parameter Description


The HTTP methods of the response messages. For example, you can display only GET messages.

Content Type

The content ReadyAPI received. For example: text/html. For the responses with absent content, ReadyAPI will use the (no content type) option.

Response Code

The HTTP response code ReadyAPI received. For example: 200 OK or 302 Found.


The URL text. Enter the full or partial URL to show the requests with URL text.

Select Requests to Generate

To not use a recorded transaction when generating definitions, deselect it. You can use Select All and Deselect All if needed.

Generate Service Definitions

To generate a service definition for the requests ReadyAPI has recorded:

  1. Make sure to select only the requests you need. Otherwise, ReadyAPI will create API definitions for all available requests.

  2. Click Generate services.

    Clicking Generate Services in the Recording Overview dialog

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  3. In the Generate Services dialog, select Generate Test Case or Generate Load Test to create a simple Functional or Performance test.

    The Generate Services Dialog
  4. Click OK.

ReadyAPI will generate service definitions and, if selected, ask you to name the functional test suite and performance test respectively. Then, it will inform you of the success and offer to close the Recording Overview dialog.

Make sure to deselect the Close REST Discovery option if you want to create more API definitions from requests ReadyAPI has recorded.
REST resources were successfully added

See Also

Discovering APIs
Internal Browser Discovery
Using ReadyAPI as Proxy
Discovery Tutorial

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