Facade for common UI-related tasks
Modifiers | Name | Description |
static class |
UISupport.ReadyImageIcon |
Provides an image with the addition path variable |
Modifiers | Name | Description |
static java.lang.String |
Relative path to the icon used when the button is disabled |
static java.lang.String |
Relative path to the icon used when the cursor is over the button |
static java.lang.String |
The relative path to the image that depicts a cross (8x8) |
static java.lang.String |
The relative path to the image that depicts a cross (6x6) |
static java.lang.String |
The relative to the image that depicts a cross (8x8) on hover |
static int |
static java.lang.String |
The name of the default font |
static int |
The default size of the font |
static double |
Default luminosity constant |
static int |
The number that determines if the message extended or not. |
static java.lang.String |
The String that represents relative paths of ReadyAPI icon in 4 different definitions split by semicolon:
- 16x16
- 32x32
- 48x48
- 256x256 |
static javax.swing.ImageIcon |
The Icon object that depicts [+] |
static javax.swing.ImageIcon |
The Icon object that depicts selected [+] |
static javax.swing.ImageIcon |
The Icon object that depicts hovered [+] |
static javax.swing.ImageIcon |
The Icon object that depicts [-] |
static javax.swing.ImageIcon |
The Icon object that depicts selected [-] |
static javax.swing.ImageIcon |
The Icon object that depicts hovered [-] |
static java.lang.String |
The project folder with the image resources |
static java.awt.Color |
The background color which is used in the project as a default color for Mac OS |
static java.awt.Color |
The progress bar line border color which is used in the project as a default color for Mac OS |
static java.lang.String |
The String representation of the main frame id |
static javax.swing.ImageIcon |
The "options" icon that could be found by UISupport.OPTIONS_ICON_PATH |
static java.lang.String |
The relative path to the image that depicts tools |
static java.lang.String |
The relative path to the image that depicts magnifying glass |
static java.awt.Dimension |
The Dimension object that represents the size of the toolbar buttons |
static javax.swing.ImageIcon |
The "tool" icon that could be found by UISupport.TOOL_ICON_PATH |
static java.lang.String |
The relative path to the image that depicts a gear |
Type Params | Return Type | Name and description |
static void |
addClassLoader(java.lang.ClassLoader loader) Add a classloader to find resources. |
static void |
addOnEscapeAction(javax.swing.JRootPane rootPane, javax.swing.Action onEscapeAction) Adds an action which will be performed on given JRootPane |
static PreviewCorner |
addPreviewCorner(javax.swing.JScrollPane scrollPane, boolean forceScrollbars) Creates the PreviewCorner (popup) that closes after click with the scroll pane |
static void |
addResourceClassLoader(java.lang.ClassLoader loader) Add a classloader to find resources. |
<T extends JComponent> |
static T |
addTitledBorder(T component, java.lang.String title) Adds the titled border to the existing component's border |
static javax.swing.JComboBox |
addTooltipListener(javax.swing.JComboBox combo, java.lang.String defaultTooltip) Adds the listener to the JComboBox |
static void |
beep() Emits an audio beep depending on native system settings and hardware capabilities |
static javax.swing.JLabel |
buildBigBoldLabel(java.lang.String text) Creates a new JLabel using the default BOLD styled font with size increased by 1.1 |
static javax.swing.JLabel |
buildBoldLabel(java.lang.String text) Creates a new JLabel using the default BOLD styled font |
static DescriptionPanel |
buildDescription(java.lang.String string, javax.swing.ImageIcon icon) Creates the DescriptionPanel with the provided options |
static DescriptionPanel |
buildDescription(java.lang.String title, java.lang.String string, javax.swing.ImageIcon icon) Creates the DescriptionPanel with the provided options |
static javax.swing.JPanel |
buildPanelWithToolbar(javax.swing.JComponent top, javax.swing.JComponent content) Builds the panel with two components, which is matched creating panel with toolbar |
static javax.swing.JPanel |
buildPanelWithToolbarAndStatusBar(javax.swing.JComponent top, javax.swing.JComponent content, javax.swing.JComponent bottom) Builds the panel with three components, which is matched creating panel with toolbar and status bar |
static javax.swing.JLabel |
buildVeryBigLabel(java.lang.String text) Creates a new JLabel using the default styled font the size of which is increased by 1.4 |
static void |
centerDialog(java.awt.Window dialog) Centralize the provided dialog window |
static void |
centerDialog(java.awt.Window dialog, java.awt.Window owner) Centralize the dialog window considering the next parameters: - the visibility of the owner window
- local graphics environment java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment#getLocalGraphicsEnvironment()
- current position of the main frame |
void |
closeDesktopPanel(ModelItem modelItem) Closes the desktop panel |
static boolean |
confirm(java.lang.String question, java.lang.String title) Shows the dialog window for confirmation, returns the user decision within it |
static boolean |
confirm(java.lang.String question, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String helpUrl, java.lang.String urlDefinition) |
static boolean |
confirm(java.lang.String question, java.lang.String title, java.awt.Component parent) Shows the dialog window for confirmation, returns the user decision within it. |
static ConfirmDontAskResult |
confirmDontAsk(java.lang.String question, java.lang.String title) Shows the dialog window for confirmation, receives the user answer and also checks the mark in "don't ask" checkbox |
static boolean |
confirmExtendedInfo(java.lang.String title, java.lang.String description, java.lang.String content, java.awt.Dimension size) Shows extended info dialog window and return the user action |
static java.lang.Boolean |
confirmOrCancel(java.lang.String question, java.lang.String title) Shows the dialog window with the option to be chosen, returns the answer of the user within the borders of dialog window |
static java.lang.Boolean |
confirmOrCancelExtendedInfo(java.lang.String title, java.lang.String description, java.lang.String content, java.awt.Dimension size) Shows extended info dialog window and return the user choice |
static java.awt.Point |
convertToGlobalCoordinates(java.awt.Component component, int parentX, int parentY) Converts a point, considering accepted coordinates within the provided component, into the point with global coordinates of the main window |
static javax.swing.JButton |
createActionButton(javax.swing.Action action, boolean enabled) Creates JButton and ties it with the provided Action , there is a possibility to control its enabling |
static AddGraphQLTestRequestDialog |
createAddGraphQLTestRequestDialog(WsdlProject project, java.lang.String operationType) Creates the GraphQL test request dialog with the provided project |
static AddGraphQLTestRequestDialog |
createAddGraphQLTestRequestDialog(java.lang.String title, java.lang.String description, WsdlProject project, java.lang.String operationType) Creates the GraphQL test request dialog with provided project considering the title and description |
static AddGrpcMethodDialog |
createAddGrpcMethodDialog(java.lang.String title, java.lang.String description, WsdlProject project, GrpcMethod selectedMethod) |
static AddMessageDrivenOperationDialog |
createAddMessageDrivenOperationDialog(java.lang.String title, java.lang.String description, WsdlProject project, BaseMessageDrivenOperation<?> selectedOperation) Creates the dialog that can be used to select either a Kafka subscribe operation or a publish operation. |
static AddRestTestRequestDialog |
createAddRestTestRequestDialog(WsdlProject project) Creates the test rest dialog with provided project |
static AddRestTestRequestDialog |
createAddRestTestRequestDialog(java.lang.String title, java.lang.String description, WsdlProject project) Creates the test rest dialog with provided project considering the title and description |
static AddWsdlTestRequestDialog |
createAddWsdlTestRequestDialog(WsdlProject project) Creates the wsdl test request dialog with the provided project |
static ConfigurationDialog |
createConfigurationDialog(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String helpUrl, java.lang.String description, javax.swing.ImageIcon icon) @deprecated use XForm related classes instead |
static ConfigurationDialog |
createConfigurationDialog(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String helpUrl) @deprecated use XForm related classes instead |
static ConfigurationDialog |
createConfigurationDialog(java.lang.String name) @deprecated use XForm related classes instead |
static javax.swing.ImageIcon |
createCurrentModeIcon(java.lang.String iconPath) Returns the icon for the current mode (usual or color blind) |
static javax.swing.JPanel |
createEmptyPanel(int top, int left, int bottom, int right) Creates a panel with the empty borders that takes up a space but which does no drawing, specifying the width of the top, left, bottom, and right sides. |
static javax.swing.JButton |
createFormButton(javax.swing.Action action) Creates the JButton for toolbar, establishes settings for it and ties it with the action.
static javax.swing.JSplitPane |
createHorizontalSplit() Creates the JSplitPane with horizontal-oriented components |
static javax.swing.JSplitPane |
createHorizontalSplit(java.awt.Component leftComponent, java.awt.Component rightComponent) Creates the JSplitPane with provided horizontal-oriented components |
static javax.swing.ImageIcon |
createImageIcon(java.lang.String path) Creates the ImageIcon with a default luminosity from the provided path |
static javax.swing.ImageIcon |
createImageIcon(java.lang.String path, double luminosity) |
static javax.swing.JLabel |
createLabelExternalLink(java.lang.String url, java.lang.String labelText) |
static javax.swing.JLabel |
createLabelLink(java.net.URL url, java.lang.String labelText) Converts the url to the String and calls UISupport.createLabelLink to create
styled JLabel with provided link |
static javax.swing.JLabel |
createLabelLink(java.lang.String url, java.lang.String labelText) Creates styled Jlabel with a link, where the "Dialog" plain font with 14 size is set, also adds the mouse listener that allows to open a provided link |
static javax.swing.JLabel |
createLabelLink(java.lang.String url, java.lang.String labelText, java.awt.event.MouseListener mouseListener) |
static javax.swing.JPanel |
createPanelWithLearnAboutLink(java.awt.Component contentComponent, javax.swing.JLabel helpLink) Creates the JPanel that contains provided Component at the center and link that is situated below |
static javax.swing.JPanel |
createPlainProgressBarPanel(javax.swing.JProgressBar progressBar, int space) Creates a JPanel with the progress bar on it, specifying individual border style of the panel for Mac OS |
static javax.swing.JPanel |
createProgressBarPanel(javax.swing.JProgressBar progressBar, int space, boolean indeterminate) Creates the progress bar panel |
static javax.swing.ImageIcon |
createSVGIconWithManagerOrDefault(java.lang.String iconPath) Try to create SVG format icon. |
static javax.swing.ImageIcon |
createSVGIconWithManagerOrDefault(java.lang.String iconPath, SVGIconState state) |
static JXToolBar |
createSmallToolbar(java.awt.Color backgroundColor) Creates JXToolbar with initial customization:
- the toolbar can't be dragged into a different position
- appends a separator of size 1 to the end of the tool bar
- the border of the toolbar buttons will be drawn only when the
mouse pointer hovers over them
- sets the client properties Options#HEADER_STYLE_KEY#HEADER_STYLE_KEY and HeaderStyle#SINGLE#SINGLE
- creates empty borders with parameters (top:2, left:2, bottom: 2, right: 2)
- sets minimum size of the toolbar (20x20) |
static JXToolBar |
createSmallToolbar() This function calls UISupport.createSmallToolbar to create JXToolbar with initial customization. |
static javax.swing.JPanel |
createTabPanel(javax.swing.JTabbedPane tabs, boolean addBorder) Creates the JPanel with provided JTabbedPane in the center of it |
static javax.swing.JToggleButton |
createToggleToolbarButton(javax.swing.Action action, java.awt.event.ItemListener itemListener, boolean enabled, boolean selected) Creates toggle toolbar button, adding item listener if the last one was performed, ties it with the action and sets "enabled" and "selected" options |
static JXToolBar |
createToolbar() Creates the JXToolbar with initial customization:
- the toolbar can't be dragged into the different position
- appends a separator of size 1 to the end of the tool bar
- the border of the toolbar buttons will be drawn only when the
mouse pointer hovers over them
- sets the client properties Options#HEADER_STYLE_KEY#HEADER_STYLE_KEY and HeaderStyle#SINGLE#SINGLE
- creates empty borders with parameters (top:3, left:0, bottom: 3, right: 0)
- sets minimum size of the toolbar (20x20) |
static javax.swing.JButton |
createToolbarButton(javax.swing.Action action) Creates the JButton for the toolbar, establishes settings for it and ties it with the action |
static javax.swing.JButton |
createToolbarButton(javax.swing.Action action, boolean enabled) Creates JButton and sets an action to it UISupport.createToolbarButton |
static javax.swing.JButton |
createToolbarButton(javax.swing.ImageIcon icon) Creates a toolbar button |
static javax.swing.JSplitPane |
createVerticalSplit() Creates the JSplitPane with vertical-oriented components |
static javax.swing.JSplitPane |
createVerticalSplit(java.awt.Component topComponent, java.awt.Component bottomComponent) Creates the JSplitPane with provided vertical-oriented components |
static void |
displayItem(ModelItem modelItem, java.lang.String moduleId) Displays the project related artifact (@code ModelItem) in an appropriate module |
static void |
displayItem(ModelItem modelItem, java.lang.String moduleId, boolean forceSelect) Displays the project related artifact (@code ModelItem) in an appropriate module |
static void |
displayModule(java.lang.String moduleId) Activates module with provided String id |
<T> |
static T |
findParentWithClass(java.awt.Component startComponent, java.lang.Class<T> expectedClass) Instantiates the provided component as an instance of specified class |
static void |
forceSelect(ModelItem modelItem) The EventBus notifies all the listeners about the event the user chose some ModelItem with the force select option |
static void |
forceSelect(ModelItem modelItem, boolean updateMainToolbar) The EventBus notifies all the listeners about the event the user chose some ModelItem with the force select option |
static ReadyApiModule |
getActiveModule() Returns the ReadyApiModule object which describes an active module at the moment when the method calls |
static java.lang.String |
getActiveModuleId() Returns the String representation of a module id which is active at the moment when the method calls |
static java.lang.String |
getActiveModuleName() Returns the String representation of a module name which is active at the moment when the method calls |
static AddTestRequestDialogFactory |
getAddTestRequestDialogFactory() Returns the AddTestRequestDialogFactory instance |
static int |
getComponentIndex(java.awt.Container parent, java.awt.Component component) Null safe method; returns an index of the given Component in the parentContainer |
static int |
getDPIAwareFontSize(double scale) |
static double |
getDPIScale() |
static XDialogs |
getDialogs() Returns XDialogs service instance |
static EditorFactory |
getEditorFactory() Returns current EditorFactory |
static java.awt.Font |
getEditorFont() Returns the Font object that represents the editor font accordingly current settings |
static java.awt.Font |
getEditorFont(Settings settings, java.lang.String fontSettingName) Looks for the font in current settings by its name. |
static XFileDialogs |
getFileDialogs() Returns XFileDialog service instance |
static java.util.List<java.awt.Image> |
getFrameIcons() Returns the List of Image s which were saved in UISupport.FRAME_ICON constant |
static java.lang.String |
getIconPath(javax.swing.ImageIcon icon) Null safe method; it performs search process of the provided ImageIcon in UISupport.iconCache |
static java.net.URL |
getImageResourceUrl(java.lang.String path) Accepts a path, returns the URL of the image in the project |
static java.net.URL |
getImageUrlByPath(java.lang.String path) Generates URL from the provided path , using the path UISupport.IMAGES_RESOURCE_PATH |
static javax.swing.KeyStroke |
getKeyStroke(java.lang.String keyStroke) Replaces "menu" in the keyStroke with ctrl or meta depending on getMenuShortcutKeyMask |
static java.lang.String |
getLegacyActiveModuleId() Internally the application consists of modules and there is one active module. |
static java.lang.String |
getLegacyActiveModuleName() Internally the application consists of modules and there is one active module. |
static ModuleType |
getLegacyActiveModuleType() Internally the application consists of modules and there is one active module. |
static java.awt.Frame |
getMainFrame() Returns main frame as a java.awt.Frame instance |
static javax.swing.JToolBar |
getMainToolBar() Returns the main tool bar of ReadyAPI |
static java.awt.event.KeyAdapter |
getOpenUrlKeyAdapter(java.lang.String url) |
static java.awt.event.MouseAdapter |
getOpenUrlMouseAdapter(java.lang.String url) |
static java.awt.Frame |
getParentFrame(java.awt.Component component) Returns parent frame of the input Component |
static java.awt.Dimension |
getPreferredButtonSize() Returns the Dimension that presents program preferred button size |
static java.awt.image.BufferedImage |
getScaledIconImage(java.util.List<java.awt.Image> imageList, int width, int height) Scans imageList for best-looking image of specified dimensions.
static java.awt.Font |
getTextFieldFont() Returns the Font object that represents current text field font |
static ToolHost |
getToolHost() Returns current host for running the ToolRunner s |
static UIUtils |
getUIUtils() Returns the current instance of UIUtils |
static JButtonBar |
initDialogActions(ActionList actions, javax.swing.JDialog dialog) Initializes the JDialogs window actions |
static void |
initDialogActions(javax.swing.JDialog dialog, javax.swing.Action helpAction, javax.swing.JButton defaultButton) Initializes the help action within JDialog |
static JButtonBar |
initFrameActions(ActionList actions, javax.swing.JFrame frame) Initializes the JFrame window actions |
static void |
invokeAndWait(java.lang.Runnable runnable) Places the provided Runnable object into the EDT event queue and waits until the EDT has executed it |
static void |
invokeAndWaitIfNotInEDT(java.lang.Runnable runnable) Checks if current thread is EDT and then tries to call UISupport.invokeAndWait method |
static void |
invokeLater(java.lang.Runnable runnable) Places the provided Runnable object into the EDT event queue and doesn't wait until the EDT has executed it |
static boolean |
isActiveMainFrame(boolean defaultValue) @param defaultValue |
static boolean |
isColorBlindMode() Tells whether the color blind mode is turned on or not |
static boolean |
isComponentChild(java.awt.Component component, java.awt.Component parent) Finds out if the provided component is a child of the given parent no matter how much component are between them. |
static boolean |
isContextMenu(javax.swing.KeyStroke keyStroke) Checks if the keyboard action represents the numeric key code or "shift + f10" key combination for this KeyStroke |
static boolean |
isEnoughSpaceAvailableBelowComponent(java.awt.Point componentLocation, int expandableDialogHeight, int componentHeight) Checks if there is enough space below provided component to place the another one |
static boolean |
isHeadless() Checks if the current environment supports a monitor, mouse and keyboard or not |
static boolean |
isIdePlugin() Checks if SoapUICore in current ApplicationEnvironment is the instance of SwingPluginSoapUICore class |
static boolean |
isLinux() Checks if current OS is Linux |
static boolean |
isMac() Checks if current OS is Mac |
static boolean |
isMenuKey(javax.swing.KeyStroke keyStroke) Checks if the keyboard action represents the numeric key code for the KeyStroke |
static boolean |
isPerPixelTranslucencySupported() Checks if the underlying system for windows contains or might contain pixels with arbitrary alpha values between and including 0.0 and 1.0. |
static boolean |
isSelectModelItems() |
static boolean |
isTabbedDesktop() Detect whether the UI desktop preferences was set as tabbed |
static boolean |
isTranslucencySupported() Checks if the underlying system for windows all of the pixels of which have the same alpha value between or including 0.0 and 1.0. |
static boolean |
isWindows() Checks if current OS is Windows |
static void |
itemDisplayed(ModelItem modelItem) Notify all the listeners about changing in the recent ModelItem displaying |
static javax.swing.ImageIcon |
loadSelectedIcon(javax.swing.ImageIcon baseIcon) Loads "selected" (with inverted colors) version of the baseIcon to show against dark background |
static javax.swing.JLabel |
makeCloseButton(java.lang.Runnable closeAction) Returns the JLabel that represents the close button, with the ImageIcon and MouseListener ,
which handles mouse events, related to the close button |
static java.awt.Image |
modifyImageLuminosity(java.awt.Image rawImage, double luminosity) Modifies the provided image luminosity. |
static java.lang.String |
modifyUrl(java.lang.String url, java.lang.Integer mods) Returns the modified url Next modifiers may be included: - the control modifier, an indicator that the control key was held down during the event - the shift modifier. |
static java.lang.String |
modifyUrl(java.lang.String url, LinkModification linkModification) Modifies the specified String representation of the url according to inner parameters,
trying to grant a full address to the resource |
static int |
mulDiv(int number, int numerator, int denominator) Use it to calculate proper DPI values. |
static void |
notifyOfTestStarted(ModelItem test) Sends a message about test started. |
static void |
notifyOfTestStopped(ModelItem test) Sends a message about test finished. |
static java.lang.String |
prompt(java.lang.String question, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String value) Shows the dialog window with the input, returns the user input from the dialog prompt box |
static java.lang.String |
prompt(java.lang.String question, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String value, java.awt.Font font) Shows the dialog window. |
static java.lang.String |
prompt(java.lang.String question, java.lang.String title) @deprecated use prompt(String question, String title, String value) instead |
<T extends Object> |
static T |
prompt(java.lang.String question, java.lang.String title, T[] objects) Shows the dialog window with options to be chosen. |
<T extends Object> |
static T |
prompt(java.lang.String question, java.lang.String title, T[] objects, java.lang.String value) Shows the dialog window with options to be chosen. |
<T extends Object> |
static T |
prompt(java.lang.String question, java.lang.String title, java.util.List<T> objects) Shows dialog window and returns user choice |
<T extends Object> |
static T |
prompt(java.lang.String question, java.lang.String title, java.util.List<T> objects, java.lang.String value) Shows dialog window and returns user choice |
static void |
promptForRestart(java.lang.String reason) Triggers a restart with null additional arguments variable |
static void |
promptForRestart(java.lang.String reason, java.lang.String additionalArguments) Triggers a restart |
static char[] |
promptPassword(java.lang.String question, java.lang.String title) Shows the dialog window which accepts the password and then returns it as a char sequence |
static void |
refreshMenu() Sends {@RefreshMenuMessage} by EventBus . |
static void |
resetCursor() Sets the default-styled cursor, typically an arrow |
static void |
restoreDialogs() |
static void |
saveWindowBoundsAndState() Saves current state and bounds of the main window. |
static void |
select(ModelItem modelItem) The EventBus notifies all the listeners about the event the user chose some ModelItem |
static DesktopPanel |
selectAndShow(ModelItem modelItem) Associates the provided ModelItem with DesktopPanel and shows it |
static DesktopPanel |
selectAndShow(ModelItem modelItem, java.lang.String moduleId) Associates the provided ModelItem with DesktopPanel and shows it, allows to choose a module as an option
to display on |
static java.lang.String |
selectJsonPath(java.lang.String title, java.lang.String info, java.lang.String json, java.lang.String jsonPath) Shows a dialog window with an input option, returns the input of the JSONPath |
static java.lang.String |
selectXPath(java.lang.String title, java.lang.String info, java.lang.String xml, java.lang.String xpath) Shows a dialog window with an input option, returns the input of the XPath |
static void |
setAddTestRequestDialogFactory(AddTestRequestDialogFactory addTestRequestDialogFactory) Sets the AddTestRequestDialogFactory instance Do not call this method in your environment |
static void |
setDesktopComponents(Navigator navigator, SoapUIDesktop desktop) Sets the Navigator and the SoapUIDesktop components
Do not call this method in you environment |
static void |
setDialogs(XDialogs xDialogs) Sets XDialogs service instance Do not call this method in your environment |
static void |
setDisplayDispatcher(ReadyApiDisplayDispatcher newDisplayDispatcher) Sets new ReadyApiDisplayDispatcher Don't call this method in your environment. |
static void |
setFileDialogs(XFileDialogs xFileDialogs) Sets XFileDialogs service instance Do not call this method in your environment |
static void |
setFixedColumnSize(javax.swing.table.TableColumn column, int width) Sets fixed column width |
<T extends JComponent> |
static T |
setFixedSize(T component, java.awt.Dimension size) Sets the fixed size of the component using the {@Dimension} object |
<T extends JComponent> |
static T |
setFixedSize(T component, int i, int j) Sets the fixed size of the component using the coordinates |
static void |
setHourglassCursor() Sets the hourglass-styled cursor |
static void |
setMainFrame(java.awt.Component frame) Sets the main frame of this application. |
static void |
setPreferredHeight(java.awt.Component component, int height) Sets height of the provided Component |
static void |
setSelectModelItems(boolean value) |
static void |
setToolHost(ToolHost host) Sets current host for running the ToolRunners Do not call this method in your environment |
static void |
setUIUtils(UIUtils utils) Sets UIUtils instance Do not use this method in your environment |
static DesktopPanel |
showDesktopPanel(ModelItem modelItem) Associates the provided ModelItem with DesktopPanel and shows it |
static DesktopPanel |
showDesktopPanel(DesktopPanel desktopPanel, java.lang.String moduleId) Displays the provided module, if it hasn't been displayed yet and shows the provided desktop panel |
static void |
showDesktopPanel(java.lang.String moduleId) Null safe method; displays the provided module |
static DesktopPanel |
showDesktopPanel(DesktopPanel desktopPanel) Shows the provided desktop panel |
static void |
showDialog(javax.swing.JDialog dialog) Shows JDialog at the center of the screen |
static void |
showErrorMessage(java.lang.String message) Null safe method that shows an error dialog. |
static void |
showErrorMessage(java.lang.Throwable ex) Shows an error message in the html text format |
static void |
showExtendedInfo(java.lang.String title, java.lang.String description, java.lang.String content, java.awt.Dimension size) Show extended information window |
static void |
showExtendedXmlInfo(java.lang.String title, java.lang.String description, java.lang.String content, java.lang.String Url, int line, int column, java.lang.String resourcePath) Shows extended info dialog window |
static void |
showInfoMessage(java.lang.String message) Shows the info dialog window to the user |
static void |
showInfoMessage(java.lang.String message, java.lang.String title) Shows a window with the information message with the title |
static boolean |
showInfoMessageDontAsk(java.lang.String infoMessage, java.lang.String title) Shows the dialog window and returns user decision about "don't show again" checkbox which is situated on it |
static boolean |
showInfoMessageDontAsk(java.lang.String infoMessage, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String helpLinkText, java.lang.String helpLinkUrl) Shows the dialog window and returns user's decision about the "Don't show again" checkbox which is located on it |
static int |
showInfoWithCustomPanel(java.lang.String title, java.awt.Component panel, java.lang.String[] options, int optionIndex) Shows extended info dialog window with custom options |
static void |
showLicenseError(java.lang.String content) Shows license error dialog window |
static int |
showOptionButtons(java.lang.String question, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String... buttons) Shows dialog window with custom options. |
static void |
showPlainErrorMessage(java.lang.Throwable ex) Shows an error message in the plain text format |
static void |
showPlainInfoMessage(java.lang.String message) Null safe method; Shows the extended info dialog window, if the length of the message is higher than
UISupport.EXTENDED_MESSAGE_THRESHOLD, else it shows common info dialog window |
static void |
showPopup(javax.swing.JPopupMenu popup, javax.swing.JComponent invoker, java.awt.Point p) Shows popup menu, sets the invoker of this popup menu |
static boolean |
stopCellEditing(javax.swing.JTable table) Tells the editor to stop editing and accept any partially edited value as the value of the editor. |
static void |
styleProgressBar(javax.swing.JProgressBar progressBar, boolean indeterminate) Stylizes progress bar |
static void |
suppressErrorDialogs() Ensures that no error dialogs will be displayed until the restoreDialogs() method is called. |
static void |
updateCurrentDpiScale() |
static void |
updateToolbarState(ToolbarStateProvider toolbarStateProvider) Sends a message to update main toolbar state. |
static java.awt.Component |
wrapInEmptyPanel(javax.swing.JComponent component, javax.swing.border.Border border) Wraps the provided component with a new JPanel and sets the borders of that panel |
static int |
yesYesToAllOrNo(java.lang.String question, java.lang.String title) Shows dialog window with three specified options, returns user decision as an integer within the dialog window with three possible answers: - Yes - Yes to all - No |
Methods inherited from class | Name |
class java.lang.Object |
java.lang.Object#wait(long), java.lang.Object#wait(long, int), java.lang.Object#wait(), java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object), java.lang.Object#toString(), java.lang.Object#hashCode(), java.lang.Object#getClass(), java.lang.Object#notify(), java.lang.Object#notifyAll() |
Relative path to the icon used when the button is disabled
Relative path to the icon used when the cursor is over the button
The relative path to the image that depicts a cross (8x8)
The relative path to the image that depicts a cross (6x6)
The relative to the image that depicts a cross (8x8) on hover
The name of the default font
The default size of the font
Default luminosity constant
The number that determines if the message extended or not. If the length of the message is higher than that constant, it regards as extended
The String
that represents relative paths of ReadyAPI icon in 4 different definitions split by semicolon:
- 16x16
- 32x32
- 48x48
- 256x256
The Icon
object that depicts [+]
The Icon
object that depicts selected [+]
The Icon
object that depicts hovered [+]
The Icon
object that depicts [-]
The Icon
object that depicts selected [-]
The Icon
object that depicts hovered [-]
The project folder with the image resources
The background color which is used in the project as a default color for Mac OS
The progress bar line border color which is used in the project as a default color for Mac OS
The String
representation of the main frame id
The "options" icon that could be found by UISupport.OPTIONS_ICON_PATH
The relative path to the image that depicts tools
The relative path to the image that depicts magnifying glass
The Dimension
object that represents the size of the toolbar buttons
The "tool" icon that could be found by UISupport.TOOL_ICON_PATH
The relative path to the image that depicts a gear
Add a classloader to find resources.
- provided ClassLoader
Adds an action which will be performed on given JRootPane
- the provided JRootPane
object with which the escape action should be tiedonEscapeAction
- the action which will be performed when the user pushes "esc" button Creates the PreviewCorner
(popup) that closes after click with the scroll pane
- the provided scroll paneforceScrollbars
- determines whether the horizontal and vertical scroll will be appeared on
the Preview corner
, if true
they will be appeared, false
- they will notPreviewCorner
Add a classloader to find resources.
- provided ClassLoader
Adds the titled border to the existing component's border
- the provided component where the titled border should be addedtitle
- the title of the border
- any instance, the class of which extends javax.swing.JComponent Adds the listener to the JComboBox
- provided JComboBox
on which the tooltip will be addeddefaultTooltip
- the text to display in a tooltipJComboBox
with the listenerEmits an audio beep depending on native system settings and hardware capabilities
Creates a new JLabel
using the default BOLD styled font with size increased by 1.1
- the provided text to be represented in the JLabel
with provided textCreates a new JLabel using the default BOLD styled font
- the provided text to be represented in the JLabel
with provided textCreates the DescriptionPanel with the provided options
- the description of the panelicon
- the icon of the panelCreates the DescriptionPanel with the provided options
- the title of the panelstring
- the description of the panelicon
- the icon of the panelBuilds the panel with two components, which is matched creating panel with toolbar
- the JComponent
which will be placed on the top of the panelcontent
- the JComponent
which will be placed in the center of the panelJPanel
with provided componentsBuilds the panel with three components, which is matched creating panel with toolbar and status bar
- the JComponent
which will be placed on the top of the panelcontent
- the JComponent
which will be placed in the center of the panelbottom
- the JComponent
which will be placed on the bottom of the panelJPanel
with provided componentsCreates a new JLabel using the default styled font the size of which is increased by 1.4
- the provided text to be represented in the JLabel
with provided textCentralize the provided dialog window
- the window to be centralized Centralize the dialog window considering the next parameters:
- the visibility of the owner
- local graphics environment java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment#getLocalGraphicsEnvironment()
- current position of the main frame
- the dialog to be centralizedowner
- null safe parameter, the parent window of the dialog window. In case of null, owner considers the
bounds of the default configurationCloses the desktop panel
- the panel to be closedShows the dialog window for confirmation, returns the user decision within it
- the content of the dialog windowtitle
- the title of the dialog windowtrue
if user agreed, false
otherwiseShows the dialog window for confirmation, returns the user decision within it. The parent of the dialog window is determined as a provided parameter
- the content of the dialog windowtitle
- the title of the dialog windowparent
- the parent Component
of the dialog windowtrue
in case of agreement, false
otherwiseShows the dialog window for confirmation, receives the user answer and also checks the mark in "don't ask" checkbox
- the content of the dialog windowtitle
- the title of the dialog windowShows extended info dialog window and return the user action
- the title of the dialog windowdescription
- null safe parameter; the description of the dialog windowcontent
- the content of the dialog windowsize
- null safe parameter; sets the size of the dialog window; if null the default size is 400x300true
if the user confirmed the information in dialog window, false
otherwiseShows the dialog window with the option to be chosen, returns the answer of the user within the borders of dialog window
- the content of the dialog windowtitle
- the title of the dialog windowtrue
if the user confirms dialog message, else returns false
Shows extended info dialog window and return the user choice
- the title of the dialog windowdescription
- null safe parameter; the description of the dialog windowcontent
- the content of the dialog windowsize
- null safe parameter; sets the size of the dialog window; if null the default size is 400x300true
if the user confirmed the information in dialog window, false
if he cancelledConverts a point, considering accepted coordinates within the provided component, into the point with global coordinates of the main window
- the initial Component
the coordinates of which is considered as an initial point for convertingparentX
- the initial x coordinate to be convertedparentY
- the initial y coordinate to be convertedPoint
with global coordinates Creates JButton
and ties it with the provided Action
, there is a possibility to control its enabling
- the provided Action
that should be tied with the buttonenabled
- the boolean
variable that shows is the provided action is enabled or notJButton
which was tied with the provided actionCreates the GraphQL test request dialog with the provided project
- the provided wsdl projectCreates the GraphQL test request dialog with provided project considering the title and description
- the title of the dialogdescription
- the description of the dialogproject
- the provided REST projectCreates the dialog that can be used to select either a Kafka subscribe operation or a publish operation. The provided selected operation will be selected in the shown tree of Kafka operations. Please note that in that tree there will be operations only of the type of the provided operation. For example, if the provided operation is a subscribe operation then the tree will contain only subscribe operations.
- the title of the dialogdescription
- the description of the dialogproject
- the provided projectCreates the test rest dialog with provided project
- the provided rest projectCreates the test rest dialog with provided project considering the title and description
- the title of the projectdescription
- the description of the projectproject
- the provided rest projectCreates the wsdl test request dialog with the provided project
- the provided wsdl projectReturns the icon for the current mode (usual or color blind)
- the path to the iconCreates a panel with the empty borders that takes up a space but which does no drawing, specifying the width of the top, left, bottom, and right sides.
- the width of the top borderleft
- the width of the left borderbottom
- the width of the bottom borderright
- the width of the right borderJPanel
with empty borders Creates the JButton
for toolbar, establishes settings for it and ties it with the action.
Also sets the cursor as a hand on hover
- the provided action which should be assigned to the buttonJButton
for toolbar Creates the JSplitPane
with horizontal-oriented components
with horizontal-oriented components on it Creates the JSplitPane
with provided horizontal-oriented components
- the first component that will be added to the JSplitPane
- the second component that will be added to the JSplitPane
with horizontal-oriented components on it Creates the ImageIcon
with a default luminosity from the provided path
- the path to the imageImageIcon
with a default luminosity from the provided path Converts the url to the String
and calls UISupport.createLabelLink to create
styled JLabel
with provided link
- the provided URL
- the provided text for the labelCreates styled Jlabel with a link, where the "Dialog" plain font with 14 size is set, also adds the mouse listener that allows to open a provided link
- the provided link to be added in labelText
- the provided text which represents url
with link and listener Creates the JPanel
that contains provided Component
at the center and link that is situated below
- the Component
that should be placed on the resulting JPanel
at the centerhelpLink
- the JLabel
that should be placed on the resulting JPanel
with provided elements on it Creates a JPanel
with the progress bar on it, specifying individual border style of the panel for Mac OS
- the JProgressBar
which should be included in the panelspace
- the width of the bordersJPanel
with the JProgressBar
on itCreates the progress bar panel
- the provided JProgressBar
to be installed on the panelspace
- the width of the panel bordersindeterminate
- sets whether the progress bar is indeterminate (true) or normal (false).JPanel
with the progress bar on itTry to create SVG format icon. If SVGCollectionManager contains it, it will be returned, else - UISupport.createImageIcon will be used to crete an icon.
Creates JXToolbar
with initial customization:
- the toolbar can't be dragged into a different position
- appends a separator of size 1 to the end of the tool bar
- the border of the toolbar buttons will be drawn only when the
mouse pointer hovers over them
- sets the client properties Options#HEADER_STYLE_KEY#HEADER_STYLE_KEY and HeaderStyle#SINGLE#SINGLE
- creates empty borders with parameters (top:2, left:2, bottom: 2, right: 2)
- sets minimum size of the toolbar (20x20)
- the color of the toolbar background.JXToolbar
with initial customization. This function calls UISupport.createSmallToolbar
to create JXToolbar
with initial customization.
with initial customization. Creates the JPanel
with provided JTabbedPane
in the center of it
- the provided JTabbedPane
- if true
there will be gray borders, in case of false
there will be no borders for this tabJPanel
with provided JTabbedPane
on itCreates toggle toolbar button, adding item listener if the last one was performed, ties it with the action and sets "enabled" and "selected" options
- the provided action for the toggle toolbar buttonitemListener
- null safe parameter; the listener that was added to the buttonenabled
- sets if the button is enabledselected
- sets if the button is selectedJToggleButton
with configured parameter Creates the JXToolbar
with initial customization:
- the toolbar can't be dragged into the different position
- appends a separator of size 1 to the end of the tool bar
- the border of the toolbar buttons will be drawn only when the
mouse pointer hovers over them
- sets the client properties Options#HEADER_STYLE_KEY#HEADER_STYLE_KEY and HeaderStyle#SINGLE#SINGLE
- creates empty borders with parameters (top:3, left:0, bottom: 3, right: 0)
- sets minimum size of the toolbar (20x20)
with initial customization Creates the JButton
for the toolbar, establishes settings for it and ties it with the action
- the javax.swing.Action object to be related to the new JButton
Creates JButton
and sets an action to it UISupport.createToolbarButton
- the action to be tied with the buttonenabled
- the button parameter that shows if the button should be enabledJButton
with the tied action and enabling optionCreates a toolbar button
- the icon of the buttonJButton
Creates the JSplitPane
with vertical-oriented components
with vertical-oriented components on it Creates the JSplitPane
with provided vertical-oriented components
- the first component that will be added to the JSplitPane
- the second component that will be added to the JSplitPane
with vertical-oriented components on itDisplays the project related artifact (
- the artifact to be displayedmoduleId
- null safe parameter; the module in which the modelItem
should be displayed.
If null, the method will try to find appropriate module to display the item.Displays the project related artifact (
- the artifact to be displayedmoduleId
- null safe parameter; the module in which the modelItem
should be displayed.
If null, the method will try to find appropriate module to display the item.forceSelect
- a flag to select the item even if the current item is in the same project Activates module with provided String
- provided id of the module to be displayedInstantiates the provided component as an instance of specified class
- the initial component to be instantiatedexpectedClass
- the class, with the help of which the initial component should be instantiated
- coincides with the T of the expected class The EventBus
notifies all the listeners about the event the user chose some ModelItem
with the force select option
- the ModelItem
is chosen by the user The EventBus
notifies all the listeners about the event the user chose some ModelItem
with the force select option
- the ModelItem
is chosen by the userupdateMainToolbar
- defines whether handlers need to update the main toolbar or not Returns the ReadyApiModule
object which describes an active module at the moment when the method calls
object which describes an active module at the moment when the method calls Returns the String
representation of a module id which is active at the moment when the method calls
representation of a module id which is active at the moment when the method calls Returns the String
representation of a module name which is active at the moment when the method calls
representation of a module name which is active at the moment when the method calls Returns the AddTestRequestDialogFactory
instance Null safe method; returns an index of the given Component
in the parentContainer
- the parent Container
that should includecomponent
- the provided component to be foundparent
doesn't contain provided component
, else returns the index of the component
in the containerReturns XDialogs service instance
service instanceReturns current EditorFactory
Returns the Font
object that represents the editor font accordingly current settings
object that represents the editor font accordingly current settingsLooks for the font in current settings by its name. If there is no identity, returns the default font
- current settingsfontSettingName
- the name of the font that should be foundReturns XFileDialog service instance
service instance Returns the List
of Image
s which were saved in UISupport.FRAME_ICON constant
of Image
s that represent frame icons Null safe method; it performs search process of the provided ImageIcon
in UISupport.iconCache
- the provided ImageIcon
to be foundImageIcon
, if it is placed in icon cache, returns empty path if provided ImageIcon
is null
and in any other case Accepts a path, returns the URL
of the image in the project
- the path which helps to construct the URL Generates URL from the provided path
, using the path UISupport.IMAGES_RESOURCE_PATH
- the path to be converted to URLURL
, else returns nullReplaces "menu" in the keyStroke with ctrl or meta depending on getMenuShortcutKeyMask
- the key action on the keyboardKeyStroke
with replaced "menu" itemsInternally the application consists of modules and there is one active module. This method returns the active internal module id. The value may differ from getActiveModuleId
object that corresponds to the active internal module idInternally the application consists of modules and there is one active module. This method returns the active internal module name. The value may differ from getActiveModuleName
object that corresponds to the active internal module nameInternally the application consists of modules and there is one active module. This method returns the active internal module type. The value may differ from the type of the module returned by getActiveModule
object that corresponds to the active internal module typeReturns main frame as a java.awt.Frame instance
Returns the main tool bar of ReadyAPI
Returns parent frame of the input Component
- the Component
which parent frame should be gotFrame
of provided component
or the main frame UISupport.getMainFrame Returns the Dimension
that presents program preferred button size
that presents program preferred button size Scans imageList
for best-looking image of specified dimensions.
Image can be scaled and/or padded with transparency.
See {sun.awt.SunToolkit#getScaledIconImage(java.util.List, int, int)} for more details
Returns the Font
object that represents current text field font
object that represents current text field font
{@see UISettings#TEXT_FIELD_FONT} Returns current host for running the ToolRunner
instanceReturns the current instance of UIUtils
Initializes the JDialogs
window actions
- the provided list of actions every one of which should be setdialog
- the dialog window where provided actions must take placeJButtonBar
Initializes the help action within JDialog
- provided JDialog
where the provided action should be initializedhelpAction
- null safe parameter, if initialized it will be set as a "help" actiondefaultButton
- null safe parameter, if exists initialized it will be set in the dialog window as default button Initializes the JFrame
window actions
- the provided list of actions every one of which should be setframe
- the frame where provided actions must take placeJButtonBar
Places the provided Runnable
object into the EDT event queue and waits until the EDT has executed it
- provided object that implements java.lang.Runnable interfaceChecks if current thread is EDT and then tries to call UISupport.invokeAndWait method
- the provided object that implements java.lang.Runnable interface Places the provided Runnable
object into the EDT event queue and doesn't wait until the EDT has executed it
- provided object that implements java.lang.Runnable interface
Tells whether the color blind mode is turned on or not
Finds out if the provided component is a child of the given parent no matter how much component are between them.
- to be checkedparent
- targeted parent to be compare withtrue
if parent is a parent of the provided component indeed, false
otherwise Checks if the keyboard action represents the numeric key code or "shift + f10" key combination for this KeyStroke
- the key action on the keyboardtrue
if provided keyStroke
code equals 525 or it's the key combination of
shift and f10, false
otherwiseChecks if there is enough space below provided component to place the another one
- the left upper Point
on the checked component with x, y coordinates
that shows its current locationexpandableDialogHeight
- the height of the component, for which the place should be picked outcomponentHeight
- the height of the provided componenttrue
if there is enough place below the component to place another one, also when it can't find
graphics configuration, false
otherwiseChecks if the current environment supports a monitor, mouse and keyboard or not
if current environment supports above-listed devices, returns true
otherwiseChecks if SoapUICore in current ApplicationEnvironment is the instance of SwingPluginSoapUICore class
if SoapUICore in current ApplicationEnvironment is the instance of
SwingPluginSoapUICore class, false
otherwiseChecks if current OS is Linux
if current OS is Linux, false
otherwiseChecks if current OS is Mac
if current OS is Mac, false
otherwise Checks if the keyboard action represents the numeric key code for the KeyStroke
- the key action on the keyboardtrue
if provided keyStroke
code equals 525, false
otherwiseChecks if the underlying system for windows contains or might contain pixels with arbitrary alpha values between and including 0.0 and 1.0.
if the underlying system supports per-pixel translucency, false
otherwiseDetect whether the UI desktop preferences was set as tabbed
Checks if the underlying system for windows all of the pixels of which have the same alpha value between or including 0.0 and 1.0.
if the underlying system supports translucency, false
otherwiseChecks if current OS is Windows
if current OS is Windows, false
otherwise Notify all the listeners about changing in the recent ModelItem
- the artifact to be displayed Loads "selected" (with inverted colors) version of the baseIcon
to show against dark background
- the icon with normal colors Returns the JLabel
that represents the close button, with the ImageIcon
and MouseListener
which handles mouse events, related to the close button
- the action that runs if the button was clickedJLabel
with the ImageIcon
and MouseListener
Modifies the provided image luminosity.
- the provided image which luminosity should be changedluminosity
- the desired luminosity levelImage
with the desired luminosity levelReturns the modified url Next modifiers may be included: - the control modifier, an indicator that the control key was held down during the event - the shift modifier. An indicator that the shift key was held down during the event - the alt modifier. An indicator that the alt key was held down during the event.
- the provided String
representation of urlmods
- the modification of the actionString
representation of url Modifies the specified String
representation of the url according to inner parameters,
trying to grant a full address to the resource
- null safe parameter, the String
representation of URLlinkModification
- the modification of the eventString
Use it to calculate proper DPI values.
- Default height or width in default DPI (e.g. - DEFAULT_DPI_VALUE).numerator
- Current DPI value.denominator
- Default DPI value.Sends a message about test started. Puts the test to the TestMonitor running objects list.
- A test have been started.Sends a message about test finished. Removes the test from the TestMonitor running objects list.
- A test have been stopped.Shows the dialog window with the input, returns the user input from the dialog prompt box
- the content of the dialog windowtitle
- the title of the dialog windowvalue
- value of the inputvalue
or a code means that user cancelled the inputShows the dialog window. Returns the user input from the dialog prompt box considering a font
- the content of the dialog windowtitle
- the title of the dialogvalue
- value of the inputfont
- the font of the dialogvalue
or code means that user cancelled the inputShows the dialog window with options to be chosen. Returns initial object that represents the value that the user has chosen
- the text in the dialog windowtitle
- the title of the dialog windowobjects
- the possible variants of the user answer in the dialog window
- should extends java.lang.ObjectObject
that represents user answerShows the dialog window with options to be chosen. Returns initial object that represents the value that user has chosen
- the text in the dialog windowtitle
- the title of the dialog windowobjects
- possible variants of the user answer in the dialog windowvalue
- the initial chosen value
- should extends java.lang.ObjectObject
that represents user answerShows dialog window and returns user choice
- the content of the dialog windowtitle
- the title of the dialog windowobjects
- the selection values of the dialog window
- selected value of the dialog window, must be represented by any Object
Shows dialog window and returns user choice
- the content of the dialog windowtitle
- the title of the dialog windowobjects
- the selection values of the dialog windowvalue
- initially selected value
- selected value of the dialog window, must be represented by any Object
Triggers a restart with null additional arguments variable
- the reason for restartTriggers a restart
- the message that provides a reason to restart for (@code RestartRequestMessage)additionalArguments
- the additional arguments for (@code RestartRequestMessage)Shows the dialog window which accepts the password and then returns it as a char sequence
- the content of the dialog windowtitle
- the title if the dialog window Sends {@RefreshMenuMessage} by EventBus
. Handler refreshes availability for all items in the main menu.
Sets the default-styled cursor, typically an arrow
Saves current state and bounds of the main window.
The EventBus
notifies all the listeners about the event the user chose some ModelItem
- the ModelItem
is chosen by the user Associates the provided ModelItem
with DesktopPanel and shows it
- the provided ModelItem
to be associatedDesktopPanel
with the provided ModelItem
Associates the provided ModelItem
with DesktopPanel and shows it, allows to choose a module as an option
to display on
- the artifact to be shownmoduleId
- the id of the module that will be activatedDesktopPanel
with displayed objectsShows a dialog window with an input option, returns the input of the JSONPath
- the title of the dialog windowinfo
- the content of the dialog windowjson
- the provided JSONjsonPath
- the provided JSONPathShows a dialog window with an input option, returns the input of the XPath
- the title of the dialog windowinfo
- the content of the dialog windowxml
- the provided xmlxpath
- the provided XPathSets the AddTestRequestDialogFactory instance Do not call this method in your environment
- the provided XFileDialogs
object Sets the Navigator
and the SoapUIDesktop
Do not call this method in you environment
- the provided Navigator
- the provided SoapUIDesktop
instanceSets XDialogs service instance Do not call this method in your environment
- provided XDialog
objectSets new ReadyApiDisplayDispatcher Don't call this method in your environment.
- the provided ReadyApiDisplayDispatcherSets XFileDialogs service instance Do not call this method in your environment
- the provided XFileDialogs
objectSets fixed column width
- the column which size should be setwidth
- the provided widthSets the fixed size of the component using the {@Dimension} object
- the component which size should be setsize
- the size that should be set provided by the Dimension
- the type of the componentComponent
with the changed sizeSets the fixed size of the component using the coordinates
- the provided componenti
- the x coordinate that will be set as a width of the componentj
- the y coordinate that will be set as a height of the component
- the type of the componentComponent
with the changed sizeSets the hourglass-styled cursor
Sets the main frame of this application. This is only used when running under Swing.
- the Component
to be set Sets height of the provided Component
- the component which height should be setheight
- the desirable height of the componentSets current host for running the ToolRunners Do not call this method in your environment
- provided ToolHost
to be setSets UIUtils instance Do not use this method in your environment
- the provided instance of UIUtils
Associates the provided ModelItem
with DesktopPanel and shows it
- the provided ModelItem
to be associated withDesktopPanel
with the provided ModelItem
Displays the provided module, if it hasn't been displayed yet and shows the provided desktop panel
- provided DesktopPanel
- null safe parameter; the String
representation of a module idDesktopPanel
of the provided moduleNull safe method; displays the provided module
- the String
representation of the module id. If it is equal to active module, the method won't workShows the provided desktop panel
- the desktop panel to be shownDesktopPanel
to be shownShows JDialog at the center of the screen
- the JDialog
to be shown at the center of the screenNull safe method that shows an error dialog. If the length of the error message more than UISupport.EXTENDED_MESSAGE_THRESHOLD, shows the error dialog with extended info
- the error messageShows an error message in the html text format
- the provided exceptionShow extended information window
- the title of the windowdescription
- the description of the windowcontent
- the content of the windowsize
- the size of the windowShows extended info dialog window
- the title of the dialog windowdescription
- null safe parameter; the description of the dialog windowcontent
- the content of the dialog windowUrl
- null safe parameter; the url to be shown in the dialog windowline
- line quantity in the provided dialog windowcolumn
- column quantity in the provided windowresourcePath
- null safe parameter; the resource path to be shown in the dialog windowShows the info dialog window to the user
- the message of the dialog windowShows a window with the information message with the title
- the message that should be showntitle
- the title of the windowShows the dialog window and returns user decision about "don't show again" checkbox which is situated on it
- the message in the dialog windowtitle
- the title of the dialog windowtrue
if the "Don't show again" checkbox is checked; false
otherwiseShows the dialog window and returns user's decision about the "Don't show again" checkbox which is located on it
- the message in the dialog windowtitle
- the title of the dialog windowhelpLinkText
- the text of the help link in the dialoghelpLinkUrl
- the URL of the help link in the dialogtrue
if the "Don't show again" checkbox is checked; false
otherwiseShows extended info dialog window with custom options
- the title of the dialog windowpanel
- the parent component of the dialog windowoptions
- the possible variants of choiceoptionIndex
- the initial valueShows license error dialog window
- the content of the messageShows dialog window with custom options. Returns an integer indicating the option chosen by the user when the custom buttons are provided
- the content of the dialog windowtitle
- the title of the dialog windowbuttons
- the provided names of the buttons in the dialog windowCLOSED_OPTION
if the user closed
the dialogShows an error message in the plain text format
- the provided exception Null safe method; Shows the extended info dialog window, if the length of the message
is higher than
UISupport.EXTENDED_MESSAGE_THRESHOLD, else it shows common info dialog window
- the content of the dialog windowShows popup menu, sets the invoker of this popup menu
- the provided JPoppupMenu
- the component in which the popup menu menu is to be displayedp
- the Point
which coordinates is used to set popup menu location on the screenTells the editor to stop editing and accept any partially edited value as the value of the editor.
- the table in which editing is carried outfalse
if editing was not stopped, true
otherwiseStylizes progress bar
- the provided progress bar to be stylizedindeterminate
- sets whether the progress bar is indeterminate (true) or normal (false).Ensures that no error dialogs will be displayed until the restoreDialogs() method is called. NOTE: This change is permanent, so you generally want to use this with care and put a call to restoreDialogs() in a finally clause, e.g:
try { UISupport.suppressErrorDialogs(); importProject(); } finally { UISupport.restoreDialogs(); }Sends a message to update main toolbar state.
- State provider. Wraps the provided component with a new JPanel
and sets the borders of that panel
- the Component
to be added on new JPanel
- the Border
to be wrapped round the new panelComponent
-wrapper for the provided JComponent
with specified bordersShows dialog window with three specified options, returns user decision as an integer within the dialog window with three possible answers: - Yes - Yes to all - No
- the content of the dialog windowtitle
- the title of the dialog windowCLOSED_OPTION
if the user closed
the dialog