public abstract class GraphQLTestRequestWithSchema extends GraphQLRequest implements GraphQLTestRequestInterface
Constructor and description |
(GraphQLOperation operation, GraphQLRequestConfig config, GraphQLTestRequestTestStepWithSchema testStep, boolean forLoadTest) |
Type Params | Return Type | Name and description |
public TestAssertion |
addAssertion(java.lang.String selectionLabel) |
public void |
addAssertionsListener(AssertionsListener listener) |
public TestAssertionConfig |
addNewAssertion() |
public TestProperty |
addProperty(java.lang.String name) |
public void |
addTestPropertyListener(TestPropertyListener listener) |
public void |
assertResponse(SubmitContext context) |
public boolean |
canAssert(java.lang.String assertionId) |
public TestAssertion |
cloneAssertion(TestAssertion source, java.lang.String name) |
public java.lang.String |
getAssertableContent() |
public java.lang.String |
getAssertableContentAsXml() |
public java.lang.String |
getAssertableMetadata() |
public AssertableType |
getAssertableType() |
public WsdlMessageAssertion |
getAssertionAt(int index) |
public TestAssertion |
getAssertionByName(java.lang.String name) |
public int |
getAssertionCount() |
public java.util.List<TestAssertionConfig> |
getAssertionList() |
public java.util.List<TestAssertion> |
getAssertionList() |
public AssertionStatus |
getAssertionStatus() |
public java.util.Map<java.lang.String, TestAssertion> |
getAssertions() |
public java.lang.String |
getDefaultAssertableContent() |
public javax.swing.ImageIcon |
getIcon() |
public Interface |
getInterface() |
public JMSPropertiesConfig |
getJMSPropertiesConfig(boolean createIfNotSet) |
public ModelItem |
getModelItem() |
public ModelItem |
getParent() |
public java.util.Map<java.lang.String, TestProperty> |
getProperties() |
public java.lang.String |
getPropertiesLabel() |
public TestProperty |
getProperty(java.lang.String name) |
public RestParamProperty |
getPropertyAt(int index) |
public int |
getPropertyCount() |
public java.util.List<TestProperty> |
getPropertyList() |
public java.lang.String[] |
getPropertyNames() |
public java.lang.String |
getPropertyValue(java.lang.String name) |
public java.lang.String |
getResponseContentAsString() |
public WsdlTestCase |
getTestCase() |
public WsdlTestStep |
getTestStep() |
public boolean |
hasProperty(java.lang.String name) |
public WsdlMessageAssertion |
importAssertion(WsdlMessageAssertion source, boolean overwrite, boolean createCopy, java.lang.String newName) |
public TestAssertionConfig |
insertAssertion(TestAssertionConfig source, int ix) |
public TestAssertion |
insertAssertion(TestAssertion assertion, int index) |
public boolean |
isDiscardResponse() |
public TestAssertion |
moveAssertion(int ix, int offset) |
public void |
moveProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, int targetIndex) |
public void |
removeAssertion(int ix) |
public void |
removeAssertion(TestAssertion assertion) |
public void |
removeAssertionsListener(AssertionsListener listener) |
public TestProperty |
removeProperty(java.lang.String propertyName) |
public void |
removeTestPropertyListener(TestPropertyListener listener) |
public boolean |
renameProperty(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String newName) |
public void |
resolve(ResolveContext<?> context) |
public void |
setDiscardResponse(boolean discardResponse) |
public void |
setPropertyValue(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value) |
public void |
setResponse(HttpResponse response, SubmitContext context) |
public void |
updateConfig(GraphQLRequestConfig request) |
ReadyAPI functional (soapui-pro) SDK 3.58.0